» Drama » The Beauty and the Beast, Serena Reana [each kindness read aloud .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Beauty and the Beast, Serena Reana [each kindness read aloud .TXT] 📗». Author Serena Reana

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Britney, Stacy and Emma. "Oh look who it is...its the three ugly bitches..hope your ugliness doesn't spread!" she laffed as she walked over to Jesse,Celeb, Grimmjow
The three girls lok at each other. and yell at her, "NO ONE TALKS TO US LIKE THAT!!"
Serena turned and looked at them "well guess what..I just did ..and what are you three preppy bitches gonna do about it? Nothing..cause your gonna cry if you break a nail..."
Grimmjows P.O.V
I sat there and Serena just stood her ground against the schools bitchiest people...She is just so amazing
Stacy, Emma and Britney walk over and start yelling at Serena..I go to stand up but Jesse pulled me back down. Emma slapped Serena. Serena decked her. Oh shit..a fight breaks out.
Normal P.O.V
Kids are chanting 'Fight, fight, fight!' "Look..if you want to fucking live..if I were you I'd stay the hell away from me. Serena bitched slapped Emma then added, "Fuck with me and you might not see daylight...ever again." Emma lays there with a bloody nose as Serena is being walked to the office. "Do you realize how much trouble your going to be in, young lady? It may be your second day here bout doesn't give you the right to deck someone in there face!" Mrs. Hung yelled, Serena shrugged and stated "She hit me first! What do you expect me to do? just let that bitch slap me for no good reason? No if she hits me there will be no damn consequences...I will fight you can call my's not like there gonna say anything but wut I just said!" Serena said sitting there "I will not stand for this! You will not use that language with me! Do you understand me?" Serena stood up and got ready to leave "And just where do you think your going?" "I'm leaving" "No your not, come here and sit down!" "Oh yeah? Watch me." Serena got up adn slammed the door behind her adn went to class like nothing happened.

I'm Sorry? ......

Grimmjows P.O.V
I walk into school toward my locker set my books in and see Serena at her locker and walk over. "Hey Serena.." She pulled her hoodie sleeve down and turned to me with a slight glare and said "What do you want? You here to yell at me sum more? Cuz if you are...let me say this...," She paused but continued "My brother just died last I'm in no good shape to be yelled at....and on top of that I'm stressed out..." She rubbed her arm and shut her locked and slowly walked away.. "...Im sorry.." I said and reached for her sleeve, She turned and when i grabbed he sleeve I was shocked to see closed up scars more than just one... 'She....why would she do something like that to herself??' I thought as I pull her to somewhere more private..and there's less people.
Serenas P.O.V
I stand at my locker; putting stuff in it and remembered what I've heard last night and Grimmjow walked over to me. "Hey Serena.."Is what he said so i turn to him with a slight glare...and told him off...but not in a mean-bitchy way. I start to walk away but he gabbed my sleeve and It raises up a bit and he pulled me somewhere more private and with less people. "Why? Why did you do this? you could have killed yourself!" He says in a whisper-yell, I look at the floor cause I knew this whole 'You could have killed yourself! Is that what you really want?' talk was coming "What did you expect..first you yell at me for no apparent reason...then I get told that my brother won't be coming home...cause he's been shot in 3 different places!..and on top of that...I have three bitches who hate me for no good damn reason...I can only take so much...until I honestly can't take it" I sigh and wait for him to reply "That doesn't mean you have to end your life because of whats going on...your not the only one who has problems...I have problems...people have problems everyone..the world has problems..but killing your self isn't going to solve it. Only you can." He says...I already know...but...sometimes I can't deal with either I cut myself or I just do..absolutely nothing....but sit there blaming myself. "I already know many people do you think have already told me that? Yes. obviously the world is at war....people die in Africa are dying from hunger...and your telling me dying won't solve will." I sat staring at the floor. " doesn't and yes i am telling you dying won't help..and I bet many people have told you that...but do you think your brother would be happy with you watching you die? No..not in hell he wouldn't I'm going to say this once...I'm not going to let you won't die before me...not even after I'm understand me?" He says..I don't say anything.. "Do you understand me Serena Slivina Reana?" He says again. "Yeah....wait..who told you my full name?!" I say staring into his blue eyes...hoping he would answer me. "Jesse..." I look at him and say I will see him later in P.E. I go to my locker staring at the floor as i get out my stuff for my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd period classes. I close my locker and walk to home room but Celeb comes and puts his arm around my waist and talked to me but after a few minutes he goes to his locker and I walk into home room.
Grimmjows P.O.V

Serena says she will see me later, and goes to her locker gets her stuff and goes to homeroom I see Celeb...her friend walk and put is arm around her waist I slightly glared at him but didn't care I walked to my locker and see a not that says 'Meet me by the storage closet rite after skool-Brit-brit' I give a low growl and threw the note into the trash as I grabed my books...went off to Homeroom.
~~after skool~~

Stil Grimmjows P.O.V
I tell Serena that I will meet her near the Lake later...I lie and say "I got yeah see you at 6:30ish?" She nodds and goes to get into her car along with Jesse and some other people and she drives outa the parking lot. I go to the Storage closet and walk in but to find its dark I hear the door lock and leaned on a wall.

Oh bloody hell

Grimmjows P.O.V (again)
(just to say some content may offend...)
I tell Serena that I will meet her near the lake closer to my house, she nods and I wait for her car to leave the lot it does...I act as if I'm going to the office but I don't i head to the Storage closet...'Why did I even come to see what that slut wants? Might as well go..cause I don't want Serena to be all pissed at me....again...' I walk into the closet and I sit on a create as the door locks.. "I'm glad You came...Grimmjow." She says in my ear which sent a chill down my spine. "Why the hell am I even here? and What do you want?" I say annoyed. Britney sits on my lap I could see a slight smile on her face and she says "Just to have a talk with you...or maybe just you." "Sorry Britney but I don't li-" I was cut off because she kissed me I go to get up but she pined me..well tied me to a chair that you would see in a dentist office. "What the hell are you doing?! untie me!" I yell.
Britney's P.O.V
Grimmjow comes in..and asked why was he here and what did I want. Men...if I asked him to come to a private place..then shouldn't he have known. I don't tell him what I intend to get..I'll tell him later..maybe after I give "it" to him wink..wink nudge nudge..get the hint? I tie him down to a chair so he's completely venerable. "No..." I say I get on top of him and start kissing and sucking also biting his neck..he moves slightly and then says "Britney! S-s-stop!" I smirk against his neck. "Whats wrong? I thought you didn't like me that way? And You're all tied how are you going to make me?" I continue to bite his neck and I open his shirt..hes really fit...Looks like Serena won't be his first. I trace patterns along his smexy abs I bite his neck a little bit to hard drawing blood and i lick his neck and trail my hand down to his pants.
Grimmjows P.O.V.
This slut is raping me...I feel something warm drizzle down my neck She gets to my pants. 'Oh shit!...dammit! how do I get out of this' I feel her grind against me. I can feel myself getting hard...She starts to give me...a BJ (me aka person writing this: BITCH BACK THE FUCK UP!! *takes out a shot gun* i will kill u! anyways onward with the story!)
~~~Serena's prove~~~
So after I just get out of the shower and i get dressed in this: and walk to the lake where Grimmjow told me to meet him..but he wasn't there yet so I sit on a bench and hear someone call my name I turn to see Grimmjow in black skinny jeans a Tee shirt converse and his hair was spiky as usual. "Hey, G. You look nice." I say and smiled as we start to walk. "So do you, as always...Did you cut and dye your hair?" "Yeah, Your the first person who would actually say something about it"
~~Later that night~~
Grimmjow walked Serena home and she stands on the door step kind awkwardly. " it's a nice night..isn't?" "Yeah..really nice and cool." After a while of talking Grimmjow takes Serena's chin and lifted to meet his gaze. Serena blushed and they lean in and their lips slowly meet.

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