» Drama » Beloved or Betrayed *(incomplete), shay prinkey [best short books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Beloved or Betrayed *(incomplete), shay prinkey [best short books to read TXT] 📗». Author shay prinkey

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I sighed listening to the phone hang up in my ear. Two days went by without talking to each other. I was going insane. I didn’t even go this long without talking to him when he was in Ohio. I pulled out my phone to check if I had any missed calls. Zero. I had stayed at Keely’s so when I crawled out of bed she gave me a look of apology. "Have you talked to him yet?" she asks as her phone vibrated. "Nope. Guess I won’t be talking to him anymore. I’m so over his bullshit." I snarled. "Are you sure about this Lana?" she asks. "Yea I’m sure. It sucks but I’m sure." I knew deep down I was lying but I wanted it to be true. I wanted to not love him. I wanted to just say fuck it who cares about Deshawn’s ugly ass but truth was I did. I loved him more than I loved myself sometimes. I was completely dependent upon his love. I got up going into her bathroom in the hall.  I pushed my big brown curls back on my head. In the morning my hair would go wild curls flew everywhere until I could calm it with conditioner and a good brush. I looked at my eyes to find deep circles under them where I hadn’t been sleeping well. I sighed at my reflection. I mumbled to my reflection "just call him". I frowned then grabbed Keely’s conditioner to brush my hair down so I could put a bandanna on it until I got home. "Hey I think your mom’s here." Keely yelled from her room. I sighed "oh lovely." I grabbed my bags quickly and headed down to the front door when Keely yelled “call me tonight. I’m going back to sleep. And let Shawn have his space maybe this is good for yall." she half smiled. I rolled my eyes smiling and said "yea whatever. You call me." When I got in the car with my mom she gave me what’s wrong look. I sighed looking out the window. "I assume you’re not going to tell me what’s going on so I guess I’ll tell you what’s going on. Your dad has decided since you have been making good grades and going to school every day we will go ahead and get you a car. We were going to wait till you graduate but your dad insists you have a car so you can go to Atlanta more often." It took me a few minutes to understand what she was saying. "Today?" I ask in shock. "Yes today. Your dad sprung it on my last night." she said annoyed. A humongous smile crept onto my face. We pulled into our driveway.  ”hurry and get some clothes and we will head out to your dads." my mom sighed. I ran up the stairs as fast as I could. I was so excited. The entire ride to Atlanta I drove my mom insane. When we pulled into my dads’ driveway my mom grunted in disgust. I typed in the code to the gate and we drove up the drive way in front of the house. My dads’ house wasn’t huge. It was actually small compared to the ones around him, but he liked it that way. He said it reminded him that he’s not above those he rose above. I had no idea what that meant and I never tried to find out. He opened the front door when we pulled up. I hopped out and gave him a huge hug. "Hey baby girl." he grunted embracing my hug. I stepped back and gave him a good look. "Are you buying me a car?" I ask straight to the point. He laughed. "Always the money with this one." I shook my head “yea right me always wanting money never. You could be the most broke man in America and id still love you because you’re the best daddy ever." I teased. "Now that’s what I like to hear."  My mom stood there rolling her eyes in disgust. "Let me grab my keys and we will take the truck." my dad said.  My heart skipped a beat because I was finally getting a car. My dad came back out and gave me a quick wink. "Ready?" He asks my mom who hesitated to get in his truck. She sighed and reached her hand up in the truck to pull herself up. My mom was about 5'6 and very petite. I didn't look like her in the face but my body gave it away. Of course with my parents being interracial ask
Anytime we went somewhere as a family we got funny looks by at least one person. Not because of stereotype but because my dad is a black very well-known surgeon in Atlanta and my mom is a pharmacist at Walgreens and she's white. Then there it's me the mixed child of these two people. It doesn’t bother us but it sure is funny to see people’s reactions. I climbed in the back and rolled my window down. My dad loved trucks, if I could buy a million of them I truly think he would. "So Lana what kind of car do you want?" my mom ask breaking the silence as we road. I hadn’t put much thought into it because I thought I wasn’t getting a car unless I got a job. "Umm well something with four doors. Those little two door cars are horrible to get in." My dad laughed a little. "She definitely doesn’t have your taste Lauren." he said to my mom. "My first car was a little two door car and I loved it. I cried when I had to get a new car." my mom said shaking her head. "Oh wow I never knew that. Sorry dad but I really can’t handle a truck either." I said. "Well looks like you will be getting a sedan." I had absolutely no clue what a sedan looked. I leaned back on the seat and text Keely. 
ME: hey so I have a surprise for you tonight!
ME: you will see
I sat back wondering why she was being so short. She was never a short texter. I shrugged it off and ask my dad "so what is a sedan?" he laughed. "It’s a four door car, like an Altima or a Buick." A smile swept my face. "Awesome!" I said as we pulled into a car lot. I was the first to get out. The car salesman came up talking to my dad while my mom and I looked at cars. That when I saw it. It was a grey Malibu with tented windows. "I want this one." I said to my mom who was looking at the Honda beside me. "It’s a nice car." I sighed. "But?" she smiled "but with very nice come a really high price Alana." I grimaced with a shrug to follow. "Ok what’s in my price range? I’m assuming there is something you’re not telling me." I said giving her a skeptical look. "You’re correct, we are not paying for this car you are. You will be getting a job and paying for this car yourself." My mouth flew open in disbelief. "So this is your way of making me get a job. What about school? I want to get into Harvard. I’ll never be able to maintain my GPA with a job mom. I told you all this when the school year started." she shrugged. "Did you tell him?" she pointed to my dad. "No I didn’t think I had to. I figured you would." she smirked. "Negative. He’s your father you tell him what you want him to know." I sighed walking away from the car. My dad was still talking to the car salesman when I got back into the truck. I was infuriated. My mom knew I had a set plan and this would completely corrupt it. My plan was to put all my focus into school and Shawn. There were two things I really wanted and that were college and marriage. With a job that would interfere with my education. My dad got in the truck and turned toward me. "What’s wrong with you Alana?" he said annoyed. "I told mom I didn’t want to work this year because I wanted to keep my GPA up. And instead she lets you think imp going to get a job and pay for this car when I’m not." I mumbled. "First of all Alana you don’t tell your mother what you are and aren’t going to do. Do you understand? Secondly you will try to maintain both. We are not going to give you a free ride. I’m not sure if you understand money doesn’t fall of trees. A car is a big responsibility. You have to have insurance and Gas and car maintance. Just because you have a car and a license doesn’t mean much. There is plenty more to go with that." I sighed. "But dad" He cut me off "but nothing Alana. You have one of two choices, you get out of this truck and pick out a car or you go home with no car and still get a job. Which one will it be?" I wanted so badly to roll my eyes. "I’ll get the car I guess. But if my GPA drops it’s totally not my fault." He sighed. "Get out kid before I strangle you." he said jokingly. I slid out trying to cheer myself up. "I already found the car I want and since I’m paying for it won’t settle for anything else." I said shrugging as we walked towards the cars. He laughed. "Okay but the first payment you miss it comes right back to the lot, no questions asked. I sighed. "Okay I can deal with that." I half smiled. My mom was sitting in the car looking at the seats. "I am assuming this is what you want?" My dad ask with disgust. "Yep its perfect daddy." I squealed. "Okay. Let’s get the paperwork done." he sighed. I did a little happy dance then pulled out my phone to take a picture. I was extremely excited yet a little nervous too. After we signed the paper work and gave the man the money for the down payment my mom rode back with me to my dads’ house. I fell in love with the car more as I drove. The ride was so smooth. I smiled all the way to my dad’s. When we got to my dad’s I hugged, thanked and promised my parents I would start looking for a job immediately. On my way back home I cut the radio up loud and listened to all my favorite songs on my phone. I almost didn’t want to get out when we got to our house. My mom and I went in the house and ate lunch while discussing job options. "What if I don’t find a job quick I won’t be able to pay my car payment?" I said as I stuff my mouth with sour cream and onion chips. "Well Lana you have two months to find a job. After that we will stop paying the car note." I smiled. Two months was a long time especially when I knew I could find a job within a week two tops. "Okay I can totally do this. Again thank you mom I really appreciate this." my mom smiled. "I know we aren’t close but I enjoy seeing you happy. That’s what we live for. We just want you to do well in life. We want you to understand responsibility so that when you do get into the real world you won’t be so lost that you never move forward." she smiled. I returned the smile. "Mom I’m going to go get a shower then go see Keely.
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