» Drama » I Spy With My Little Heart, Kiki XoXo [red queen free ebook TXT] 📗

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here that we can chill with.. yes they will be high but they don't push... yeah you got it." I turn opening the door for him.


"So you have skipped class before?" he wiggles his eyebrow at me, "Naughty Blaire!"


"Shut up." I close the dor leading him back to where Landon and the group is. We all chill there until lunch skipping all morning classes, and then Tristan leads the way to the cafeteria.  He is hungry. I sit across from him with my lunch tray nibbling off of the pizza while he is stuffing his face. "Slow down there partner you're going to get sick." I inform him and he shrugs his shoulders not really in a caring mood. "You know that tomorrow is the day right?" I whisper, and he stops looking up at me from his food. 


"Yeah, Wahls told me. You sure you're ready to do this?" He takes another bite. 


"Never been more ready for anything in my life." I reply starting to tap my foot. I'm so ready to do this. "Then we can get out of this pathetic school."


"You're not going to miss anyone?" He questions. 


"Not really.. Maybe Landon and the gang but not for long." I shrug opening my milk. 


"Blaire Kennedy please report to the office. Blaire Kennedy please report to the office." The intercom rings into the room. Everyone turns there head my way. I get up from my seat unsure what's going on.  "Tristan Moore, please report to the office. Tristan Moore please report to the office." The  intercom rings again. I wait up for him, and we both know what's up now. We're getting pulled for a different assignment. Or at least one of us is. Making our way to the off, we both slow down when we see not only Luke but Crash and Mr. Wahls. 


"What is going on?" he whispers so quietly I barely even here. I shurg my shoulder wondering the same thing myself. We aren't arresting him today, so I don't know why they're all here. 


"There they are." Mr. Wahls points us out. "Come along we have much to do!" He gestures towards the doors to leave. 


"A mission?" Tristan keeps pace with him, being a kiss up. I stay back behind Luke and Crash even who seem to  oddly enough be getting along. I listen and stay quiet. 


"So glad you asked!" Mr. Wahls chuckles, and I know it's not going to be good. "We have a private job to do." Tristan and I are forced into the car with Mr. Wahls and Luke and Crash get shoved into a different car that was brought. "So, I need you both to cooperate together in this one okay?" 


"Of course." Tristan says as if there wont be any trouble. Well, there shouldn't be either we get along, and we're pretty close to thinking in similar ways. "What is you need us to do?"


"We're infilitrating a military base. We need two opperatives who can sneak and go unnoticed." He looks back us from the passenger seat. 


"I guess you have the right people for the job than." I lean back, watching out the window. 


"I thought so too." He turns and faces the front. "I need some data from a computer..." He explains to us want he is wanting us to do, and how he wants us to do it. 




"I hate these dumb suits." I whisper, zipping it up. 


"Tell me about it. At least you look good in one." Tristan complains, we're both were what we call cat woman suits, that are black leather and fitted to our bodies perfectly althought they should be perfectly fitted because everyone gets a custom made suit. I braid my hair back, and then pop up the hood that is loose. Ready to go. We slip out of the car and make our way towards the building avoiding all the street lamps. Once we get to the back we look for our entrance point. There is supposed to an airduct back here for us to be able to get into the building. Tristan spots it up a couple feet, so we work as a team to get it open. Then he goes in first and than me. We both have to crawl because the duct is small, and I follow behind him with his but in my face. 


"Right or left?" He asks, and I pull out the directions sheet the Luke gave me earlier. Luke and Crash both had a tour of the building while it was still open and got instructions on how to get to the office we need. 


"Take a left, and the after about 5 yards there will be an opening to the hallway beneath us. That's where we will get in and out." I inform him, and then stick the paperback down by my boobs. These suits dont have pockets or anything and there to tight to were any type of underwear with comfortably at least. I keep following behind him until he turns and is looking back at me with the opening between us. The vent lifts rigth up for us, and I go down first.  "Clear." I whisper up to him, and he drops down a couple seconds later. "This way." I say gesturing for him to follow me. We run staying close to the wall waiting to see the name on the door to the office we need into. 


Once we find it, I stand watch while Tristan uses his breaking an entering skills to get inside. I see a flash of a flash light and I tell Tristan to hurry it up. I don't hear any one though and the light is gone. Once he gets it open, I shove him inside closing the door.  I pulling the flash drive out from my boot that reminds me I could've put the papet there too. I shove the thought away going over to the computer. I turn on the computer and start hacking into the hard drive. Tristan stands by the door listening for trouble. 


"Alright I plugging in the flash drive it should take no more than 10 minutes." I inform him, and I take a seat in the chair. Watching the percentage go up. 


"How much longer he whispers about two minutes later.


"It's at 47% why?" Then I hear the shoes running through the hall outside the door.  "Shit! I can't pull it out it might set off a bunch of alarms!" 


"Get under the desk and turn the screens brightness off!" He orders, and I do as I'm told. I pull the chair in making look as if no one was in here. I don't know where Tristan went, but when I hear the door open and see the light from the flash light go across the wall I hold my breath hoping we doesn't get caught. Once the door closes, I give it a couple seconds to make sure the person is gone.  "He's gone." Tristan speaks before I come out. 


I pop out from under the desk checking where the flash drive is at. I pull it out surprised it's finished. I stuff it back in my boot, and pop the hood back up. 


"Once we open that door we have to run. Who knows where that guard is at." Tristan whispers as we both make our way to the door. 


"No problem." I salute him. He swings it open and then we both move out, I keep watch while he re-locks the door. Than we both make our way back to our pipe. Getting a jumping start, I grab ahold of the edge of the opening to the duct. I pull myself up with ease , waiting for Tristan before I go. He gets up and puts the vent back on and I lead the way this time. 


"I enjoy this very much." He chuckles, and I kick back my leg at him but he dodges it it. "It was a compliment! I can't help it you have a nice ass." 


I grab a pipe that running up the building beside the outside of the duct and pull myself out so I feet first and not head first to the ground. Tristan does the same and then we head to the parking lot where Luke is waiting for both of us. We slide into the back seat and gets put into gear on it's way. 


"Everything go smoothly?" Luke asks us. 


"Very." Tristan replies, sending me a wink and I smack him. Such an idiot. 


"That wasn't sarcasm was it?" Luke asks now worried. 


"No!" I say before Tristan can say anymore. "Everything went according to plan, in and out no troubles." Luke looks into the mirror back at us, but than back at the road... yes he is actually driving for some reason ... and just shakes his head not wanting to know. I pull the flash drive out of my boot and I zip it into the bag that Mr. Wahls will get when we get back.  The rest of the ride is quiet. Almost awkward even. 


Awkward stages are happening more and more. I'm just being put into awkward situations, and I'm trying to do the right thing! I sent Luke away. We both still have our jobs. Plain and simple. 


"So, tomorrow is the day." Tristan leans over closer in a whisper. 


"Yeah." I reply, looking down at my knotted hands in my lap. "I'm ready to be done with that school anyways." 


"Wont it be hard?" He asks, his question catches me slightly. "I mean... confronting him about it. Actually telling him you know and...yeah.."


"I'm not sure honestly, I .. ah well right now I'm not worried about that. I'm fed up with dealing with it in fact. I'm ready to move on. Get it behind me..." I respond to him as smartly as I can. "Maybe the nightmares will go away." 


"Nightmares?" He asks.  Great. 


"Just forget I said anything." I sigh. 


"Mhhmm, fine." He leans back and away. "I'm beat man how much longer we got?" He changes the subject without a problem. 




Once I finish my shower and get dressed, I pull out the cell phone I was given for the Mission. I wont be needing this anymore. I press the home button, actually laughing at how I'm a teenager and I honestly hate this dumb phone. Once the screen lights up I see I have a text message. There isn't a contact though. It's an unknown number. Reading the first sentence, I pause. It's not even a message. It's a bunch of symbols and numbers. Computer Lab here I come. 


Once I get there I find the correct cord I need to connect the phone to the desk top. Once it loads I get the unconding program up and running and get everything ready to go. I hit the encrypt button and give it its time to figure out the message. I should try and find out who sent the message, but I'm more interested in what the actual message is. The ding letting my know it's finished encrypting makes me jump up from the chair and click to open the now translated message. 


' We know who you are. You can no longer hide. ' 


I sit back down slightly confused. This is a joke. I can't believe Luke did this... wasted his time creating this! Shutting the program down, I comtemplate going and talking to Luke about it. I decide against doing that because I really don't want to see him alone. It's late, so he is bound to be in his room by himself... well actually I don't know that either. I'll just ignore it. What a waste of my precious sleeping time. Putting everything away and shutting everything down I go back to my room tossing the phone onto my desk. I turn the lights off and call it a night wishing tomorrow to hurry up. 

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