» Drama » Its complicated, Milli-may Skys [ereader manga .TXT] 📗

Book online «Its complicated, Milli-may Skys [ereader manga .TXT] 📗». Author Milli-may Skys

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friends my ass!!!He yelled and punched me again in the face.He was about to hit me again when someone pulled him away.I fell to the floor coughing.


You know you should go to the hospital for your broken nose.Levi sed.Im not going.Its just a little broken nose.It will heal on its own.I sed angry that Addys dad beat me up.I fucking hate that guy!!And what the hell did he mean by just friends??!!I yelled.Uh well Isac....He only found out about you haveing sex with his daughter because shes pregnet....Levi sed slowly.My body went cold and all i could hear was my own breath.Isac???Levi sed shaking me.I looked at him confused.You sed shes pregnant?I asked.He nodded.I layed back on the couch.How?I asked.Well you see,you inserted your____No not that!!!I mean i used a condom!!I sed with fear in my voice.Isac condoms do break.He sed.He got up and shook his head.What?I asked.I just dont understand why you would have sex with her.She was your best friend.And now shes going to be your worse night mare.He sed looking at me angerly.I looked at him shocked and he left.

Addy's p.o.v.

My mom sat on my bed.I heard what happened.She sed gently.I let out a breath.Addy honey you knew this could be the outcome.She sed holding my hands.I nodded and cried.She hugged me.Im going to go see if your father is okay.I nodded.I heard yelling and a door slam.It was quiet after that.I started getting out of my bed when my father came in.I stopped in my tracks.You know im taking you out of school and your baby sister.This is what i was trying to protect you from.He sed shaking his head.I looked down.I know dad...I whispered.Your not aloud to see him or any of his family again.He sed sternly.Well that is except for mom.I sed.No her too.He sighed.I looked at him like he was crazy.You cant kick mom out!!!!Are you crazy!!!I yelled.Are you crazy Addy!!!!Your the one who is doing crazy stuff!!!!He yelled glancing down at my stomach.My eyes filled with tears.Shes not even your mom Addy!!!He yelled.Ouch that hurt....What about Holly?I questioned.We will figure something out.He sed.Oh and your grounded.He sed then closed my door.I sat back on my bed.I held my knees to my chest and cried.This was all my fualt.Just to have sex with some guy that doesnt care for you...I got up and put on some shoes.I had to take care of this problem.No one else will.I jumped out my window and started my way to the clinic.

Isac's p.o.v.

I was kicking the shit out some zombies when the system turned off.What the___I started before i got slapped.What the fuck was that for!!!!I yelled.You fucking basterd!!!!You got Addy fucking pregnant!!!!!And to top it off Sage kicked me out because i stuck up for you!!!My sister yelled.Its not my fault you stuck up for me!!!I yelled at her.So im assuming you already know Addys pregnant?!She sed angerly.I nodded.So your just going to play your little stupid zombie game and push the problem out the window?!She yelled.I nodded.Thats the plan.I sed.Her eyes got wide.Fuck you Isac!!!She sed leaving my room.Love you too sis.I called and turned my game back on.


I walked out of the bathroom drying my hair with a towel.I walked in my room and saw my sisters friend sitting on my bed.Hello Isac.She sed with a smerk.I smiled and put my towel on a chair.Hello Makaylyn...I sed and she walked to me.She smiled.How bout that kiss.She sed sweetly.I looked at her shocked and nodded.She then came close to my lips with hers.She punched me in the gut.As i went forward she grabbed my arms and twisted them behind my back pining me to the ground.Okay so i hear that you got little Addy pregnant and you dont want to help her.Is that true?I didnt answer her and she twisted my arm more.I yelled in pain.Yes or no?She asked.I noddedOkay well heres what im here for.Your going to help her out and be there for this child understood!!!She said.Yeah.I mummbled.She then let me up.Damn i love the way you do that.I sed.Its sexy.I sed looking her up and down.How about that kiss?I asked.She rolled her eyes playfully.You dirty little boy.She laughed and leaned in.Before our lips could touch she grabbed my ear hard.Oh come on!!!I yelled.Your going to be there!!!She sed sternly.I nodded.I want to hear you say it.She sed.I let out a groan.I will be there for Addy and the baby.I sed.She nodded and grabbed my face into a short kiss.She walked out of my room leaving me stunned.Her red lip stick stained on my lips.I licked it off.There was no way in hell i was going to be there for Addy and that baby.I dont want it.If she wants to keep it then thats her problem.Ive made my descion.

Addy's p.o.v.

I didnt have a phone anymore because my dad took it away so i had to walk to the clinic to make an appointment.Hes makeing sure i have a horrible punishment.He even took me out of school and put me in a hameschooling program.I have to stop this problem before it gets worse.I walked up to the lady at the front desk.May i help you?She asked.Yeah i need to make an appointment for and abortion.I sed.She nodded showing no reaction.She acted as if girls like me come in everyday and ask for abortions.She asked for my name and number.I gave her my home phone number.For the last four days ive been watching the house phone so no one could answer it but me.Still no call.I guess they were booked.After i get home from picking up my baby sister.I open the door to see an angry Riley.I told Holly to go do her Homescholing homwork.Sit....Riley sed.I sat down at the table.I was confused of how she got in here and why she was mad at me.When were you going to tell me about your appointment to get an abortion?My eyes grew wide.Addy?She asked her arms crossed.After it was done....I said flatly.What i wasnt going to lie....So i see you made your descion...She said sitting back.I nodded once.Addy i think your makeing the____Best descion for my life right now.I cut her off.Ry i cant have a baby right now...Im to young.Its a problem for everyone.Thats why im taking care of my problem.I said standing up.She just sat there her eyes filling with tears.I dont want you to do this...Can you just please give it a second thought..She asked grabbing my hands.I nodded knowing what i was going to do.


Riley stayed for dinner to make sure i didnt leave...I watched as she played with Holly.My phone buzzed.I looked down and it was a text from Isac.I rolled my eyes and opened it.Hey its Isac....I know the situation and Im just letting you know what ever you decide to do i wont be in the kids life...I made my descion..So i dont want you to send any thing to me reguarding the kid.Im out...He texted.I felt the tears coming but i held them in.Whats wrong?Riley asked.I shook my head...


Isac's p.o.v.

I saw chealse and walked over to her.Hey sexy.She sed.I smerked and kissed her.I looked up when someone sighed annoyed.It was Riley.She gave me a dirty look.I smiled at her.Pig..She sed and walked away.Whats that all about?Chealse asked.Uh I dont know...I sed.I have to go...See you at lunch.I sed then walked off to find Riley.I looked around in the lunchroom.I was about to give up when i saw her in the hall walking.I ran after her.Riley!!!I called.She turned and saw me.She glared and kept walking.I caught up to her.Riley can we talk please.I asked trying to keep up with her.Theres nothing to talk about Isac!I dont like you!!!Your a fucking pig and a asshole!She yelled still walking.People began to stop and stare.Your making a scene...I sed lowly.She stopped and got in my face.Wow!!!Thats all you care about is your popularity!!Pathetic...She sed then turned to walk away.I grabbed her by her arm and pulled her in the girls bathroom.What the hell!!!!She yelled while i made sure there was no one in the stalls.Listen Riley what ever happened between me and Addy is our bussiness not yours!I dont need you treating me like shit in front of everybody!!!I yelled.Isac your such a prick!!!It is my bussiness!!!Shes my bestfriend!!!She yelled.No its not your bussiness...You dont even need to be in this..I sed trying to calm down.Well maybe i wouldnt need to be in this if you were there supporting her!!!She yelled.Can you keep your voice down...I sed grabbing her arm.She slapped me across the face.Dont you ever touch me,talk to me,or even talk about me ever again!!!And that goes for Addy too!!!She yelled before walking out.I dont even want her anyways!!!I called hoping she heard me.I kicked the stall door.

Addy's p.o.v.

I called back the clinic and rescheduled yesterday.Which means im going today to fix my problem.I walked Holly to the home school place and then made a call.

Isac's p.o.v.

I layed in my bed watching tv when my phone started buzzing.Hello beautiful.I said.Im ready come pick me up.Addy said.Okay im on my way.I sed then hung up.I got in my car and drove to Addys house.I honked my horn to let her know i was there.She walked out and got in without a word.I pulled out of her driveway and drove to the clinic.She looked out the window the whole time.So do you want me to go in with you?I asked.She glared at me and slammed my car door.I laughed to myself and pulled out my phone.Hey it was just a joke....Anyways ill be out in the parking lot.I texted her.I turned the music up.

Levi's p.o.v.

Its been about 2 weeks that ive been hanging with Riley.I like her...Shes a pretty cool girl...Isac doesnt know that i like her or that i even know her.Same thing with Addy.So you free next weekend saturday?She asked sitting in my passenger seat as i drove.Nah i have a basketball game.I said.She nodded.Okay well maybe the weekend after this weekend?She asked.I think I can do that.I smiled glancing at her.Hey Babe isnt that Isac's car?She asked.I glanced over as we stopped at a stop light.I saw him in the drivers seat.What the hell is he doing at a pregnancy clinic?I asked.I dont know.She said as i pulled into the parking lot.I parked next to him and we got out.

Isac's p.o.v.

I was laying back in my seat listening to music when levi interupted me.Hey.Levi said taking my glasses off.Oh hey bro.I said kinda worried.I didnt want Addy to walk out and him see her.I see your hanging with Riley.Thats cute.I laughed getting out of the car.Cut it out Isac and tell me what your doing here?He asked sternly.Uh i just wanted to chill for a moment.I said.Chill....In a abortion clinic parking lot.He said with his eyes squenting.Uh yeah...So dont you have somewhere to be?I asked nodding towards Riley.Yeah...He said then looked passed me.Uh is that Addys bag?He asked grabbing her bag out of my car.Oh no!I said snatching it from him quickly.He looked at me weird.Its this girls bag that i fucked last night.I laughed putting it in the back.He nodded and then Riley yelled out Addy.Shit i thought to myself.Riley hugged Addy as she cried.Levi looked at me with descussed in his eyes.He hit

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