» Drama » The Beauty and the Beast, Serena Reana [each kindness read aloud .TXT] 📗

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what? A swordfight? Serena...vs Emma

Nobodies P.O.V at the moment!
So Serena wakes up at 5:30 am..shocking isn't it? I mean who wakes up at 5 am? Wired right? She goes and takes a shower and gets dressed in this: (the one with the name 'Serena" in red letters) she goes down stairs and walks outside and sees Grimmjow leaning on her car. "Hey Grimmjow.." She took out her I-phone and played a song as she looked at it to pay attention a to make sure she deleted all her messages except the one from grimmjow. "Hey,nice i-phone cover. Batman really?" He snickered and me and him walk somewhere but we see Emma...and I sigh. 'Great! look who we have here. Is..she carrying a..sword? wow really Bitch should no that this isn't some stupid old action movie!' I thought as she turned to see us.
Emmas P.O.V
I turned as one of my friends leave and see grimmjow adn Her! I walk over to them "Heyy Grimmy-poo!" She laffed and then said "'Grimmy-poo'? What the hell? who would give a guy that kinda nickname? Only you Emmy-kinz" She said as if she was talking to a new born puppy, I glared at her but turn back to Grimmjow. "What you gonna rape me again,huh Emma?" he asked as if he hated me. I rolled my eyes and went to kiss his cheek, but he pulled away and said "Back the hell off bitch!" She didn't say anything but she did step back a bit and leaned on a tree and said; "Whoa, she raped you?" she stood there with a 'What-the-fuck?' look on her face. I couldn't help but to grin. "I didn't rape him...but I do know he enjoyed what we did last night."
Serena's P.O.V.
"I didn't rape him...but I do know he enjoyed what we did last night." Emma said. I honestly could not believe what I was I just wait a few moments to see what happens next. "Emma, you have to be out of your damn think I would lose my virginity to a slut like you" Grimmjow says.. I can help but snicker.Emma Glares at me then back at grimmjow. "Ohh..hit a nerve? Did he? well hate to tell you but...U just go the..nicest way of rejecting someone." "I WILL KILL YOU!" She lunges at me..I move so she hits a tree..I end up near my car and find a sword in the trunk and she runs and me i move again and she scratches my car door "AH! MY CAR!..YOU BITCH!!" She just smirked as i came at her and she stood there as i stood right behind her with a bloody my side i couldn't help but to smirk as her blood splattered on the pavement...
Grimmjows P.O.V!
I saw Emma lunge at Serena but she moved out of the way then next thing I know..I see Serena standing behind Emma with the sword at her side..with blood dripping from the tip; She I didn't even had the time to realize what was happening. It was really quiet all you could hear was the rustle of the wind and a sound of blood splattering on the pavement. I saw Emma clutch her side and Serena turned around and said, "Didn't I tell you..if you fuck with might not ever see day-light ever again ...or I might just put you in a hospital?" Emma came at her again this time Serena didn't even have to move she didn't even raise the sword. but Emma fell to the ground.
Emmas P.O.V
She..cut me....I just can't believe she cut does she to wield a sword but it has something engraved in it...that says 'He whom he who dies last.- Kenjutsu-iajiutsu.' 'Kenjutsu-iajiutsu? What kinda name is that? Japanese or something?!' I think to myself as Serena glared down at me but put the sword away..and set it back in her car and Grimmjow called 991 and an ambulance arrived. and took me away to a hospital, is all I remember before I blacked out.
Normal P.O.V
Serena finds sum scratch remover stuff. She lets grimmjow in the house and goes to take a short and quick shower and changed into this : and I walk back down stairs and sit next to grimmjow, "We should make cookies...but since ur the cookie monster i better hide 'em all!" We laff and watch a movie!

An Invitation? After two years....two fucking somehow happen to come back into my life

Emma's P.O.V
I can't believe her! I mean I shouldn't be in here, Serena should be!! There was a knock at the door. "Come in!" I shouted as Stacy and Brit-Brit came in. "Hey! how do ya feel?" "HOW DO I FEEL?!! IM IN A DAMN HOSPITAL BED CASUE OF HER!" I yelled at them; really why would you ask that? "Well You do deserve it. I mean she did tell us not to mess with her or she would either kill us or end up in the hospital." "BRITNEY! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Brit-brit walked up to me and bitch slaped me...really hard. "I'm done! putting up with your shit! you might as well be in here! Yell at me like that again and you will be flying out of a window!" "Seriously We quit the squad by the way...Emma ever since she got here you've been like a bitch. She didn't do anything to why fuck with her?!" They leave and basically ever since then they haven't come to visit me.
Serena's P.O.V!
I go out to check the mail to find a invitation..from.. Britney and Stacy. 'Great what the fuck is this?' I thought as I went back inside I opened it and it says "Your invited! to a party! at Britney's house!' I look at it and throw it on the counter as I walk up to get dressed in this: I grabbed my car keys and left the house adn drove to Grimmjows as He walked out and got in. "You got one to?" He asked. I nodded as we went and got Jessi..Celeb and Kahel and a few other people and drove to Britney's house.
At the Party
Serena and the gang walked in and Britney walked over "Hey Serena! Hey guys!!" She tried to hug me i move back and say,"Don't. How did you get my address?" "Oh just from a friend. Well Emma still hates you; but don't worry about her." "Why would I worry about her..and why are you acting like we are friends but we're not." After that we all just enjoy the party..I see my.ex-boyfriend, Alex and I tell Grimmjow Imma stand outside for a bit. I walk and lean on my car.
Grimmjows P.O.V
Serena tells me she's going to stand outside for a while, I nodded at her and she goes outside I wonder who was here she didn't like or whatever, I go outside and see her leaning on her car and stood in front of her. "What's wrong?" "I..can't believe hes here." "Who? Who are you talking about.??" She looked at the ground then back up at me and said, "Alex..." she paused.. "my ex...I mean I shouldn't even care..that he's here, right?" "Yeah..wait what happened between you an him? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." "It's fine I'll tell you..." She told me. I can't believe he would do such a thing to her...I mean why would he even hit her. Now I just want to break every bone in his body. "Grimmjow? um are you ok?" "No..I'm not. Why would he do that to you? Did you let him?" "We were having a fight...a-and I slapped him cause i was just so pissed off and then he got mad and then he hit me. N-no I didn't let." I look at her and pull her into a hug.
Alex's P.O.V
I saw Serena walk over to one of her friends that she came in with. The tall one with blue hair. That slut. I walk outside and see her and him hugging. "Well, well, well look what we have here. Serena, babe. How you been?" I smirk as she pulled away and glared at me and said, "Don't call me that! I'm not your 'babe'. What do you want Alex?!" She said babe with such discuss in her voice. "Well..looks like you've found a new boyfriend? you such a slut." "Alex. Back. The. Fuck. Off." the blue haired guy said. "and what are you going to do if I don't" He came closer to me, Serena held him back and said, "Grimmjow, don't its not worth it." "Yes it is, Serena. He hurt you..physically..and emotionally. He should feel the pain that you felt." The way he looked at her, ew sick..ever herd of don't use so much Public affection? "Have him protect you Serena? You're still the same girl who doesn't know how to fight her own fights by her self. Peathic. I hear Your brother died in the war. I bet he didn't try his bes-" I was cut off cause Serena punched me. "Shut. up." "I can't stand you! You must think I'm some toy? Like you played with my heart. Well let me explain something to you...I'm not the same as I was 2 years ago...but you..still havent changed." I can't believe she punched me. I can't believe she said that to me. I get up and punch her and take out my pocket knife adn stab her in her side I watch her scream in pain.
Grimmjows P.O.V
Alex punched Serena and then stabbed her I jump in and punch him. I can't believe he did this to her again. I swear I'm going to kill him if it's the last thing I do!
Normal P.O.V
It takes at least 3 people to pull Grimmjow off of Alex adn Grimmjow takes Serena's car keys and drives her to the hospital.

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