» Drama » Its complicated, Milli-may Skys [ereader manga .TXT] 📗

Book online «Its complicated, Milli-may Skys [ereader manga .TXT] 📗». Author Milli-may Skys

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 Addy's p.o.v.

I walked inside and went to my room.I heard my mom and my dad aguring.He wanted to come in here and yell at me but my mom stopped him.I was laying under my blankets when my mom came in.She sat on the edge of my bed.Are you here to yell at me too.I asked.No.Im here to talk.She said.I sat up.We didnt have sex.We are just friends.I said.Oh honey i know.Im not acusing you.She sed.I let out a sigh of relief.Addy you know what type of person Isac is...I mean you go to school with him.She laughed.I cracked a smile.Okay well back to the point my brother Isac is going through some tough times right now.It comes along with the age.She sed.Isacs not going to hurt me.I sed.She sighed.Addy honey....Isac will hurt anything that has female parts.She sed.Maybe other girls but not me.Anyways we will always be best friends.I sed.She sighed.Why are you even telling me this imean you dont even know him anymore...He hates you.You left him..He told me everything.I blurrted out.Her eyes filled with tears.Oh my god im sorry.I sed.No its fine.She whispered and walked out of my room.I feel like shit now.

Isac's p.o.v.

 I spent the night at my cousins house.I know there was school in the morning but i didnt want to be at my home.I told Levi everything.I drove them to school too.I went to my locker and put my books up.A blonde girl came up to me.Hey remember me.Im chealse.She sed.Oh yeah we fucked last week.I sed.We did?She asked.Yeah we did and i would really like to do it again.I whispered in her ear.She smiled and i kissed her hard.She then walked away as she blushed.Nice one bro.Levi sed putting his hand on my shoulder.I nodded with a smerk.I closed my locker and there she was.....Addy...

Addy's p.o.v.

 I walked through the school doors and there my friends were waiting for me.Oh my god Addy are you okay!!!??I heard you ran away!!Chealse cried.She gave me a big hug.Yeah im fine.I fake smiled.Thank god...She sed before turning to talk to someone else.I saw my other friend Riley roll her eyes and i laughed.She came over to me and gave me a hug.So you actually ran away this time.She sed.I nodded.To where?She asked.I was about to answer her but i saw him...Isac...I sed under my breath.She turned around and then turned back to me.Omg you ran away to Isacs house?She whisper yelled.I have to go talk to him.We can talk about this at lunch?I asked.She nodded and i made my way towards him.He gave me a hug.I smiled.Are you okay?He asked.I nodded.You sure?He asked holding my face in his hands.I nodded.Awww well would you look at that...Best friends back together.Levi sed.I smiled as he held his arms out to hug me.I gave him a hug and then gave Mitch a hug.These were my child hood friends.If i was going to be best friends with Isac of course i would know his cousins.Im so glad you are talking to Isac.Mitch breathed.I looked at him confused.He will not stop talking about you.He laughed.I laughed looking at Isac.Isac glared at Mitch.Its fine.I talk about you too.I laughed.He blushed with that goofy smile.Hey.Chealse sed with a fake smile on.Hey.Isac breathed.So um are we still on for you know...She sed twirling a piece of he blonde hair.I rolled my eyes.Isac nodded and she kissed him.I watched as he wrapped his arms around her waist.After she was done she smiled at me.I knew the only reason she came over here was to show me she had something with him.Like i would want my best friend...Yeah right....Well we have to go Levi sed.I nodded.Mitch and levi left.I turned to leave but Isac brought me back.So i was thinking we should hangout like old times.He sed.I nodded.If my dad doesnt kill you.I laughed as he walked me to class.I aint worried about your dad.He chuckled.Your not?I asked.Addy im really not afraid of anybody.He sed.Besides your dad only wants to kill me because he thinks im trying to have sex with you.He laughed.I fake laughed.Here you are.He sed as we stopped at my classroom.I hugged him goodbye.I cut the hug short when i felt his hands go lower down my back.He smiled and i went in my classroom.

Isac's p.o.v.

She hugged me goodbye.My hands went lower and lower down her back then she cut it short.I smiled to play it off.When she was gone i kicked the locker.I can tell i freaked her out.I didnt mean to do that with my hands...They just have a mind of their own.I walked to my class.I told Levi about what had happened.Dude boby parts do not have a mind of their own.Your hands do not do something unless you want them to.He sed.What are you saying....That i made my hands try to touch her ass?I asked.He nodded.Think about it.He sed then turned to talk to a girl.Could that be true.Could i be haveing different thoughts about Addy...My best friend....


Isac's p.o.v.

After school-I went home to my room.The thought wouldnt leave me alone.I didnt know why i was having these thoughts.I layed in my bed thinking about Addy.Her perfect shiny black hair..Her blue eyes.I cant be in love.Love doesnt exist.Im not in love with Addy.Im not in love with Addy.I sed this line over and over in my head.There was a knock on my door interrupting my thoughts.I opened my door and to my surprise it was Addy.Addy..I sed.Hi Isac.She sed.I invited her in.Had did you get in?I asked.Back door.She sed plopping down on my bed.So what brings you here?I asked looking at the clock.I thought we could hang out like old times.She smiled.Well that really sounds great Addy but i have a date tonight.I sed.Her face dropped.You mean you have a fuck tonight.She glared.I smiled at her cute angry face.Why are you smiling?She asked angerly.Your cute when your mad.I chuckled.She blushed and then glared.Your jealous.I smerked.I am not!She yelled.If you werent you wouldnt get all red about it.I smerked.She looked away from me.Come on let me give you a ride home.I smiled.She stormed past me.I grabbed my jacket and laughed.She was mad at me.She was looking out the car window and she didnt talk to me.I haerd her teeth chattering.Are you cold.I asked breaking the silence.She shook her head.I gave her my jacket as i drove.I sed i wasnt cold.She sed coldly.Addy you were chattering your teeth.I sed.Doesnt mean i was cold.She sed irratated.Are we fighting?I asked.She didnt say anything.I guess thats a yes.I sed.No.She sed.I pulled up to her house.She got out not even saying goodbye.I got out to.I couldnt leave her mad at me.I grabbed her.Let go!!!She yelled.Shh your dads going to hear you.I sed.I thought you wont afraid of my dad.She sed struggleing to get away.I let her go.Addy whats wrong?I asked.Nothing...Can i go inside now..She groaned.No not until you tell me whats wrong.I sed.She just stood there with a glare on her face.Ohhhhh!!!I know what this is about.I sed with a smile.What.She she sed with an attitude.Your jealous about me kissing Chealse.I smerked.Am not!!!!She yelled.Will you please be quiet.I sed.Why should i...She sed...Addy if you want a kiss i will give you one...Its not that big of a deal.I sed.No i dont want a kiss from you..She whisper yelled.Yes you do.I sed poking her cheek.I do not...Besides you suck at kissing.She sed with a smerk.I let out a big laugh.Addy that was like 6 years ago.I laughed.So i bet you still suck.She glared.Well if you let me kiss you maybe i could change your mind.I sed walking towards her.She backed up against the hood of my car.Addy i am a very good kisser now.I sed.Get away from me.She whispered.Whats wrong afraid that your statement isnt true.I whispered.I leaned closer to her making her lay her back on my car hood.I was praticaly laying on her.We were chest to chest.No.She stuttered.I think your afriad to kiss someone.I sed with a smile.She glared and tried to push me off of her but i wouldnt budge.Im the only guy youve kissed before.I bet your still a virgin.I sed.Oh stop it already Isac!!!She yelled shoveing me off of her.I looked at her shocked.You dont need to dig any further okay.Know you know my secret congradulations.She sed before walking up her driveway.Addy i sed before grabbing her back.Leave me alone.She sed.I forced her back into the postion we were in and held her hands down.I kissed her roughly.I was going to kiss her softly but she was trying to get away.She calmed down as i kept kissing her.I looked at her and she looked at me.Im sorry okay.I didnt mean to get in your biusness.I sed.Its fine.Im sorry for being so snotty.She sed.Its fine.I mean hey you got your kiss.Now your even.I laughed.She giggled.I hugged her goodbye and waited until she got inside.I then went home and texted Chealse.Im really sorry for tonight.I had a little situation.I texted.Its fine.We all have situations right.She texted back.Yeah.I texted.I took off my shoes and got in my bed.I fell asleep thinking about that kiss i gave Addy.

Addy's p.o.v.

I walked in a daze.That kiss.Isac kissed me.It was kinda weird kissing my best friend...I liked it though.He was right hes a great kisser.I walked to my room with a big smile on my face.I didnt even say anything to my parents or my sister Holly.I sat on my bed with a smile.Thinking about the way he grabbed me and pined me like that.My mom stepped in and sat infront of me.Whose jacket?She asked.Chealses.I lied getting under my covers.She nodded and walked to the door.She turned off my light.Addy i wish you wouldnt lie to me.She said before leaving.Shit i thought to myself.I fell asleep.



Isac's p.o.v.

Isac!!!!!!I heard faintly.I woke up to a hit in the face with a pillow.What the fuck!!!I yelled at my sister.Isac what the hell were you doing with Addy last night?She asked.I was just dropping her off.I mummbled before tuning over in my bed.Why was she wearing your jacket?She asked.I ignored her.Oh no you didnt....Hell no!!!I yelled.Thank god.she breathed.I would never do that to Addy.Im not going to have sex with her okay.I sed.Isac you better not hurt her.She sed.Get out.I groaned.Fine i will go but keep your hands off of her.She sed.With that she left

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