» Drama » I Spy With My Little Heart, Kiki XoXo [red queen free ebook TXT] 📗

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over to the senator and cover them and lead them towards the door to our car. They both ask a bunch of questions and Crash just explains that we are extra protection. There are more shots, and once we get them outside Crash sends me back inside. I rip the dress so it's easier for me to move in and head upstairs where the shots were coming from. I grab my clutch and pull out my pistol. I edge around the cornner aiming in front of me, but no one is there. I move slowly making sure my heels don't click on the marble floor. I turn aiming into the room I pass and I find a bunch of empty food trays. Who ever was up here has been here a while. I head a bunch of footsteps, and I slip into the empty room and peek out to see what is going on. It's three men leaving the room next to this one. I don't recognize two of them but there is one I do. It's the camera guy from the other mission at the hotel. They head for the stairs. I follow after I'm sure there isn't anyone else. I stay back trying to listen in and see if I can find out exactly what they were doing here. 


"I thought they would be here." Camera guy apologizes. "Maybe they were and just didn't stand out. Or just ignored the shots." He offers, and they continue walking up the stairs. 


"The boss is interested you know that. We need to get this going. Where else might we find them?" A differnt guy speaks.


"I'll look." they stop moving, I take my chance. I peek around the cornner, and take aim. I pull the triger and hit home in the head. One out two to go. The other two freak out and look back at me pulling guns.  "I told you!" Camera guy speaks


"Get her!" The other one still alive yells, and then they both charge at me, not shooting but still aiming. I aim as well and they both slow down. Thinking about how to go about this.


I don't need to think. I take my aim again. And fire. I hit the guy I don't know in the chest, not a kill shot, but not a worthless shot. He falls still and is unable to continue. I aim at the camera guy now who is smiling. 


"What were you doing here?" I ask interagate aiming at him. He drops his gun, but his smiles doesn't go away.  "Answer me." I yell, stepping toward him. He cocks his head toward the window, and I look over there too. I hear it to late. A helicopter. Damn I was to focused on other things. He jumps out the window and I run over looking at what just happened. They're all ready to far away at least for the pistol. A hand grabs my ankle and I turn stomping down on he hand with my other foots. He screams in pain. "What were you three doing here?" I ask him grabbing his hair and pulling his face up off the ground.  He spits at me, and I tug on his hair. 


"I'm not gonna talk." He groans in pain. Blood is everywhere on the ground around us. "Might as well kill me." He laughs. 


I stick my finger into his bullet wound and the screaming begins. I don't think I've ever heard a man scream that loud or at least high pitched. 


"What were you doing here!?" I ask again. 


"You." he mumbles. "Bitch." Then out of knowwhere his arm is up and there is a bullet through his head. I step back totally lost. He didn't shoot me? He could've shot me... but he didn't. I wipe my face smearing some of his blood that splattered on me. 


"Blaire what the hell happened!?" Crash  makes it upstairs. 


"I got two of them... but that damn camera guy keeps getting away." I groan looking toward the window.


"The helicopter?" Crash walks over looking at everything. I nod, looking down at the dress I'm wearing. It more than likely costed a fortune, and now it's not only ripped but filled with blood stains. "Nobody was hit. Just a case vases shattered from people knocking into them on the way out." 


"They weren't here for any specific person." I rub my eyebrow. "I heard some of what they were talking about. They were waiting to see if someone would come out and openly attack them, I didn't catch any names though." 


"Well, you did good. Lets get headed back." He sighs. I nod and follow behind him back downstairs and outside. Once we reach the door, now there is not only paparazi but also news vans with cameras everywhere and  people asking questions and trying to figure out what went wrong. "Aghh.. lets just get out of here fast don't say anything." He sighs. 


"Here wait." I say, "Take off you jacket." He doesn't argue. "Turn around." He does. I slip the dress off, now in the strapless bra and thong. I shrug into his jacket that is just like a knee length dress on me. "Okay lets go." I point towards the door. 


"Are you naked under there?" He whispers as we sneak past eveyone with out anyone paying attention to us.


"No." I reply flatly, and we slip into our car and we head out. " I'm tired." I  yawm laying my head against the window. "I swear if you touch me I will shoot you!" I warn him 


"Thought you weren't naked under there?" He jokes. 


"I'm not but still!" I snap back and with that I ignore him and his like remarks. I'm ready to shower and sleep. It's Saterday tomorrow too. Good. But Luke wont be there. He is in Florida. With Tessa and even some of Crash's girls. Closing my eyes I push the thoughts away I can't get into that now. I don't want to get into that now.

Chapter 13

Blaire's POV


"Blaire? Hey wake up. It's just a bad dream!" I sit up bonking head with Crash who was leaning over my trying to wake me up.  "Sorry... but you started yelling and whipping around. Well, and we're back."


"Oh... sorry... I just...I .." 


"It's okay.. I understand. I'll walk you back to your room." He says, and I don't argue I'm to tired to. The walk back is quiet and once we're to my room, he goes inside and tucks into my bed, screw showers.  "Thanks... Crash."


"I heard about what your mission with the school is." He whispers. "I think it's a bunch of bullshit, little bunny. You're being really strong about everything. I'm proud of you."


"What are you doing Crash? You're actually being a good guy?!" I yawn feeling sleep coming. 


"I just wanted to tell you that, I am proud of you. Stay strong Blaire." He wipes some of my hair off my face, and says goodnight. Then he is gone, and I'm out cold.




I can help you if you don't understand it." Cody reminds me sitting in the classroom. The math room. 


"Please do because I'm still confused." I sigh laying my pencil down and crossing my arms. "This is all dumb stuff anyways when will I need this in the future?" I question. All he does is laugh, making his way over to my desk. I pulls over a chair and begins the first problem with me. None of still makes any sense, but it help a little having him explain it to me again.  "Thanks!" I smile finally understanding this dumb formula I have to use. 


"I know how you can pay me back." His voice goes raspy and low. Than his hands on my chair turning me towards him as he moves in closer. What is this? Aren't we in class? I look around, and panic when I don't see anyone else. I grab his hand and push them off of me, trying to get away from him. "Come one you know you want it."


"No!" I yell, instinctively swinging my arm to slap him. He grabs my wrist just in time and pulls me towards himand I jerk forward into his body. "Stop! What are you doing?!" I say trying to squirm my way out. 


"You know you're my favorite Blaire." He whispers in my ear


"NO!" I shriek falling out of bed. I stay on the floor, letting the hard cold floor calm and cool me down. After a while I sit up feeling a little calmer now. I have blood all over me from last night. A shower sounds nice. I get all cleaned up and decide I'll go to breakfast. It just opened a couple minutess ago, the earliest it opens is 4:00 and it's 4:06 right now.  


Like I thought, I'm the first one here. I chat with the cooks for while, and take my breakfast to go. Computer hacking. I'll go waste some time. Eating and working on skills wastes a lot of time. Mostly because it is hard to type and eat at the same time. Once three hours have past I decide to bring my dishes back to the cafeteria. Now it's packed full. I go in and joke with the cooks about this morning and me calling a banana a mango. I was slightly distracted, and we all laughed about it. I turn around looking at the table for Luke. They aren't back yet.  I leave as soon as I find Crash not wanting him to see me and mention last night. That was so embarrassing. I can't believe he saw me at my worst moment like that. 


Now what to do with my day? I have homework to catch up on, but that really isn't what I want to do at all. I should do it though, just so when I get to school on Monday I can turn it all in and be done with all of it. I shouldn't have anymore homework hopefully after this anyways. Grabbing a bottle of water from a machine, I head to my room and pull my bookbag over to my desk. I pull out all the worksheets and books I have here with me and get to work. Starting with French and ending with Math. 


Hanging around the training hall after that I chat with other marks. It feels nice to have a day off and be a somewhat normal teenager. Well, some what normal. Watching around the room, trying to keep my eyes open for Tessa and or Luke I spot Natalie and Morgan. We aren't very close... I'm not very close with any of the other marks. We talk and all but I don't go out of my way to chat with them. Espicially those two. They aren't that good of company. They both think their shit doesn't stink, and they are practically the sluts of the facility. They go on speical missions trying to seduce bad guys and what ever. 


I hear Crash's whistle that he always does trying to get peoples attention, and I swing my head to where it came from. 


"Me?" I ask. Now what does he want from me. I really don't want to talk to him. Yesterday he saw me at me worst and it was really embarassing

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