» Drama » I Spy With My Little Heart, Kiki XoXo [red queen free ebook TXT] 📗

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you would want to." 


"Oh, and please tell me what we do during this secret meeting." I almost laugh.


"Anything you would want to do." He hints. 


"Nothing with you that's for sure." With that I walk away, finding Tristan in the hall. I do not tell him about what just happened. I barely understand what just happened. He openly acted with me. Well no on else was around but still. Is he getting sloppy or lazy? I don't understnand but to be honest it doesn't matter to me. Just proves he is perv and needs to get brought to justice. 


"Math is next..." Tristan sighs, leaning against the wall. "I'm getting tired of wasting this time." he admits. 


"Yeah, that's how I've felt this entire time." I reply "Well the day is more than half over with... we're almost done." Than the bell rings and we both head off to class. We sit down and barely listen as he goes through the lesson. About ten minutes into class, the intercom turns on. 


"Blaire Kennedy  please report to the office. Blaire Kennedy report to the office."  Than it turns off. I wait a second so they have time to announce Tristan's name but after five minutes, Tristan tells me to just go. Making my way down to the office. I open the door expecting Luke or Mr. Wahls but it's neither. Infact I don't recognize the person from behind. 


"There she is. Please sign out than you can go." the Secretary smiles at me. I slowly go up to the desk trying to see who it is but they turn there face away once I get close. I scribble down a scribble that can pass for my name and follow the person out. I stop outside the office door though waiting to see their face.


He turns around, and I almost scream. 


"Stay quiet, don't run." He pulls a hand from his pocket showing a gun. "Lets go." He jerks his head towards the door to go outside. 


"You think I'm just going to go with you?" I scoff. He nods pulling the gun out farther. "You wouldn't." I question. He pulls it out all the  way grabing my arm and pulling me. Holding the gun to my head. 


"I would." He snickers and I move my feet with his not wanting a bullet in the head. I keep my eyes forward, watching for other students but the halls are clear. He shoves me around the cornner to the doors that lead outside. But just as we are leaving Casey is coming inside. She left right after P.E to go get something. Now she is back. She pauses seeing what is going on a couple steps away from her. 


"Oh my god!? Blaire?!" She panics. 


"SHH! Don't you say anything!" He mutters moving the gun so she can see it. I nod telling her to listen. "Keep moving." he shoves me.  A car drives up ignoring all speed rules, and screetches to a hault in front of the doors. 


"Tell Tristan!" I yell, as Helicopter guy opens the the school doors and the car door flies open. He swears some words shoving me into the car. I have just enough time to see Casey running through the hall, I hope she is doing what I asked.  I look around the car, men. I'm surrounded by men. "What is go-" a hand with a towel in it covers my mouth and struggle but the man next to me grabs my arms. I stop struggling knowing that I will pass out sooner. I memorizwe there faces and than my eyes go black.

Chapter 19

Blaire's POV


Slowly I wake up and look around the room. I'm taped to a chair, in a room that has two chairs including the one I'm in, and a dim light that is bright enough for me to see only the chair across from me. I can't see a door or anything else in the room. I try to look behind me the best I can, but it's no use.  It's to dark for me to really see.


Stay calm Blaire. I know what I have to do. Stay calm, stay quiet, and listen to what I'm told. If need end it.


That's what we've been told to do.


I hear a creek and I assume it's a door opening. I listen as the foot step approach me, and I strain my eyes to see who it is. I lean back once the man takes his seat. It's not helicopter guy. I can't believe they kidnapped me! Who is he working for though? He was American. Is he American too?  I'll found out soon I'm assuming. I sit in the chair watching him like he is watching me. Obviously they want something from me, otherwise they would've / should've killed me already. The man has unshaved hair growing on his face and it reminds me of a scary axe guy. Although he is wear black suit pants and a buttoned white shirt with a loose tie.


Out of the blue I sneeze and he chuckles standing up and walking around me. Now I'm nervous. What is he going to do? I can't see behind me. Maybe they are going to kill me and they just wanted me to wake up before they did it.


"You are okay." His voice is deep, and his accent is strong. German. He is German. I don't say anything, I just keep watching him as he walks in front of me. I turn my neck as much as I can when he passes behind me. "I'm very happy to see that." Then the door screechs open again, and we comes to stand in front of me. Another, better groomed though, man comes in. Suit and tie looking nice.


"Hat sie etwas gesagt?" He speaks in German. I look at the ground with a smile. I know German. One of the many languages I was taught actually just like french. He asks if I've spoken yet.  The axe like man just shakes his head.  "schlug sie, wenn Sie müssen. Wir müssen mit ihr zu sprechen."  


"Was möchtest du wissen?" I reply, not wanting  to get the shit beat out of me beacause I haven't spoke yet. Both the men turn to me with there mouth gapped. The professional clears away any surprise, and laughs leaving the room.  I stare after him confused. He was threatening to hit me if I didn't speak, then when I speak he leaves?


"You speak German?" Axeman questions.


"And French, Italian, Mongolain..." I trial off. "What do you want with me?"  I ask the question this time.


"No... It's not what we want with you. It's what we want from you."  He smiles sitting down now across from me again. When I don't say anything, he begins questioning who taught me German. I keep my mouth shut and look at the ground.  "If you don't cooperate, I'm going to have to become violent." He sighs, leaning back in his chair.


"You might as well kill me." I look up, "I'm not going to talk."


"Kill you?" He laughs, catching by surprise. "We aren't going to kill you! You're going to work for us." He smirks.


"Why would I do that?" I scoff. They must be crazy. They helicopter guy here. So they must be part of a rebel group. Bad Guys.


"To stay alive." He leans forward now. I try to keep my face neutral. I can't show any emotion.


"And if I don't?" I ask my voice quiet.


"Well... I'm couldn't tell you for sure. I doubt we will kill you." He pauses looking at me again. "Maybe we'd keep you around.... you seem like you would be fun to mess around with." He smirks and licks his lips. I struggle trying to break out of my chair to beat the shit out of him. How dare he even say that!  He begins laughing, and it just makes me angrier. If only he knew what I could do if I wasn't taped and tied down! He stand walking behind me, touching my hair. "I bet you're still a virgin." He snickers directly in my ear. I move away from him as much as I can, and from the force of  me moving the chair tips over onto it's side. The tied holding my back to the chair and my arms behind me snaps, from the pressure. I try to squirm out of the tie keeping my feet. But right when I get one foot loose I feel the rope tigthening back against my stomach. He is holding is from the back. I pull out my other foot, and think about how to get out. My feet are taped together and so are my wrists which are still behind my back.


"You think it would be that easy?" He laughs but his voice sounds slightly worrried.


"Yes." I reply, and swing my arms back hoping he is close to me. I strike home, right between his legs, and he lets go of the rope, and I'm able to get out of the chair. Hopping up I turn looking for something to rip the tape with, and checking on his recovery. I have another minute. I use the legs of the chair and start running the tape back and forth on it seeing if that will cut it. After a couple of seconds the tape tears and I role out my shoulders stretching them out. He is back up on his feet now and watching me.


"You're smart." He notices. I just watch him wondering what his move is going to be. "Not smart enough." He jumps at me, and I duck laying my back to the floor. He way over shot it, and I have time to rip the tape on my feet.I get up ready now to show him what I've got. 


"Other way around buddy." I whisper, and he mumbles something in German and it's to quiet for me to hear. I make a run for the door, but he grabs my foot tripping me before I get there. I jerk my other foot back and hit his hand holding me back. He lets go with a gasp of pain. I get up and grab the door handle pulling it open. I peek out first making sure there isn't any guards. Then I make a choice of left or right. Left. I can see a window at the end of the hall. I make a run for it feeling the guy behind me. I get to the window, and I prayer it's only a couple stories up. I make the jump protecting my face.


I hear his scream in the background of glass cracking around me. I feel the ground beneath me right away. Thank the Lord! He is yelling for people to stop me.  I get up, making arun for it even though I'm more than likely bleeding in a lot of places and my foot is feeling some pain from landing on it funny.  I run as best as I can knowing I have more than one person chasing behind me.


"Halt. Komm hierher zurück!"  One yells in german telling to me stop. I keep going, but a couple yards in front of me is a fence. I can't tell if it is electric or not.

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