» Drama » Beloved or Betrayed *(incomplete), shay prinkey [best short books to read TXT] 📗

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of me. I looked up at him trying to hold back my smile. "Thank you so much for everything. You just dont know how much this means to me ty." i said quietly. "Your welcome. anything for you. I love you." he said wrapping his arms around me. I fell into his hug laughing. "i really cant believe im so lucky. what would i do without you." He picked me up so we were the same height. "i love you too shortie." he said before kissing me. I tried to stop smiling but i couldnt. He started to smile too with our lips still connected. He sqeezed me tight before putting me down. I pulled my phone out to take a picture of all the bags. I posted it on all my social medias with the caption saying "#got spoiled real quck #he's the best #love him" I posted another picture of us making funny faces. my phone started going crazy with notifications. I sat the phone on the bed going through the bags again. Ty stood behind me with his arms crossed watching me go through them again. I pulled out a pair of green heels i had seen in the mall a few months earlier. "oh gosh i love these i cant wait to wear these. they are so freaking cute!" i said holding them to my chest. He laughed. "the way to a girls heart buy her some heels jas said i didnt realize it was the truth." I started to laugh. "thats so not true i just love these. You got to my heart being yourself. this is just a awesome bonus." I put the heels back in their box. "so i have to wear one of these outfits like stat! what are we going to do tonight. you just made it offical we are so totally not staying in the house." i joked. He laughed. "Well what do you want to do?" he ask. "i dont know. Hell lets just go." I said laughing. He put me down and pulled out his phone. "lets do it. where we going?" He said looking at this phone. I laughed rolling my eyes. I sat down to take my shoes off. "if i had to choose one place i really wanted to be right now." i paused thinking. "i would say florida. id like to see the ocean." i took my other shoe off. "lets go to miami." he said smiling. I looked at him to see if he was joking but he looked serious. "shut up!" i said throwing a pillow at him. "for real. i've got some money saved up. i dont see why we cant go." he said throwing the pillow back. I caught it instead of letting it hit me. I grimaced. "for real?" i ask. "yes!" he said smiling. "for real bae?" i said again trying to see if he would change his mind. "ask me that one more time and im throwing you over my shoulder and we are leaving." he joked. "okay okay. well lets do it then." i said standing up. My feet felt a million times better instantly. I walked out into the hall kicking my feet through the balloons laughing. ty followed shaking his head. "what?" i said when we got into the livingroom. "your so silly. your like a little kid." he said smiling. I rolled my eyes. I was so happy in a way i did feel like a kid in a fairy tale. I just wanted to run and jump through all the balloons. I started to do a little dance in the balloons making ty laugh hard. I grabbed his hand pulling him to me. He put his hands on my waist and i put my arms around his neck. "so are we going to miami cause if so i need to call the crew." i said looking up at him. "yea but im not just going with you jas and storm. I cant handle all that and we need to establish some plans." He said. I put my hands down. I sighed. "lets do this shit!" i screamed jumping up and down. He shook his head smiling. "your crazy shortie. call jas and storm im calling mike." he said going to sit on the couch. I went back in the bedroom to get my phone. When i walked back in the livingroom ty was laying on the couch. I sat in the middle of the floor because i wanted to sit in the balloons. I took a picture sitting in the balloons. I still had my graduation dress on but i didnt really care. I folded my legs under me. "what are you doing?" ty ask. I shrugged. "taking selfies." i laughed awkwardly. He sighed, then sat on the floor in front of me stretching his legs out past me. I scooted up and wrapped my legs around him. I took a picture of us sitting in the balloons. When i looked at it i laughed. He never smiled in pictures willingly. "make a funny face with me." i said hitting him. He scrunched his face up like he smelled something bad. I closed one of my eyes like i was winking then took the picture. I showed it to him and he laughed. "thats the ugliest picture ive ever seen." he joked. "no its not! its cute. it stays." i said snatching my phone back before he could delete it. "oh and when did you get another phone?" i ask. "When i dropped you off. I went to my mom and got her old phone. lucky for me she upgrades like every six months." he said shrugging. "yea lucky you." i said looking at my new phone. "call jas and storm so we can figure out what we are doing." he said kissing my neck. My heart started to beat faster. "okay get off me creep." i said pushing him back with my empty hand. He smiled. I called jas. "Where are yall?" she yelled over loud music. "ty's house." i said. "what? why?" she yelled. "cause we are going to miami." i said winking at ty. "what? miami! wait let me go outside." she yelled. The phone went silent for a second. "okay now what did you say? i swear you said yall were going to miami." she said. "we are. you want to go?" i ask. "when are yall leaving?" she ask. "we havent decided yet. some time between tonight and in the morning." i said. "oh hell! i dont know ill have to make sure moms cool with it and make sure i have money to go but if you find out details ill more than likely go." she said. i heard storm in the background "is that lana?" she ask. "yea." jas said. "where are they? i know they arent just sitting at home bored or cuddled up on graduation night." I rolled my eyes. "tell storm i said we are cuddled up." i said to jas. "putting you on speaker." she said laughing. "where the hell are you?" storm yelled laughing. "at ty's." i answered. "doing what?" she yelled. "well at the moment we are sitting in the floor." i said laughing. "what the hell is wrong with yall? your at home and your sitting on the floor! omg jas take the phone. this bitch has lost her mind!" she yelled. I started to laugh. "shut your hating ass up storm you just mad cause im all cuffed up and your not! dont be jelly it makes you smelly" i joked. Jas started to laugh. "toasted that ass storm." jas said. "oh please im perfectly fine out here not cuffed up. bet you dont remember what those days feel like." she joked. I sighed remembering the last time i was truely single. " actually i do thank you very much and id rather do this any day. while you out there partying im here getting spoiled." i said smiling. "i did see that picture. did he buy all that?" jas ask. "what picture? all what?" storm ask. "look on facebook. its on her page." jas said. "yea he did." i said. "oh shit. okay im a little jelly. why cant i find someone like that?" she said pretending to whine. i laughed. "stop bouncing that ass and maybe you can." i said laughing. "oh hush you still bouce yours and you found ty." jas said. "true but he didnt know about all that when i found him." I teased. "ok well im going to get details and ill call yall back. be safe and dont get too drunk just yet." i said smiling. "ok love you boo call me back." jas said. "dont do nothing i wouldnt do." storm joked. I shook my head and hung up. "yall are crazy. i heard everything them two idiots said." ty said shaking his head. I started to laugh histerically. "they are crazy. i swear im not crazy." he sighed. "lana i have something to tell you." he said smiling. I gave him a look to talk. "you are crazy. the first phase is denial." he said hugging me. I punched him lightly in the side. "your smelly cause your jelly" i yelled. he shook his head over mine. When he let go i started looking up information about going to miami. When i realized how much it would actually cost to go there i quickly decided against it. I looked into panama city which was a few hours closer to us anyways. "so we arent going to miami." i said smilng. "why?" ty ask. "cause we could probably afford it but i know jas and storm wouldnt be able to and im not really wanting to pay almost four hundred dollars for a plane ticket." ty winced. "oh hell no. so how much will it be to go to panama?" he ask. "well if we drive my car it will only cost gas. plus we can leave whenever we want." i proposed. He sat there silently for a moment. "fuck it. lets do it shortie." I smiled leaning in to kiss him. After we kissed i called jas and he called mike. "hello?" jas answered. "hey what are you doing?" i ask. "peeing." she said lauging. "thank you for that. i didnt mean literally." I said shaking my head. "you ask. did you get details?" she ask. "yep. miami is just way to expensive this time of year. but we decided on panama. Its only like five hours away from here we can just drive down there." "okay sounds good i already ask mom if i could go to florida she said yea as long as i kept in touch. so we are good to go." she said "did you tell storm?" i ask. "yea she cant go. she's got to work tomorrow night. speaking of work how long are we staying down there?" she ask. "um i dont know when do you have to work? i quit for the summer." i said. "i dont have to work till wednesday. what about ty?" she ask. "hold on. im going to ask." "bae when do you have to be back?" i ask him nudgeing him with my knee. He moved the phone from his ear. "i dont go back to work till friday. i took off till thursday."  he said quickly putting the phone back up to his ear. "okay so we will stay till tuesday morning. is that good for you?" i ask. "yea its a wrap panama here we come." she screamed. I laughed. "okay so meet us here at like five. that will give me enough time to get packed and stuff." i said. "okay sounds good." she said. "okay love ya and please try to be on time. atleast try and keep in mind we are taking my car dont pack like six bags." i said laughing. "yea yea yea dont
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