» Drama » I Spy With My Little Heart, Kiki XoXo [red queen free ebook TXT] 📗

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the day, and head out. I  stop outside of his office and wait for him to let me in. 


"Ready?" Luke appears next to me, in khaki pants and white button up shirt with a black tie. 


"What are you ready for?" I ask, looking him up and down. He looks good. Damn, does he look good. 


"After this Tessa and I have to hit the road. Mission over in Florida."  I nod looking away not feeling to happy about him going on a mission. I never usually hear about his other missions, I don't like hearing about them. 


"Oh... how long?" I ask curiousity getting the best of me. I keep my eyes foreward though, not wanting to seem absolutely jealous. 


"Only supposed to be over night, I should be back tomorrow." He replies as if it's not a big deal for him to be leaving me. I mean for him to be leaving at all. A second later Mr. Wahls opens the door inviting us inside.  We both take out seats getting comfortable while Mr. Wahls sorts through some paper work. 


"Here is the plan." He clears his throat. "Since today is Friday, we are not going to do anything today. So, today just go back to school and play it as if nothing is wrong. Can you do that?" He looks up at me, and he really doesn't know if I'm capable of doing nothing. I don't either. I sit for second thinking about it. 


"Yes. I can do that." I finally answer him. I can do it. I shouldn't need to worry about doing anything to rash. I can just skip gym and math anyways. Play sick or ask for passes to other classes for help even though I don't really need it. 


"Alright. Than on Monday we can try and lure him out, or make some kind of move than okay? I'm sorry but with Mr. Smith here being gone and all I think we should just wait." 


"Of course sir." I nod, I agree. I don't want to do this without Luke. "Thank you for meeting with me." I get up as does Luke. With that we are released and we both make our way to the garage but get into separate vehicles. I watch out the window of the SUV I am in as he and Tessa get into the Impala. I lay my head back once their car is pulled out and gone. I have a small conversation with the driver joking around about his job and how he actually doesn't mind it.   "See you after school than." I wave getting out, I stay in the street a couple seconds looking at the school building. I breath in and head inside ready to get the day started. 


I go straight to my locker taking care of all my books and grabbing my Anatomy things. I just know realized I missed three days of school. I've probably got a lot of make up work. But if I really think about it, I probably don't have much longer here anyways. I take a seat in  the classroom and bail out before the teacher realizes I  was in there. He must have been back in one of his closets.  Walking through, the now seemily busy hall, I avoid making eye contact with people. I don't want to draw any attention to myself.  I make it to the library where I pull out a book and take a seat actually taking the time to read it. 


"What are you doing in here?" I recognize Caleb's voice right away now. "Reading?  I didn't know you liked books." 


"There are a lot of things about me you don't know." I say with a smile behind the book. It's rather funny to me how true that is.


"I've been noticing."  He sits next to me. "What happened the other night at the house... With your brother." I actually forget about that. I set down my book, glancing over at him. He is typing on his phone. 


"Nothing. He just came to pick me up." I shrug. 


"No. I mean what happened between you two?" He looks at my as he stuff his phone back into his pocket. I don't understand what he is asking. "Come on Blaire. You two definately don't act like just a brother and sister." HE leans in closer. "Is there something going on there on the side?" 


"I can not believe you just said that!" I get up from the chair and grab the book that fell from my lap. "How dare you say that to me! He is my foster brother!" and with that I storm out of the room. Mostly because I'm embarrassed he actually noticed that. My cheeks are a little pink now even. I get to a bathroom and rub cold water against my cheeks shaking off the conversation. I need to just avoid him. All three of the Riker's actually. I sneak out avoide Casey in the hall and slip back into the Anatomy room. I catch up on all the late work in the class and sit and look out the window. 




Time for P.E. We're apparently going outside as well. And Cody Riker is out sick today. I change witht he girls actually feeling good with him being out today. 


"Whoa what is that?" Casey walks over to me and grabs my arm. I look at what she is looking at. It's the scar from where that bullet grazed me. I pull my arm away from her. "Hello?" 


"Luke and I went on a hike... things went bad.. it's from a long time ago." I say and leave the locker room. I head outside where the substitute teacher said she would be waiting for us, and I lay in the grass waiting for class to actually start. Once everyone is outside we get split up into teams and we begin our game of kickball. Caleb and I are on the same team, but it looks like he got the hint to leave me alone because he hasn't tried to talk to me at all since this morning.  


I come up to kick again already into the fourth inning and half way throuogh the class, and get a double right off the bat. The next two kickers after me get out and than it's Caleb's turn. 


"Come on Caleb don't leave me hanging!" I yell over to him and he salutes me with a smile. I notice the short stop walk over to me. "Yes?" I ask.


"You to together again?" She asks, trying to seem like she isn't jealous but it's way to obvious on her face that she is. I chuckle a little and she looks back at the out field.


"Holy man!" She whispers and I glance at her. Her jaw is almost touching the ground. "Casey!" She get here attention at third base, and points out towards the entrance to the school. 


"Dibs!" Casey squeels, and now everyone is turning and looking at who ever. I'm intrigued. I glance back like everyone else falling for the bait. 


Oh great.


The sub blows the whistle telling everyone to pay attention to the game. But even she is staring at him. I scratch the back of my neck hoping he didn't see it was me. Obviously he knows I'm out here though, since he is making his way down here. 


"He looks like he could be in the NFL!" Casey sighs as if she is falling in love at first sight. I role my eyes, only if she really knew him. 


"Excuse me." He smiles waving at the substitute stopping next to me. I keep my eyes away, I'm not going to acknowledge him. 


"Do you need something?" the teacher asks. 


"Actually. Someone!" I can just envision the smile on his face right now. He lays his hand on my head, and I push it off. "I need Ms. Kennedy." Everyone is looking at me now. I really dispies him. 


"Of course." The sub sighs, and I look up at him. 


"Lets go little bunny." He smiles down at me.  After where a couple yards away. I notice the dress back he is carrying behind his back. 


"What is going on Crash?" I ask.  He whips out a yellow slip fully signed by even Luke. I'm actually hurt by this. I stuff it in my pocket not very happy with Luke not telling me anything about this this morning. He wraps an arm around my shoulders. "What is is this time?" I ask pushing his arm off. 


"You need to change. We've got a galla to go to!" He smiles handing over the dress. "Protection detail." he shrugs. 


"And one of your girls couldn't handle this because?" I growl taking the bag from him.


"Believe it or not I've got two girls out with broken arms, and the other two went with Mr. Smith." He sighs, and I get that he isn't happy about that. 


"What is Mr. Wahls doing?" I ask. Why is he mixing up our teams like this. It's like he is purposely trying to cause drama within the agency. 


"Good question. But you need to go get changed little bunny." He roles his shoulders. I head back into the school and do as I am told slipping into the sleek tight fitting gown. I don't know how exactly I'm going to be able to fight in this, but I'm not going to argue. Once I'm all dressed and I have my hair up in an elegant bun I head out in bare feet because I don't think tennis shoes go with this look. Of course just as I am going out the gym class is going back in. I get whistled at and stared at. My eyes pass over both Caleb and Casey, and I look away right away. Now isn't the time. Crash hands me a pair of heels, and I noticed he changed as well now in a tux. Once I have my shoes on he passes my a a clutch and a small pistol to keep in it. 


"Lets go." I gesture to the car, and he opens the door for me sliding inside. "How long well this take?" I ask. 


"We should be back early early in the morning." He closes the car door, and we're off.


The car rides takes hours, and onces we get their I'm half asleep and half to retouch my make-up that I did in the car to begin with. Once we get out there is a huge entrance and people walking in and paparazi even. Crash and I get out and get a couple of flashes from camera's but then we make our way inside without any trouble. I hate this types of missions. We walk around unable to drink anything, and unable to leave the area where our protectee is in. In which tonight we're protecting some senator from ... Florida.... where Luke is. 


"Dance with me?" Crash asks. Eyeing the target and his wife who are on the dance floor. I role my eyes, and go with it. I can't exactly cause any scenes here by not listening to him. For the next couple of hours he is my manager. While we dance staying close to the Senator Crash tells me cheesy jokes that I can't help but smile at.  "Okay okay... how about Scooby Doo?"  He asks me if I know what he is talking about.


"Is that the show with people who solve those dumb mysteries?" I ask, as he dips me after a twirl.


"Sure is. I grew up watching that... before I got here." He slipped up, talking about his past. That's the one thing we never talked about. For the time I was with him that was a huge off limits conversation. I don't push it any farther either. If he isn't comfortable saying anything, it's okay I know the feeling. 


"It's okay.. but the mysteries were so... dumb." I laugh. He shrugs not able to argue with that. There is a gun shot off in the distance and people start screaming. Crash and I both right away get

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