» Drama » I Spy With My Little Heart, Kiki XoXo [red queen free ebook TXT] 📗

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actually attractive. I look down at the floor feeling a slight blush coming to my face. Taking the opportunity I close my eyes and listen, really listen to the music. It's pop. Up beat and fun. I remind myself to breathe, and I dance. 




I think he has other goals in mind. Things heated up quickly, and I honestly don't care. After a couple of songs I gained confidence and the music type happened to change to a more sexual dance. I went with the flow. We're both feeling it now. 


"Wanna go some where a little more private?" He whispers in my ear. My back is to him, and his hands are on my waist. 


"Lead the way." I reply, and he slips his finger inbetween mine. Following behind him my eyes wonder looking at other people. Teens grinding and laughing. Having a good time. This could've been my life.  Watching other couples being a weird stalker like person, I almost become jealous of these people. 


My feet stop moving before I register what I'm looking at. Who I am looking at. 


"What's wrong?" The boy asks me after he tugs my arm because I stopped. I shake my head, not believing the coincidence. My eyes are playing tricks on me. 


"Sorry." I laugh peeling my eyes away from Tristan. "I thought I saw a friend." I feel off balance now. Was that him? It looked like it. But what would he be doing here. 


"In here." The boy opens a door, and I go out and it's the back alley from the building. It wasn't him it couldn't have been.  I pull him towards me and he thrust forward, then my back is against the brick wall in the other side. His lips are attacking mine and I actually kind of like the feeling. I've only ever kissed Luke... well and I guess Caleb... but this isn't so bad. 


"I'm Brendon by the way." He pulls back and his eyes seem black with the lighting back here. 


"Carly." I lie, leaning my head against the wall. He slips his head down by my neck and his lips are cold. My hands run up the back of his neck and into his hair, for a split second I open my eyes, and something on the roof catches me attention. There is someone on the roof. "Hey.. Brendon there is someone on the roof." 


"Probably just more people like us." He chuckles. Good point. His hands travel down to the tip of my dress skirt, and he pulls it up slightly. 


Wait a minute. What am I doing!?  This isn't a good idea anymore. My eyes open again and I catch the person that is standing up there. They have a flash light now, but I can't see their face. Brendon pauses looking up at the light too. 


"What is this?" He whispers. 


"I don't know.. maybe we should go back inside." I offer.  Out of know where more black shadows appear and they all look down.  The door busts open and I pull Brendon in front of me, hiding my face. 


"What in the fucking hell?" Tristan asks. "Scram." he tells Brendon and he doesn't hesitate. I'm still confused on the cioncidence of all of this. "Well if it isn't miss runaway."


"Tristan, it's nice to see you." I greet him, this is actually somewhat awkward.


"Where is your boy toy?" He asks crossing his arms.


"Walter?" I ask, is that who he means? "Good quetion he dumped me here for the night. You aren't going to believe this but I was going to come back. Tonight actually.. I have no idea where Walter went and I miss you guys." I admit.


"What have you been doing even. You didn't try to hard to get away did you."  He scoffs with obvious disbelief on his face.


"Walter treats me good. I wanted to know what it was like to live outside the facility. Now I have and I'm ready to come home."  I role my eyes.


"Sure looked like it... even though you had your tungue down some guys throat." Crash appears walking down the alley. "We are bringing you back but you're going to have to be brief and re-assest."


"What ever." I shrug I hold up my wrist, "Do you need to cuff me too?"


"Little Bunny has an attitude." He chuckles, and I can see he is loosening up. He believes me.


"I am sorry. But I didn't go willingly. This just kinda happened..." I sigh wishing it was easier to explain.


My body is crouching to the ground before I even realize what happened.  My eyes wonder and I see Tristan on the ground bleed from his stomache. My eyes flash towards where the shot came from. Walter? How did he know we were back here? I crawl other to Tristan and tell him to stay calm.


"You shouldn't have lied to me Toots." His voice is thick and angry.


"You shouldn't have shot him." I stand "You just made a very big mistake."


"Alive Blaire." Crash speaks, taking in the situation. I nod. I run and he aims at me but doesn't fire. I knew he wouldn't do it. I couldn't kill him either.


"I'm sorry." I apoligize and I jerk off the straight path jumping up onto one of the dumpsters. My speed catches even me by surprise and I'm already coming down doing and ariel and kicking him in the face in the process.  He falls and the gun slides from his hand. "I work for the government." I say standing aboce him. He actually smiles knowing he is in a shit load of trouble.


"You're good Toots... really good." He laughs and blood starts leaking from his nose. Crash comes over and pulls him to his feet cuffing his hands and feet. I watch as Crash shoves him into the van, and closes the door.


"What were you doing here?" I ask Crash, now watch a med team take care of Tristan.


"Tristan was put in charge of guarding an important child believe it or not." He rubs his chin.


"Where is the kids now?" I ask, was it good for them to leave this person alone?


"Already inher car on her way home. Tristan saw you in there. He let us know immediately and we sent her home." He now looks down at me, "Good to see you ... Toots."


"Don't." I say.


"I prefer Little Bunny anyways." He smirks and pulls me into an embrace. Then he leaves an arm drapped around me, and pulls me to a different car.




"What happened to Riker?" I sigh sitting back, Mr. Wahls just finished his whole speech on how what I did was wrong. I could really care less I'll take my punishment and do what ever.


"We've been waiting to hear from you." He leans back. I do as well. He is still out. I rub my eyes, I need sleep. It's been a long day and tomorrow is just going to be worse. Training from dusk til dawn and gettig re-assest by Mrs. Jennings.


"I'll decide later." I stand up. "I'm going to sleep now." I head for the door. I pause before I actually open it. "And about Walter. I'd kill him, he is working with terrorist." Then I leave him just like that. Walking through the halls I slowly start to think about that little time I had outside. I really didn't like it. I missed this place and the people here.


My skills were being wasted out there walking around protecting a man who maybe is a terrorist. I've been treated better then others, but I know that I am better than others. I'm not trying to sit here and brag about myself. But the past couples months have really taught me some things. Not only about myself, but the world and the facility.


I reach my room after the 5 minute walk from his office. Ready to sleep in my bed. My heavenly bed. I miss my  room and honestly my shower too. I miss having my own place, since the past while I've been sharing with Walter.  Pushing open the door, I sigh feeling my shoulders droop as I see the clean and pristine white walls and the light wooden furniture. Making a B line for the bathroom, I marvel at my my shower and finally not having to rush so I don't waste water. Of course I take fast showers to begin with, something you pick up quietly with how many shower you might end up taking in a day. Not wasting any of my time, I turn on the water and go out digging into my dresser grabbing clean clothes and bringing them into the bathroom.


I love when you open the bathroom door after a shower. How the steam that has built up roles out of the room. I take in a deep breath feeling the minty coolness. I feel so much better now.


"Hey." I greet Luke who is leaning against the wall over by the door


"Hey." He replies. This is awkward. Has he been waiting for me this entire time? How long has he just been standing there? All I know is that I'm not speaking first. Obviously if he came here he has something to say. So he needs to talk not me. Now with him just leaning there against the wall looking at the floor and not speaking it's making me feel like I need to be the first one to say something. I wont.  We stay like this for 5 minutes, yes five minutes I watched the clock, and finally I break.


"It's nice to see you again." I move closer to my bed sitting down.  "What do you want Luke? I'm not really in the mood for another interegation." 


"I wanted to make sure you were really okay." he sighs getting somewhat rigid. He stands moving from the wall.  "You're fine." He heads for the door. I role my eyes and lay back. That's not what he wanted to say.... I think. I hear the door shut and I turn into my pillow yelling into it.  Life sucks ass hole sometimes. 

Chapter 22

Blaire's POV


 Training... yipee! With Luke even too. I wonder what this is going to be like... it has been awhile since I last trained and I honestly don't think Luke is in the mood to take it easy. Not that he should of course.  I forgot how gorgeous he is. Perfect bones structure and his pink lips. 


"Earth to Blaire." He sighs, "I get it you don't want to be here. But you are so ..." 


"Whats?" I ask. What gave him that idea? Of course I want to be here! I missed him so much! Instead of nightmares I had dreams or us! But I don't want to tell him that... for a couple of reasons. "I want to be here Luke." 


"Mr. Smith." he corrects me and I stop looking over at him. Really? This is what this has came to? "Get started on your lap." He gestures and with that he turns and walks away from me. I do as I am told not wanting to upset him anymore. On my way I get looks from other girls and managers. This is great. I hear whispers and snickers. I'm not stupid. I finished the laps and see if Luke ... Mr. Smith

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