» Drama » Teen Mother, Celestina A. [best chinese ebook reader txt] 📗

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I’ll text you” and I gave him my number, then he left. I went to go find steph and then I see Danny with his girlfriend and they were arguing and I walked away and then I kept looking back and then I turned back around and I walked up to them and then I said “Hey what’s going on” and she said “go away you’re the whole reason we’re arguing and why are you taking her to the concert and not me” and he said “no the whole reason we’re arguing is because your jealous of her and you don’t like linkin park and I think she’s cool” and she said “oh my God and your date with him is over he is off limits” and I said “whoa don’t raise your hand at me and so what he can’t hang out with girls” and then she hit me and said “shut the fuck up” and then Danny said “what the hell is wrong with you why did you hit her” and he was trying to keep me on the floor because he seen me fight with other people so he knows but that’s why he was keeping me on the floor and she walked away.

“Man what is wrong with her” I said to Danny and he said “I think she’s just jealous because she hates mostly everything and everybody and don’t take it personally but she hates you a lot for some reason”. Me and Danny were talking the whole time I was there at the mall and he made me laugh and I made him laugh I mean he’s a cool guy he’s smart, funny and he’s sexy (lol). Then he told me that he wanted to take his girlfriend to the fair and she doesn’t like the fair because it sucks and he asked if I ever wanted to go and I said yeah then he told me “your my type of girl Jordan your sweet, kind, and your kinda hot” and I looked at him and I said “kinda?” and he said " im kidding your hot, want to go out with me?” and I said “yeah” and he said “cool I’ll text you later because I need to go take care of sister” and I said “Ok I’ll see you later but you better break up with that bitch” and he said “ok I will love you” and I was shocked because I never heard those words coming directly at me and I was stupid to say “ok” and he walked away and all I was thinking was great I just screwed up my chances with this guy.

Chapter 7: My first relationship

Saturday morning, I got a text from Danny saying that he wanted to have breakfast and I text him back saying ok and I called steph and I told her “what should I wear Danny is taking me to breakfast and I don’t want to look stupid” and she said “just come with me because your clothes are boring” then she gave me a dress which I don’t wear very often. It was a blue short mini dress and I’m not really a girly girl, I’m more of a regular girl that wears anything but dresses or skirts anyways as I’m getting ready, the doorbell rang and Leslie went to go answer it and it was Danny and I was nervous because I wasn’t ready and I was upset and Leslie said “hey Jordan your hunky is here” and I said “ok I’ll be right down” and then Jason came in because he wanted to talk to Danny and then Jason said “hello Danny I heard alot about you” and then Danny said “thanks and you are?”. Then Jason was asking him a bunch of questions like, “do you like my sister, will you do anything to hurt her, are you going to cheat on her and where do you live” and those questions were ridiculous I mean he was acting like a dad and I never told Danny about my whole life, I just told him the basics like: where I was from, what my hobbies are and my favorite sports, you know that kind of stuff. But I never actually told what happened over the years with Diana and john but I need to get to know this kid before I tell him anything about my social life, then as soon as I finished getting ready I ran downstairs because I did not want Jason telling Danny about what had happen over the years.

Danny got up from the table and he looked at me and he said “wow you look beautiful” and I said “thanks you too, I meant handsome” and Jason said “nice Jordan, so where you going?” I rolled my eyes and I looked at Jason and said “don’t you have homework to do” and he said “that’s Sunday’s problem today I get to do what I want or go where I want” and I said “go upstairs and help your sister with the twins” and Jason walked upstairs and said “Don’t be late Stephanie’s mom is making steak”. “Anyways are you ready to go?” I said to Danny and he said “yeah” and he held the door for me and he let me go first and I was thinking to myself this guy is a gentlemen and he’s treating me good but don’t get nervous this is your first real relationship so don’t screw it up (I kept saying it to myself). Danny knows how to drive which I was surprised because no teenager that I know knows how to and if they do know how to drive well then that’s great but most teenagers get into car accidents. As we were thinking of what to order Danny said “so what looks good to you” and I said "anything is fine” and he said “well how about the pancake combo it comes with eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, and pancakes” and I opened my eyes wide open and I said “wow um sure that’s sounds good” and the waitress came to take our order and I looked at her and it was Danny’s ex-girlfriend and I can tell that Danny looked uncomfortable because his ex and his new girlfriend were in the same room and we got into a fight on Tuesday but I can understand what he’s going through.

Anyways as she was taking our order she was flirting with Danny which I didn’t like and I said to her “hey Jessica is that your manager” and then I looked at the manager and she says “yeah why?” and I called the manager and Jessica got all freaked out and the manager said “Good morning is there a problem”. Jessica interrupted me “no sir I’m just taking orders” and then I said “and flirting with customers” and then the manager looked at Jessica and said “IN MY OFFICE NOW (then he looked back at me and Danny) I’m sorry about that do you want a free dessert” and I said “yes please”. Then after they left us alone Danny looked at me and he said “I’m proud of you” and I said “for what?” and then he said “for always sticking up for yourself all the time and I forgot to tell you, you know how you got into a fight with that girl from school….. Well I went up to her boyfriend and I beat his ass because everyone seen him punch you in the face and I told the principal and he said that he was kicking him out of school... So I practically saved your life”. Then I said “well I always stick up for myself and I never back down when it comes to fighting someone and thank you I would have done it myself but I was busy” and he said “did your dad teach you how to be a fighting machine” and I looked down then I looked back at him and said “no I uh taught myself everything that my parents were supposed to teach me like I taught myself how talk, walk, and other personal things”. Then he looked at me all sideways and I wasn’t going to tell him but maybe this guy was ok and I need to talk to someone about it so I told him about Jenifer and Joseph, right away he was shocked and he couldn’t believe it.

Then I told him about Diana and John of what they did to me and when I told him about them hitting me when I was sleepy, tired or hungry he said “that’s horrible and I know its none of my business but why did you stay” and I said “I don’t live with them anymore, I live with Stephanie’s parents because I have a criminal record and I had to run away and I’m not going back and I’m going back there tonight to get one more baby but I need help getting there because if I walk down the streets the cops can easily sweep me up like that and I don’t want to scare the kids again”. Then he looked at me and he said “you want to take you” and I said “no I already have myself in danger and the kids and I can’t do it again because if Diana and john find us…. They’re going to kill us” then my phone rang and I answered it and I said “hello?” and then the person said “hi is this Jordan Sanchez” and I looked at Danny and I said “yes this she” and the person said “this is your neighbor from across the street the kids are fine but Stephanie and her parents just been shot” and I said “ok I’ll be right there” and then the person said “ok” and I told Danny “I got to get home right now” and he just followed me into the car. “Jordan what’s going on” he said to me while he’s trying to start the car and I said “forget it I’m running and I’ll tell you later” and I got out of the car and ran and then Danny said “what happened”. As I was running I heard the cops and I jumped into the bushes and thank God they didn’t see me and I ran towards Stephanie’s house and I put on my sunglasses and my hoodie so that way the cops don’t notice me and the officer said “ma’am you need to step back” and I said “I live here”. I ran towards Stephanie and I said in tears “Stephanie….. Stephanie can you hear me” and the ambulance said “is this your sister” and I played it off and said “yeah is she going to be ok” and he said “she’s dead and so are her parents from what I heard a blonde lady with short hair, she was 135 pounds, she has a tattoo on her shoulder and she came to the house and started shooting when they were in the front yard”.

I looked at Stephanie and I started crying and he continued “we tried to come as fast as we could but it was too late and the kids

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