» Drama » Broken, Ronnea Stiles [e book free reading TXT] 📗

Book online «Broken, Ronnea Stiles [e book free reading TXT] 📗». Author Ronnea Stiles

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I shrugged my shoulders and yelled "Wait!" I did want his help and so I ran over to his car. CHAPTER FOUR




I was surprised and somewhat happy to see her again but I had to act natural as the beautiful dark brown skin girl got into my car. I didn't want to seem like a creep but I couldn't keep my eyes off her even after masking the scent of her distasteful smell she was still like art what more could I do aside from stare. I could tell she really needed my help so I prayed to God begging she would stick around.
"Are you hungry?"
I asked.
"When's the last time you ate?"
She lifted up her dress a bit and fixed her hair even though it was all nappy.
"About a week ago".
I was astonished did this girl really say a week ago? I just couldn't imagine all the stuff she's been through. I knew she had a story and I wanted to hear it.
"What do you have a taste for?"
I asked trying to sound calm.
"Anything...I just really need a bath".
I glanced over at her body trying to get a good look at her and the damage she's taken, but I couldn't really tell what it looked like because her dress was so bulky but she was right she wreaked of outside and dirt I seriously needed to get her to my parents soon.
"I'll tell you what, once we get to my house my parents will take care of you".
She didn't say anything but just nodded her head, I rolled the windows down to let some of the bad smell out without trying to seem rude.
We finally pulled up to my house I watched as her eyes got big and her mouth dropped I could instantly tell what she was thinking. She thought my house was huge and I won't even try to stunt like its not, it was big.
"You can get out".
I said to her. She paused for a second and looked at me but didn't move.
"I'm sorry. This was a bad mistake".
"Wait why?"
"I can't go in there smelling like this...especially not looking like this either!"
She yelled. She hastily looked in the mirror and attempted to fix her face up in some type of way. I took her hand away from her face grabbed her other one and held them down and made her look at me. All I saw was a girl in need, the longer I stared at her the more I felt the need to help her. She was different from other girls I've met and seen she had this look ... This really desperate look in her eyes and all I wanted to do was help her.
"Look you gotta trust and believe me my family won't care how your looking right now at all. They'll only be concerned with one thing and that's helping you.... In all honesty you look fine to me".
I said with confidence. She sighed and said "Okay let's do it." I got out and came around to open the passenger side door for her, I smiled while watching her get out of the car. We walked to the front door she stood behind me as I opened the door. I turned around to her and said "Don't be afraid". With a smile on my face to help her feel comfortable. That's when my mom came to the door. Her eyes wandered to the girl as we came in she gasped a little in astonishment to how she looked but she quickly fixed her face and then her eyes wandered to me. My mom was a heavy set woman with nice curly hair and light skin just like me and my father. She was very sweet but getting on her bad side is something you don't want to do... At all.
"Ummm Baby...who's this?"
I didn't even know how to answer that question because I hadn't even learned her name yet.
" this is the girl from about two weeks ago who ran into the church. She needs help".
"You don't say...Okay well... has she tried getting connected with her family?"
Suddenly that's when the girl stood in front of me and started to speak.
"Excuse me ma'am but I'm sorry to come up on you so suddenly. Your son said you could help me. And to answer your question I don't have any family".
My mom looked at the girl long and hard.
"C'mon in I think I can find you something to wear".
I smiled brightly. I knew my mom would give in.





The lady walked me around their huge house it was so luxurious, I thought the outside was amazing until I got to look around the inside of it. Their house was the type of house you would see in movies with the perfect rich family who had everything or one you would see in commercials. They must have money I thought they have to, but I just had a real uneasy feeling about all of this for some reason I felt as if I wanted to run out and go back home to my father. I really miss him a lot. I knew deep down inside though that these people where the only good I had left if I wanted to get help.
"My daughter will let you borrow some of her clothes. How old are you again sweetie?"
"I'm 16 ma'am ".
"Great well my daughter isn't here right now but she's not too much older then you... Hmm you guys look as if you're bout the same shape and size".
She said while glancing over at my body. She walked into a huge room and I could tell it was her daughters, she looked through a couple drawers but had finally found some pants and a shirt.
"I think these will do for now".
She handed me her daughters clothes and walked me to a bathroom. Even the bathroom was huge I just couldn't believe I was in a house like this.
"There's towels, soap, and shampoo in the closet... Once you're done getting cleaned off come down for dinner there's a ham in the oven just as we speak".
She said while smiling. I smiled at her as she walked out of the bathroom. I couldn't figure it out but I wondered why she was so friendly, I guess I'll save that thought for later I start to take off my dress which I was so happy to do since I'd been wearing it for two weeks straight now. I looked at my body in the body mirror. I had a nice thick body for my age but the only thing was the scars left over from my dad's beatings at home, they stick there on my skin like tattoos. I then looked up at my face, it was smooth and chocolate I had short curly dangling hair that laid down to my shoulders. My old man always said no man would ever find me beautiful and I'd believe him but sometimes just sometimes I think he's wrong. I hastily looked away ashamed of my body and face. I grabbed the towel, shampoo and soap from the closet and started to run the shower water. As I got into the shower the hot water stung to my skin but it felt so good, finally I was starting to feel clean again .




My dad had just gotten home and my mom and I were all in the family room discussing about this mysterious girl.
"She can't stay here".
Said my dad. I started to get a little angry.
"Why not? I told her we would help her".
"Son we can find other ways to help her but her living with us isn't one we know nothing about this girl and I'm not putting my family in danger".
"Dad you can tell she's just a kid! We're supposed to be Gods people but we can't even help her!"
My mom got into my face.
"You better watch yoself now...your father is right we know nothing of this girl I'm sure there's other ways".
"Like what?!"
"We can give her enough money for her to spend a coupla nights at a hotel until she can get ahold of her family".
"Dad she said it herself she has no family".
"Son she's 16 years old she had to come from somewhere".
"James hunny let your father and I discuss about this matter and maybe God will give us some strength, but right now you should go check on her. I told her to come down for dinner she should be ready now".
I rolled my eyes now irritated at my parents but I listened and left the family room. I walked up the steps and went to the guest bathroom where she was. I opened he door and immediately she jumped, I startled, forgetting to knock before I came in I saw her with a white towel wrapped around her body. My eyes got big I was embarrassed now so I hurried and closed the door. As I was walking away the door opened up.
"You can come in if you want".
She said with a smirk on her face. My body most certainly wanted to walk into the bathroom with her but I knew it wasn't right.
"No it's fine I'll wait out here...sorry for busting in on you like that I should have knocked".
"It's ok...I'm putting clothes on now...thankyou".
"No problem... I'm James by the way".
"I'm Queen".
What a beautiful name I thought. We both stared at each other for about a minute until I shook out of my daze.
"Well....I'll be downstairs dinner is ready".
I then hurried down the steps. For some odd reason this girl has all of my attention.
We were in the middle of praying, me, my mom, dad and my sister when Queen

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