» Drama » I Spy With My Little Heart, Kiki XoXo [red queen free ebook TXT] 📗

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but I just thought that we were closer than this. 


"Besides you've been with Crash." he goes on not hearing my little remark.


" 'for work' " I use his same excuse. "It's not like I go into his room and fuck him every other night." I lean back, I am starting to feel tears but no way in hell am I going to cry because of this. 


"Excuse me!" He demands wanting to know what is going on with me right now. The car than comes to a stop and I know we're at the school.


"Or maybe I do." I whisper but loud anough for him to hear. I grab my book bag and leave the car. 


"Blaire get back here, now!" I hear him and a car door open and close. I keep walking towards the school. He catches up to me real quick grabbing my wrist forcing me to stop. His face it's filled with so much emotion right now. He is frightened and angry. Confused mostly.  "What in the hell has been going on?" 


"Nothing." I pull my arm trying to get him off. "I have school." 


"I'm going to throw you back into that vehicle if you don't anser my damn question."  he questions. 


"What do you want to know?" I sigh, giving up this whole strong indepent thing. Sadly I already miss having Luke here as my best friend. I'm in way to deep to just forget him like that. 


"Did you sleep with Crash while I was gone?" He whispers, and I look up into his eyes. I can't believe he actually believed me. 


"No. Now can I go?"  I look towards the school.


"We will talk about this more at the facility." He says, and I nod. Than with that he lets go of me and gets back into the car. I stare after him like a lost puppy, wanting him to come back here. 


"That looked bad." Casey's voice behind me sounds intrigued. "Get into a fight? Was it about that hot guy who came and picked you up the other day.. with that dress?" 


"Kind of." I sigh, leaving it at that. I walk past her back into the school, and towards my locker. 


"I'm not done here Blaire. You have explaining to do." She follows me keeping her voice down.  "Who was he? He looked like he was thirty Blaire." 


"Actually he is twenty two." I correct her.


"Fine. Why did the twenty two year old give you a dress like that?!" She keeps up with the questions. I take a deep breath thinking through my answer. Why would I have been given a dress like that? "Don't lie either." She whispers, as if she knows what it was for. That's impossible though. 


"It was for a party.." I try out. I'm not techinically lying. 


"What kind of party, Blaire?" she steps in front of me. Stopping me from getting into my locker. 


"A fancy dress party." I smile at her, and swerve around her finally getting to my locker. I open it and begin putting things away and getting out my Anatomy things. 


"No shit." She laughs but it's not a funny happy laugh. I turn around and step back seeing a phone screen being shoved in my face. "You went to Florida. To a big gala from the governer!" I look at the picture blankly, now what do I say?  It is of Crash and I as we were first walking inside.


"Where did you get that?" I ask.


"It was on the news. Apparently there was a shooting and some murders even." She is watching my every move now like a hawk.  I don't understand the clean up crew ussually deal with these things and makes sure there isn't any way to they can lead it back to us. 


"Who have you all shown that to?" I ask. This isn't good. 


"No one.. but it was broadcasted on the tv. So I'm others saw it." She is slightly confused on what's going on now.


"You have to delete that photo Casey. Now." I practically beg her. 


"What? Not until I get some answers Blaire!" She demands. The first bell rings signalling class, and I practically run away. I pull out my phone sending Luke a text telling him what happened and what Casey has. He replies right away saying he is on it. I shove my phone back into my pocket and pay attention to class.


Now I avoid Casey and Caleb both unsure if he knows about the photo yet.  I realize halfway into third hour that I'm going to see Cody Riker today. What do I do? What can I do? Nothing. Mr. Wahls hasn't told me anything  yet.  I'm screwed. That's all there is to it. I'm tottally screwed. Life is hitting the fan because everythig is begging to blow up and away. Luke and I are fighting. I'm stuck in a mission with my rapist. I might have put myself and the agnecy in jeopardy. But, that could also be Crashes fault. He was there two. Why did the new cast have us in there though? We weren't .. aren't famous. If Casey is telling the truth and it was broadcasted over the TV, than there is alot of clean up to be done.


I skip lunch not really feeling it because my stomach is already not feeling the best. I sit in the library trying to think of a way to get out of P.E and Math. I really don't want to see him. Ever again preferably ... unless I'm kicking his ass. I know I'm strong enough to do it. I can meet him face to face and not freak out, or break down. I just don't want to be waiting a long time to do it. 


"Blaire Kennedy, please report to the office. Blaire Kennedy to the office." The intercom blows it's top of hurting my ears. I keep up from my seat heading to the office. I open the door, and pause when I see Casey sitting in a chair obviously pissed off. 


"Blaire." I hear Luke, and he peeks out from around the room. Oh, her phone!


"You couldn't stand me having a picture of you? Wow." Casey scoffs at me. I walk past her without even acknowledging her. She is beyond my main issue here. 


"Blaire. Now." Luke yells from the other room. 


"Yes, Sir." I head inside, and see they have an entire system here breaking into all the students phones checking for the photo and or other information. "You know you didn't have to be a jerk about it. She is going to make my life hell now."


"You wont be here much longer anyways."  He stares at the screen, barely acknowledging me. Right he is still mad at me... I should still be mad at him.  "What was the mission?"


"You know I can't tell you that." I cross my arms.  He starts tapping his foot on the floor, getting angry. "That was a stupid question."


"What happened Blaire? This girl has your photo, and so do many magazine websites. Now I'm on clean up duty cleaning up your mess."  He demands finally looking at me.


"Don't blame me! That's Crash's job!" I fire right back. "Why do you care so much, it was just one slip. It's not like I was holding a gun in the picture!"  the computer beeps and he looks back at that. I turn away fumming about this now. He seems jealous but yet he might just really be mad about having to do clean up. 


"That is not the point and you know it." He calmly says. "You were sloppy... both of you. Next time just be maybe a little more careful."  That strikes home with me. Sloppy. I was sloppy!? 


"Well, I guess you better start training me better than. Since my sloppiness is interfering with you fucking around with Camille."  I reply like a spit fire. Oh no! Not what should have been said. He turns his head towards me, still trying to comprehend everything I just said. I let out a shakey breath, and turn leaving the room. 


"Blaire Kennedy get back here now!" He yells, but I ignore him. I pass Casey who was keeping an ear in on our conversation. I open the office door. and head down the hall back to the library. I sit in my chair  and lean back. 


Damn. I'm in so much trouble. I don't want to go back to the facility now. Luke is more than likely going to murder me, if Mr. Wahls doesn't do it first. I was way out of line today. Talking back to Luke like that. He could get me set back down to a trainee! He wouldn't though would he? He just might with how I have been acting lately. God I've been such a bitch to him. He has to hate me now! 


I lose a couple of tears knowing what ever Luke and I had before is gone. I just threw it all away. Without evening really thinking about it! 


"Blaire." I freeze. Oh god. I'm crying. "What is going on?" He asks and I hear the ceat next to me squeek as he sits down.  "You have to talk to me. I... I don't want to leave things like that. And don't say it is nothing."


"I don't even know what is wrong." I lie. Of course I know, but I can't exactly just say I'm pissed of and jealous that you have a girl that your having sex with and may or may not be in a relationship with. 


"Camille and I ar-" 


"God I don't want to know!"  I interupt looking up but not at him now that al the tears are gone. "It is none of my business."  


"- in a class learning how to use new weapons the agancy is getting." He finishes. I bite my lip to keep my jaw from dropping.  "I'm not sure what you saw... but I can't assure you there is nothing going on there at all." 


"I know what I saw Lukas." I scoff getting up. He must think I'm some kind of idiot. I walk through the shelves and he follows me. 


"You saw her acting like she does with everyone." It makes me laugh actually. I've never seen anyone act so sexual ever. "Blaire." He stops me. "She is into girls." 


"What?" I gasp. 


"Were you jealous?" He asks a hint of a smirk starting to poke out. "Are you jealous?" 


"Are you kidding!? No, I was just ... well I was worried for yo-" I try to think of a way to explain. 


"You were jealous."  He realizes. I turn away again and move away from him. Why does he have to be so damn perceptive!? I really do hate him sometimes. But I'm pretty sure I love him all of the times. 


"That isn't the point Luke. What do you want now!?" I stomp my foot. 


"You know you aren't sloppy right?" He asks a couple feet away from me. He is watching me now with those eyes. Like he's a hawk and I'm his prey. It sends shivers down my spine.  "I'm sorry I  yelled at you. I just don't want Mr. Wahls getting on our asses and bumping you down to a trainee." He pauses, but has more to say. "And... I was... I am jealous that you've been spending so much time with Crash." He finishes in a rush. I feel a little pink start coming to my cheeks. He is jealous of Crash? "You know there isn't anything going on between Camille and I. Now I need to know, have you and Crash ever h-"


"No! I would never do that. Not even if it was to make you mad." I reply. Right than the bell rings. " I better get to class." I sigh, walking back towards the door. I move around him feeling slightly awkward right now. This is a wierd place to leave things. But It's better than before. 


"Wait." He says, to quickly for me to even actually stop. He grabs my wrist, and I tumble towards him from him

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