» Drama » The Beauty and the Beast, Serena Reana [each kindness read aloud .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Beauty and the Beast, Serena Reana [each kindness read aloud .TXT] 📗». Author Serena Reana

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Coming back to Cali..and Regina Hgh

Serena walked into her new school... Kirk-wood High. "Great..this is gonna be a damn blast!" she mumbled as she went into the front office. "You must be Serena Reana! Hello I'm Mrs. Barber." She gave a warm welcoming smile. Serena smiled back...but it was fake, "Yeah, that's me. um...can i get my schedule?" Mrs. Barber handed her schedule and Serena left adn went to her locker but along the way some cheerleaders looked at her funny and started to mumble to each other. "Look at her hair." one of the girls said, "Look at the way she's dressed..complete fashion disaster!" the other said. "Shes a freak!" All three of them walk off laffing. Celeb one of Serena's friends walk over "Hey! Long time no see!" Serena was putting her stuff in her locker and looked up, "Omg! Hey C-bear! Yeah have you grown since last time I've seen you?" They both laff. "No, yeah We've missed you." Celeb hugged her. "'We'? the gangs here??" Serena asked curiously,but before Celeb got to answer the bell for homeroom rings and he and Serena walk to homeroom together laffing about what happened last summer. "Okay, looks like we have a new student who will be joining us this year," Mr. Kasigi announced "Serena why don't u come up here adn introduce self." "Um..okay?" She goes up adn stands there, " I'm I guess you could say I'm pretty weird.." Laughter roams through the room. Serena gets done and goes and takes her seat adn chats with Celeb, Jesse and Kahel. "Serena! Your staying for good right?" "Yeah! I wouldn't know what I would do if I moved again..I think I'd freak out." "Yeah I know you would Cause you would miss me.." Kahel snickered.
~~~Skipping to P.E~~~
"Jog for ten minutes!" Mr. Bell Yelled as everyone began to jog. Serena started to job...after ten minutes they had free gym..she grabbed a volleyball but the three girls walked over to her. "Can I help you three?" She asked, "Yeah...why don't you go back to freak-ville or where ever the hell you came from!" "Yeah..obviously your not wanted here" "You can't help but cry now can you?" They taunt her Serena hates this and glared "Let me explain something to each adn everyone of you..I don't know who you think you are..but you don't know me and don't want to know back the fuck up and get the fuck out of my face..and while I'm here I'm going to scare you so good that you won't even be able to sleep at night. You got me? I swear I will Make your lives a living hell!" The Three girls look at her in shock because no one's ever spoke to them like that and they just walk away. Celeb saw what happened and walked over. "Hey, they didn't cause any trouble for you did they?" "No....but I'm going to cause trouble for them...I mean..really pick on someone...they don't even know..and they call me a freak" Serena shook her head as Celeb went back and played Basketball with his friends and Jesse walked over to her. " look like you just told off Britney, Stacy and Emma...what did they do?" Serena sighed, "They tried to scare they really could."
~~~Skipping to the end of the day~~~
So..After 8th. period Serena gets into her car and drives home. She walks in the door sets her stuff down on the couch "I'm Home!!" She shouted to her parents.. "Great, How was your day sweaty?" Her mom asked. "It was okay..I guess. I saw my friends! They were happy to see me. Are we going to move again?" Serena asked curiously. "No, Not anytime soon" Her dad answered

The strange but awkward encounter

Serena gets up..gets dressed in this
She goes down stairs gets something to eat grabs her car keys and her backpack. "I'm Leaving!" She yells as she goes out of the door.
~~At school~~
She makes it to her first period, Family Consumer Science, she sees wheres one seat next to a by with blue spiky hair She hesitates to walk over but shook it off and slowly walks over. "Hey, mind if i sit here?"
Grimmjows P.O.V
I turn my head and see a girl with dark brown hair with random colors in it. "Hey, mind if i sit here?" She asked. "Yeah, go ahead." "Thanks" she smiled at me...her smile was the prettiest thing I've ever seen. "I'm Grimmjow, I've never seen you around here before." "Yeah...I'm new here...I'm Serena" "Oh..kool...How you like it so far?" She shrugged then said "It's okay i guess..." During first period I've got to know more about Serena. She seems Like a pretty kool girl.
Normal P.O.V
So Serena and Grimmjow decide to hang out at lunch and after school. "Yeah, where are we gonna go?" "Doesn't really matter...I guess the mall..We should go see a movie.." Grimmjow suggested. "Yeah. that would be like awesome." They Swap numbers..and Serena gathers her things and heads off to her alternate Study Hall. She was staring at the floor smiling slightly, 'He's pretty cute...I mean....not...cute..he's Hot!" Britney saw her adn pushed her into a locker "Watch where your going, bitch!" Serena glared but continued to walk and saw Kahel and sat buy him. "Hey how's it goin'?" "Pretty good, look like your getting ready to get detention and kick someones ass." Serena smiled "Yeah...I know right?" She said as she started her Algebra homework. "Your in Algebra? Your such a nerd!" Serena took out her random Hipster glasses and snickered "Don't hate..cause your haterz jacket is to small C-bear" "I aint hatein' I'm just sayin'" "And You love me cause you say imma hater!" The bell for 4th. period or First lunch rings Serena heads off to lunch and smiled as she saw a bunch of people but her smile diapered as she saw Britney, Stacy and Emma. "Oh look who it is...its the three ugly bitches..hope your ugliness doesn't spread!" she laffed as she walked over to Jesse,Celeb, Grimmjow
Stacy, Britney, Emma: NO ONE TALKS TO US LIKE THAT!!
Serena turned and looked at them "well guess what..I just did ..and what are you three preppy bitches gonna do about it? Nothing..cause your gonna cry if you break a nail..."
Grimmjows P.O.V
I sat there and Serena just stood her ground against the schools bitchiest people...She is just so amazing
Stacy, Emma and Britney walk over and start yelling at Serena..I go to stand up but Jesse pulled me back down. Emma slapped Serena. Serena decked her. Oh shit..a fight breaks out.
Normal P.O.V
Kids are chanting 'Fight, fight, fight!' "Look..if you want to fucking live..if I were you I'd stay the hell away from me. Serena bitched slapped Emma then added, "Fuck with me and you might not see daylight...ever again." Emma lays there with a bloody nose as Serena is being walked to the office. "Do you realize how much trouble your going to be in, young lady? It may be your second day here bout doesn't give you the right to deck someone in there face!" Mrs. Hung yelled, Serena shrugged and stated "She hit me first! What do you expect me to do? just let that bitch slap me for no good reason? No if she hits me there will be no damn consequences...I will fight you can call my's not like there gonna say anything but wut I just said!" Serena said sitting there "I will not stand for this! You will not use that language with me! Do you understand me?" Serena stood up and got ready to leave "And just where do you think your going?" "I'm leaving" "No your not, come here and sit down!" "Oh yeah? Watch me." Serena got up adn slammed the door behind her adn went to class like nothing happened.

You say you didn't do anything. I don't believe you

Serena gets up..gets dressed in this
She goes down stairs gets something to eat grabs her car keys and her backpack. "I'm Leaving!" She yells as she goes out of the door.
~~At school~~
She makes it to her first period, Family Consumer Science, she sees wheres one seat next to a by with blue spiky hair She hesitates to walk over but shook it off and slowly walks over. "Hey, mind if i sit here?"
Grimmjows P.O.V
I turn my head and see a girl with dark brown hair with random colors in it. "Hey, mind if i sit here?" She asked. "Yeah, go ahead." "Thanks" she smiled at me...her smile was the prettiest thing I've ever seen. "I'm Grimmjow, I've never seen you around here before." "Yeah...I'm new here...I'm Serena" "Oh..kool...How you like it so far?" She shrugged then said "It's okay i guess..." During first period I've got to know more about Serena. She seems Like a pretty kool girl.
Normal P.O.V
So Serena and Grimmjow decide to hang out at lunch and after school. "Yeah, where are we gonna go?" "Doesn't really matter...I guess the mall..We should go see a movie.." Grimmjow suggested. "Yeah. that would be like awesome." They Swap numbers..and Serena gathers her things and heads off to her alternate Study Hall. She was staring at the floor smiling slightly, 'He's pretty cute...I mean....not...cute..he's Hot!" Britney saw her adn pushed her into a locker "Watch where your going, bitch!" Serena glared but continued to walk and saw Kahel and sat buy him. "Hey how's it goin'?" "Pretty good, look like your getting ready to get detention and kick someones ass." Serena smiled "Yeah...I know right?" She said as she started her Algebra homework. "Your in Algebra? Your such a nerd!" Serena took out her random Hipster glasses and snickered "Don't hate..cause your haterz jacket is to small C-bear" "I aint hatein' I'm just sayin'" "And You love me cause you say imma hater!" The bell for 4th. period or First lunch rings Serena heads off to lunch and smiled as she saw a bunch of people but her smile diapered as she saw

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