» Drama » I Spy With My Little Heart, Kiki XoXo [red queen free ebook TXT] 📗

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pulling. Not only are we chest to chest but we are lips to lips! Holy shit he is kissing me! 


Wait, he is kissing me?! 


I'm not going to argue. This is like a dream come true right here! Instinctively my arm wrap around his neck. His hands are on my waist holding on tight. I always wondered what it would feel like kissing him but I never thought it would be like this. This is like a peace of heaven. It's short lived. When the bell rings signaling 5th hour starting, I reluctantly pull back. I touch my lips wishing I didn't have to. No one can ever know about it. 


"I'm sorry." I breath out and turn and scurry out of the room, to my class. I slump into my chair still dazed from what just happened. I can't believe that just happened! I need to forget it. If anyone finds out we could both get into a lot of trouble. My lips are sealed. I wont say anything. 


I'll take that kiss to my grave. 

Chapter 15

My grave might be coming sooner then I thought. During my little ... scuttle... with Luke I forgor all about Casey and wiping her phone. She is now giving me the stink eye in the locker room as we change for P.E. Along with all of her friends as well. I might as well go kill myself now because I can tell that they're prepared to make my life a living hell. If I think about it though... it can't get much worse. I mean I'm like 10 feet away from the person who raped me, I kissed Luke which is way against all of the rules, and I'm pretty sure there is going to be one big clean up duty because Casey wont keep her mouth shut. 


I leave the locker room keeping my head down and mouth shut, no need to say anything else that might strike her the wrong way. I hang out in the gym waiting for everyone else. There are a couple guys out here but they are all messing around. 


"You changed fast." Cody sighs sitting next to me at the ground. I look at my hands in my lap, pulling in a deep breath. I need to stay calm and collected here, other wise things might make a bad turn. I just nod, going along with it. It's not like I absolutly had to reply to him with words.  "You ready for kick ball?" He sighs, sounding bored.


"It's not my favorite." I reply and to my surprise it sounded normal. Thank the lord! 


"What is your favorite than?" He asks, his voice sounds intrigued and it catches my attention more than he already has.  I glance over at him, and look away when I see he is looking at me. With him looking at me like that it his questions sounds almost sexual. 


Okay, wait.


This might be fun. Lets play. In a couple of days we'll be arresting him anyways. 


"Well... why don't you tell me." I look back over at him, and he smirks more with a scoff. He looks over towards the guys and watches them a while. 


"You know... you should be over there... or still in the locker room  with the girls." 


"Why though... you're  right here." I sigh looking over at the group of boys like he is. Caleb is over there now, but he isn't paying any attention.  Then the gym door bang open and all the girls from the locker room come in like a heard of buffalos. 


"Alright are we all ready now?" Cody stands up stretching out.  He looks down at me and offers a hand, I take it without a second thought and we all follow behind him. I stay behind everyone like the loner I am, and go about the class without friends. I do a pretty kick ass job at kickball though, but I still don't like it that much.  Classes continue like usual, I haven't faced the wrath of Casey yet, but I feel like their is going to be a big smack in the face coming up soon, and the sooner I get out of here the better.


"Alright go change." Cody releases us. I take off and change back into my clothes and take off to the math room... Mr. Riker's room. I pull out my phone checking to see if just maybe Luke texted me. No, of course not. That kiss probably fucked everything up. Knowing how much he likes his job he probably told Mr. Wahls and we're both in a ton of trouble. I lay my head down on the desk trying to play out the scene in my head. There are some many ways it could go. Depending on what Luke tells him too. Would Luke completely lie saying I made all moves on him!? No. He wouldn't. I don't think at least. 


"In a rush?" Riker walks into the room.


"Yes, actually... I want to get home." I sigh. 


"What's so great about home?  It sounds to me like you have a controling older brother who doesn't leave you alone." He leans on his desk looking in my direction. "Doesn't sound like that good of a life."


"No, Casey .. just doesn't understand whats going on." I lean back. "I'm assuming she told you about the picture." 


"Yeah.... of you at a big gala in Florida or something like that with a different guy."  he replies, in a questioning tone. 


"It's my brothers work.... and I can't say much more about it. That's why the photo had to be deleted." I end that conversation.  "Lets get on with this math crap." I sigh opening my text book. He moves back behind hs desk getting the board ready as more students pile into the room.


Luke isn't in the car when I get picked up. The driver doesn't greet me or even look at me. I'm so dead. The ride back is long and I try to do homework to make it go by faster.  But my worry gets the best of me and begin freaking out.  


I know what I can do. I'll jut go straight to Mr. Wahls and apologize! Take what ever punishment he has for me. Yes, that is what I'll do! I'm still going to be dead and in way to much trouble, but maybe just maybe it wont be as bad. The car comes to a stop and I hear the gears click putting it into park. Here I go. 


Pulling my bag over my shoulder I practically run to his office. Of, course I knock and I don't just barge in. Once I get told I can come in I take a deep breath. Okay. I can do this. 


"Sir." I greet opening the door. 


"Ah! Blaire, just who I wanted to see actually." He smiles. Oh god. But it looks like a genuene smile, not a "I planning to murder you" one. "Come please sit down." 


"Yes, Sir." I take a seat, now rethinking my idea of spilling my guts to him. 


"Alright. Now, we have to be careful how we continue with your mission. " He begins, "With his dad being in one of the top military branches, and his mother being a lawyer.. it might be more tricky to arrest him."


"I thought you have proof though? Like a rape kit." I'm slightly confused. 


"We do. But with it being a couple years old... and not having any other proof. We need a stronger case." He leans back, I nod understanding what he means. Although I thought we were higher up with the government then this. 


"What is it you want me to do?"  I stand, "I'll do anything." 


"I know." He stands up now as well. "Follow me." He gestures, and I do as I'm told. He leads me out of his office and towards the training center. We don't actually go into it though. This is cool! I'm in the over view room. Where managers, Mrs. Jennings, and Mr. Wahls watch us all. I've never been up here before. 


"Blaire, I need something from you that I usually don't ask for." he sighs looking down at the marks and managers down below us. I listen closely. "We know that he is a rapist... a repeated one in fact." Now he looks at me. 


"I don't understand." I admit not following him. 


"I'm going to send some one in with you." He looks away. I get defensive right away. Angry that he doesn't think I can handle this on my own. "For protoction." He continues explaining his thought process. I look back down at the marks spotting Morgan, Tessa, and Natalie all doing a simulation working together as a team. Luke is standing by watching them as they work. Luke... he didn't say anything. What is he doing? 


"Why would I need protection, Sir? I am quite capable of protecting myself and other people." I respond still lost. My eyes wonder away from Luke and the girls, and I just watch others training. My eyes find Crash, he is working with one of his girls that I don't even know. 


"Just a procuation that's all. Back up if something were to happen." He says as if he knows something will happen. 


"What exactly are you asking me to do?" I turn away from the glass. I need to focus on this conversation. 


"I need you to put yourself into a position where he makes a move." He now looks at me as well. "I need you to seduce him."  He lets that sink in a minute, and I process it. I sort of did that today but I did that because I knew we'd be arresting him. But... if he is asking me to do it, and sending in protection... 


"Yes, Sir." I reply.  "Anything as long as I can be there when he is arrested." 


"Of course." He smiles at me again. "One more thing though Blaire." His voice turns serious, and he points down towards Luke. Oh, no. 


"Yes?" I ask worried that he going to remove me from Luke. 


"Mr. Smith, can NOT know about this. None of it. This is between us two." He says, and we both watch Luke for a miniute. He stretches out his arms and twists his torso and just happens to glance up at us. He pauses confused, and his eyes cross mine. 


"I understand." I say still looking down at him, just like he is looking at me. 


"I'm glad. It shouldn't be much longer, Blaire." 


"Wait, who are you sending with me?" I ask tearing my eyes away from Luke's. I walk over to him, since he is halfway out the door. "If you don't mind me asking." 


"Tristan." He responds and I feel my jaw drop. Then with that he closes the door, and leaves me alone in the over view room. 


Back up here a minute. Tristan? The only boy mark here at the facility, Tristan?! Who just happens to look like a model for Calvin Klein?! I haven't even seen him around! I have no idea why he is the only boy here but he is and damn is he good at his job. I've worked with him only one other time, and that was at a wedding. We were the protection the bride who was someones daughter who was important.

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