» Drama » Beloved or Betrayed *(incomplete), shay prinkey [best short books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Beloved or Betrayed *(incomplete), shay prinkey [best short books to read TXT] 📗». Author shay prinkey

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and how he use to flash me beautiful smiles. Even though Tyler’s smile was innocent and deshawn’s smile weren’t it still hurt to think of enjoying someone else’s smile at this time. I turned the seat warmers on then wrapped my arms around myself. "I know you’re hurting i can see it on you. They’re both stupid for screwing over such good people. i know most people think I’m a asshole or whatever but I’m not i just have a hard shell to crack I’ve been through a lot. I don’t know why I’m telling you this but anyways I’m just saying Alana they messed up bad but don’t let this break you. Its okay to cry cause trust me I’ve cried over a lot in my life and I’m only seventeen but don’t let it define you." I looked at him, Truly looked at him for the first time. I was honestly shocked. I didn’t see that asshole i saw a person, a sweet person. A person who just walked in the rain to come tell me everything was going to be okay. I cocked my head to the side. A tear trickled down my check before the sobs erupted from my throat.  ”i know I’m just so hurt! Why me! I was happy! Ill never love again. I swear ill never love again! I don’t want to! I don’t want to love anyone else because i don’t want to ever hurt like this again. Ty i just don’t understand what did i do to deserve this?" he hugged me letting me sob on his shoulder. "Don’t ever say you’ll never love again Alana. Shawn just wasn’t the one for you but I’m positive there is someone out there for you. You have to pull yourself together they aren’t worth your tears. You’re better than this. I don’t know you personally but i know you’re better than this. Come on pull yourself together." I sighed holding the tears back. I leaned back into my seat and he leaned back into his. For a moment it was awkward. We both sat in silence. I looked over at him while he was looking out the window. He looked so calm so laid back. I stifled a laugh when i realized you can’t always judge a book by its cover. When he looked at me his blue eyes looked as though they were glowing. They were stunning. I gasp at the beauty. Id never seen a mixed person or person period with such beautiful eyes. I smiled then said "sorry I’m staring i just never noticed your eyes. They are so blue." he smiled that beautiful smile again making me turn my head. "Thanks a lot of people tell me that." i turned the car off. That’s when i realized my phone was going off i pulled it out checking my messages. 







Boyfriend: baby please call somebody I’m sorry. I messed up but I’m scared please just let someone know your okay. Hate me but please just let someone know your okay!!!






DAD: I’ve been told about that little shit deshawn and akeela. I know your upset but your mother is worried sick and she won’t stop calling me. Alana she won’t stop calling! I don’t expect you to go running home but at least call me and let me know your okay. Or call your mother.



That’s when i completely fell apart. The tears vanished and the anger kicked in. Keely had crossed the line completely. That text struck the wrong nerve because i cut my car on without saying a word to Tyler and drove straight to her house. "Why are we here? I really hope you’re not trying to get us back together or something stupid like that." he questioned. "Nope nothing stupid likes that. But you may want to hold this." i said giving him my phone with the camera on. "What are you about to do?" he ask as i was shutting the car door. I felt so devious. Keely had already stepped outside and was walking toward the car when i got out. "Lana oh thank god your okay!" keely yelled. I just smiled as we walked closer to each other. "I’m so glad you came here. I am so sorry let’s just talk this out then laugh about it later. This was so stupid." she said. She reached her arms out to hug me as i connected my right fist to her jaw line. I had the intentions to just hit her once but then she hit me back knocking me a few steps backwards. In that second it felt like everything was in slow motion. All the anger i thought i had for deshawn went into me punching her over and over again. The wet grass threw us down after my third punch letting her land on top of me. She grabbed my hair to head butt me but i dodged it. My head instantly felt on fire. The anger swelled through my body. “YOU NASTY BITCH!" i yelled pulling her off of me. I stood up trying to steady myself. I began to kick her repeatedly. She grabbed my foot making me fall again, but this time i fell on her. I took my fist and tried to break her face. That’s literally what i tried to do. I was no longer punching i wanted to smash her skull in she had hurt me for the last time. She kneed me in the stomach making me gasp for air. I grabbed her hair smashing her head into the wet ground. I could feel her hitting me but it only felt like taps in my side. Then i felt my body being lifted by Tyler. I began to squirm for him to put me down. Before i was placed on the ground in the opposite direction i made sure to kick her in the face one more time. Instead i kicked her dead square on the forehead as hard as i could. She screamed something before lying down on the wet grass but i was too infuriated to hear her.  "Stop kicking Alana just stop!" a voice yelled. I then realized it wasn’t Tyler breaking us apart it was deshawn. "Put me down you son of a bitch!" i snarled. "Just stop Alana. You’re not driving home like this!" he yelled. I let out an evil devious laugh. "Let go deshawn. I don’t need you to drive me home. Tyler can drive me home. I’m sure he’s plenty capable. If i go home." i whispered in his ear to let it sink in. he dropped me instantly. I popped back up fixing my hair the best i could. I looked over at keely who was limping to the porch. He walked over to my car and swung the car door open. His jaw dropped in shock when he saw that Tyler truly was inside the car. "Wow really it’s like that huh?" he spat. The anger and disappointment showed all over his face. "Yea it’s like that, whatever that is. Have fun nursing your new girlfrienimie you know like girl friend slash enemies." i said laughing. I pushed past him and got into the car. I slammed the door almost getting his hand caught. I spun the tires backing out of the driveway fast. He just stood there in complete shock. I got to the corner and realized my body was extremely tired. I sank down into my seat. "You okay?" Tyler asks. "Yea I’m just exhausted this has been the longest twenty four hours of my entire life." i mumbled. "Okay well let me drive i promise i can drive and i have license. No offenses but you’re not killing me tonight. You look like you could pass out any minute now." he joke. I sighed putting the car in park. I got out and went around to the passenger side. "Thank you." i said. "For what?" he ask "for being a friend when i need one most tonight. I promise I’m not usually like this. I promise!" i admitted. He laughed. "I wouldn’t mind if you were. I’m just saying." he shrugged as he drove. "I don’t want to go home I’m really not ready to hear my mom bitch." he laughed. "Hey i feel ya. Want to go back to the park?" i sighed. "Absolutely not. How do you feel about going to Atlanta tonight?" i ask. He looked at me like i was crazy. "If you don’t mind me asking what’s in Atlanta?" he ask. I laughed a little realizing i must sound crazy. "My dad is a surgeon in Atlanta and we can stay there. It’s only like an hour drive from here." he smiled. "Explains your nice car. I assume your parents are divorced." he said driving toward the interstate exits. "Yea for a while now. I don’t really care though. If i could id live with my dad. Well i can now nothing is holding me here." i mumbled. "Oh so I’m just your personal driver we aren’t friends?" he teased. I laughed “i can always come visit now that i have a car." He smiled. I began to dose in and out. He cut the radio on letting me drift away to sleep. I woke up to my phone vibrating. 



Real good job! Don’t worry about making me jealous or what ever game you’re playin. worry about the fact that when i leave I’m not coming back this time. I will never be back. Your childish games went to far tonight your a 13 yr old stuck in a 16 yr old body



You really don’t care. Lol i know i was in the wrong today but you took it to a whole other level. You ran away! With Tyler at that! Then you fight keely wow loose my number. As you say I’m over this shit!



Really you’re not going to reply. You’re a coward Alana!



Yea you’re right I’m so over you and your shit! You’re the one who screwed this up big time. Go to hell



Call me please let’s just talk about this and move forward. I don’t want to loose you not in this way


I truly debated calling him. A part of me said call but the other part Alana if you call this lying scum back your weak. So i texted back instead. We were only two miles outside of Atlanta city limits so i had to make it fast.



Nope ha remember you’re leaving and nvr comin back!! cya!



wow... smh ill always love you. I’m sorry i broke your heart.


That killed me. I shut my phone off so i could focus on giving Tyler directions. When we got to my dads house ty didn’t look shocked or blown away by the niceness of the house. "Your dad has a nice house." he mumbled. "Yea he loves it." I looked down at my phone to check the time it was 2:12 am. "are you sure your dads not going to flip with me driving your car at two in the morning and me being at his house period at two in the morning?" he ask skeptical. I wasn’t sure what my dad’s reaction was going to be but i knew it wouldn’t be nearly as bad as my moms. "Honestly Tyler who knows with my dad just let me go in and explain first. Are your parents

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