» Drama » Broken, Ronnea Stiles [e book free reading TXT] 📗

Book online «Broken, Ronnea Stiles [e book free reading TXT] 📗». Author Ronnea Stiles

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came into the eating room. Everyone stared at her. She looked twice as gorgeous now that she was all cleaned up.
"Grab a plate and join us".
My mother said.
I watched her in astonishment as she piled greens, dressing, salad, ham, potatoes, and Mac and cheese all onto her plate. She then sat down and started gobbling her food down. Everyone was looking at her crazy, her head hadn't even lifted for just a second but I think she felt us staring because she suddenly stopped and looked up with food stuffed in her mouth. I chuckled a bit.
"There's always seconds".
My sister said. I never understood my sister she always had a snobby attitude. She was a 20 year old brat. She had short sandy brown hair was thick in size and was lighter then everyone in the family.
"It's fine I'm full".
I could see in Queens face that she was lying, but even I wouldn't want to eat either if I had a girl staring me down as I ate.
"My clothes look like they fit wonderful on can keep them".
I was surprised at how nice my sister was acting I was afraid she'd be more sarcastic. Queen looked at what she was wearing then looked up at my sister and smiled.
"So umm what's your name?"
My father asked.
"Queen... My name is Queen".
"Queen where is your family?"
" mother died when I was 10 and my father..."
She started to move around aimlessly in her chair. I could tell she was starting to feel uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry to hear that...come again though what did you say about your father, I didn't quite understand you?"
She looked somberly at my father.
"I should go".
She got up, everyone watched her as she did. Why was she leaving?
"Wait Queen you don't have to leave dear...we can give you some money so you can sleep at a hotel".
"This was really nice ma'am but I'll just leave".
My mother rolled her eyes as Queen left the table and pointed them towards my father.
"What? I asked her two questions".
"Bishop Jones where is your God see this poor young girl has no where to stay".
My mom got up and followed Queen. Me, my dad, and sister all looked at each other until I got up and started to follow mom.
When I had gotten to the door Queen and my mom where just sitting down on the front steps talking. I didn't want to intrude so I just listened in on their conversation.
"Hunny you can stay here for as long as you want okay....we also have a church you can come to too".
"I ain't real godly ma'am ".
"Oh dear! Its okay I wasn't so godly at first either until I met my wonderful husband Bishop Jones 45 years ago...I'm sure you'll find all the help you need there".
"Thank you..."
"I tell you what...I'm going to give you 200 dollars and you can do whatever you need to do with it just please be safe and careful and come to church".
"Ma'am I can't take your've already done enough by feeding me letting me use the shower and clothing me...really I just can't."
I watched as my mom giggled and wrapped her arms around Queen.
"Child please take the money I can tell you need it more than I do..."
That's when they both turned around to see me. I stepped back a little when Queen and my mother got up.
"Well James baby since you're here you can take Queen up to a hotel".
"Yea sure...are you ready now?"
Queen nodded her head. My mom winked at me as we walked to my truck. I was jovial to see my family helping Queen out. CHAPTER SEVEN




It was almost midnight now and the boy James was driving me to a hotel. I never believed in God but these people where big on him. Bibles and bible scriptures wandered all throughout their house, they prayed at dinner, and even Mrs. Jones prayed to me about him I could tell they were the real deal. I don't know maybe there is a God, I still couldn't fathom that she really gave me 200 dollars. They wanted me to come back to their church but I knew I wouldn't I think she knew it too just deep down. I was going to take the money and try to find a job and buy more clothes. I don't have time for church or for whoever this "God" was. James interrupted my thoughts.
"We're almost there".
"It's fine take your time...I've always loved long drives".
He turned and smiled at me then turned his eyes back to the road.
"Thankyou for helping me out...I've never met people so friendly before".
"Don't thank us...thank God he's the one who's blessed us to help you and other people".
"Where does this God live?"
James laughed but I didn't understand why.
"Oh're serious aren't you?"
I gave him a dumbfounded look.
"Umm God is the creator of this world called heaven...that's where he lives".
"Have you ever visited him before? Can he help me?"
James pulled into a hotel called ROADSIDE INTERNATIONAL hotel. He parked in the parking lot, turned off his car and stared at me.
"I've never visited God before and don't plan on it for awhile...but yes he is able to help you...but if you truly want him in your life you should come to the church get saved and good things will come your way".
"How do I get him to talk to me?"
"Let's see...well you can pray...that's the only way".
"I don't know how to pray".
"Well okay umm.... how about tomorrow I come pick you up bright and early in the morning and I can take you to church so you can get a feel of God".
"I can't go".
"What why not, thought you wanted to get close to God?"
"I don't have any church clothes...and I need to start finding a job".
"I can help you with that just please come to church with me that's all I ask."
I couldn't say no to this boy I mean he's helped me all this time and I needed him to help me meet God.
"What time do I need to be up?"
"Sunday morning worship starts at 10:30 so I'll be here at 7 to bring you clothes to get dressed".
He smiled brightly at me. James had curly brown hair and smooth light skin, he was a lil bit on the chubby side and I noticed he had this scar on the back of his head.
"I'll be up then".
"Ok, now let's get you checked in".
"'re not staying?"
He looked at me with shock.
"Oh...umm that wasn't part of the plan...and I doubt my parents will let me".
He tapped on the steering wheel.
"I'm an 18 year old boy with a beautiful young girl staying at a hotel now that doesn't sound very godly at all does it".
I couldn't help but smile. Nobody has ever called me beautiful but curiously I wondered if he was just saying that.
"Do you really think I'm beautiful?"
That's when I leaned over and kissed him on his cheek. His cheeks turned red and he turned away all embarrassed it was kinda cute .
"Thank you so much James...I'll be up in the morning...but I can check myself in".
I got out and started to walk into the hotel.





I watched as she walked into the hotel. I couldn't believe she didn't know how to pray or who God was, why was this girl so mysterious. I can still feel her kiss stained to my cheek it was soft and smooth. For some reason I couldn't stop thinking about this girl. God why did you bring this girl into my life? I knew God wouldn't tell me the answer I would have to figure out myself. I started to head back home, I couldn't wait until tomorrow
I knocked on her room number door. A minute later she opened it. All she had on was her bra and panties. I started to get hot so I quickly turned away.
"It's can look at me".
"No Queen that's not right..I can't...please put some clothes on".
I heard her make a sound and suddenly that's when she pulled me inside and closed the door. I handed her a long black dress that my sister had along with some red flats. She looked at the dress then sat it on the bed.
"I can't go to church".
I stood up and turned the other way.
"I don't wear's very nice and all but it's not me".
"You don't have any other clothes though".
"Listen you guys are really nice for taking me in like this and I appreciate it but I have to go".
I turned to face her. I couldn't stop staring at her pink bra and panties, she had scars on her stomach. She noticed me looking and covered herself with her cover.
"I'm sorry".
"It's fine...please I'll come to church some other have my word".
"'re always welcomed".
I turned and started to leave when she grabbed me.
"You can stay longer if you want".
"Do you want me to?"
She shook her head. She sat down on her bed and patted her hand on the bed indicating that she wanted me to sit down. I sat down only inches apart from her. I started to get a little uncomfortable this girl was so beautiful I didn't want to say anything wrong or dumb.
"Tell me about yourself".
"Eh...well let's see...I'm the bishops son as you've probably noticed...I work lots in the church..."
She stopped me from talking by grabbing unto my hand.
"No I mean tell me about you...not what you tell everyone else".
No one has ever wanted to know me really so I didn't quite know how to answer Queens question.
"I'm just a church boy".
She giggled and started to fix my tie. She stared me in my eyes for awhile before she leaned over and kissed me on my lips. Her lips were nice and smooth but I didn't know if I should kiss her back. She put my hands around her waist and got on top of me.
"It's ok".
She started to kiss me more aggressively now and I couldn't help my body it was like instinct I just grabbed unto her and started to kiss her back. We did that for awhile until she grabbed at my pants and started rubbing on my almost hard dick. I knew this wasn't right and I barely know this girl so I had to put an end to it.
"Stop please!"
I pushed her off me lightly and she laid back on the bed as I began to stand up.
"What what's wrong?"
"Queen you don't know me".
"So you don't want

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