» Drama » Dear you, Bridget Kathleen [english novels to read txt] 📗

Book online «Dear you, Bridget Kathleen [english novels to read txt] 📗». Author Bridget Kathleen

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A couple of days had passed since what happened with Evelyn. Bianca sat on her bed and watched as her friend brushed her hair in front of the vanity. Her face was pale and her eyes were slightly dark. Spot refused to see her because he wanted her to rest. He also didn't want to risk the chance of running into Charles. Spot was right though, Evelyn needed her rest more than anything right now and he had been checking with Bianca everyday to see how she was doing. "How are you feeling today?" Bianca asked her.

Evelyn set the brush down and rubbed her eyes. "Still tired, but as far as physically goes I am much better." "Spot's really worried about you, ya know?" Evelyn slowly nodded. "I don't doubt that." she said.

Bianca then stood up and sighed. "I'm going to go take a walk. It's way too stuffy in here, plus I need to stretch my legs. You do best to go out in the back yard and do the same." she told her. Evelyn smiled a little and nodded to this. "Plus, I wanted to go buy some chocolate. I'll bring some back for the both of us. Promise." She walked over to her friend and placed a hand on her shoulder. "You gave us a realy big scare that day Evelyn. Maybe we should tell Thomas and Sybelle." Evelyn was quick to shake her head. "Don't! They already worry about us enough. Besides I'm starting to feel better. I'll be in good shape soon. I just need to watch myself more closely." Bianca sighed. "Alrighty...You win. I'll be back in a few." She walked out of the room, down the stairs and out the door where she was a the busy streets of people hustling around.

She got to the chocolate store in about twenty minutes. The inside of the store smelt so sweet. She wished Evelyn could have been with her to look at all the different kinds of chocolate they were selling. After a while though she grabbed two bars dark chocolate and went up to the front to buy it. The man put it in a small pretty white paper bag that had blue lines going across the top.

As she left the store she heard a newsie shouting out the headline. She searched through her skirt pocket and found a penny. When she reached the young newsie boy she held out her money and called out to him. "Hello! I'd like a paper please." When the boy turned a smile spread across her face. "Racetrack!" she said. "I'm glad to see you. How ya been?" Racetrack returned the kind smiled and said. "I'm doin' jus' fine. Hows Evelyn?" he asked. Bianca thought for a moment of how she should answer that question. "She's doing better, thanks." she gave him the penny and she took her paper. "Are you almost done selling papes?" Racetrack nodded. "Sure am. Why?" Bianca shrugged. " want to walk me home once you're done. I'd love the company." Racetrack tried to remain cool at this point. He stilled liked Bianca but all his friends told him he didn't stand a chance against a babe like Bianca. He gulped. "Yeah. Dat be great." He told her. "Awesome," she said. "I'll wait over by that bench." she pointed to a nice white bench over by a couple of trees.

Once Racetrack was done he calmly walked over to Bianca who was sitting on the bench. She looked up at him and smiled and waited for a few seconds before she decided to get up. "It's nice out today." Bianca started and they headed for home. "Sure is. Too bad Spot and Evelyn can't be here to enjoy it?" Bianca nodded to this. "Here," she told him, getting out her chocolate bar and breaking it in half. She handed it to him and his eyes went wide. "You serious?" he asked her. Bianca just smiled and nodded. "Thanks!" Racetrack took a big bite out and made the 'mmm' sound as he chewed it.

It was quiet between the two for a moment as they ate their chocolate, or rather Bianca's chocolate. They continued to walk in silence enjoying each others company while munching on some good chocolate. They would ocasionally glance at one another from time to time, wanting the other to say something but none of them ever did. Finally Racetrack broke the ice. "Good chocolate." He said as he finished his last bite. Bianca looked over to him and nodded. She was still working on hers. Racetrack so wanted to talk to her, but he wasn't sure what it was that would be good to talk about without it getting boring. On the other hand Bianca felt a little funny, talking to a boy three years younger than her and having a slight attraction to him. It wasn't like her. Nonetheless she enjoyed his company and his goofy expressions and jokes. He had a good sense of humor and seemed like a pretty Laid back boy for his age.

Now it was Bianca's turn to break the ice. She built up her curage and asked Racetrack, "What do you think of me?" It just came out and she felt so embarrassed.

Racetrack looked at her really surprised, "What?" He wished he had more chocoalte to eat now. "Simple question," Bianca said. "What do you think about me?" Thoughts jummped around in Racetrack's head. "Uh..." He stutterted a bit. "I...Think ya...a really goily." "That's it?" Bianca pressed on. Something in her wanted to know more and they were nearing the house so she didn't have much time. Racetrack itched the back of his head. "Theres more..." he slowly added. Bianca was hopful now. "That is...?" Racetrack took a big breath. "...You're...Pretty..." he said. Bianca's eyes went wide. Racetrack saw this and began explaining himself, as if there was anymore to explain after that confession. "What I mean is...Uh...You're pretty cool! Ya fun to hang wit." Bianca laughed this time. "Oh Racetrack, you have made my day!" She stopped walking and took her pointer finger and thumb, pintched Racetrack's chin and brought him in and kissed his fourhead.

Completely surprised by this, Racetrack was stunned for the first time in a long time and stood there for a few seconds to ponder on this. Then he came back to the real world that had just gotten a lot better he grinned at Bianca and they started walking again. This time they found themselves on the block of Bianca's house. The precious moment had come and went and now it was almost time to say good-bye to each other. But it was not set in stone, there was something there other than just a friendly relationship. They stopped; they had reached the house. Bianca thanked him and gave him a hug before going inside.

As she got inside and closed the door behind her she heard heavy footsteps decending from the stairs and finally saw Spot coming down. When he reached the bottom he stopped in his tracks as he saw her standing there. They exchanged a few looks and Spot was well on his way to leave the house. Bianca shook her head and ran up stares to find Evelyn in tears, sitting in a chair next to the window, her hands resting peacefully in her lap.

chapter 23: caring thoughts and words


Evelyn sat in front of the vanity. Bianca had just left and she went back to looking at her reflection. The day was going by slowly, the air in the room was thick and she felt sticky. She ran her fingers through her hair a bit and thoughts began flow through her mind. She thought of Scott and why he looked so sad. What was he thinking about? Why was he so sad? And what was going on with her? She had never once had a problem with her heart. First it was her legs and now it was her heart. What was next? Evelyn did not want to think about it.

A cool breez came through the open window and she turned to look back at it. She got up and pulled the chair up to the window and sat down, the curtains flowing slightly towards her, enjoying the fresh air. She began to hum very quietly to herself and she thought of home...her real home. She thought of all her other friends, her parent's. What was going on back in her time? How was everyone doing? She closed her eyes then and tried to clear her mind.

Meanwhile, Spot walked the streets of Brooklyn. He over heard chatter of the papers rising in cost for the newsies. It pissed him off. It just wasn't fair! But tell that to the rich bastards that took all that money stuffed heir bellys every night with hot potatoes and steak! There was still talk of a strike but he had no idea when that would be. He would just stay on the sideline for now and wait for a clear answer.

Spot was on his way to see Evelyn though. He couldn't stand being away from her any longer and wanted to talk things over. He wanted straight, honest answers from her. Spot was tired of always guessing when she was right there to tell him. He turned the corner and walked a few more blocks before finally getting to the house, He walked up the stone stairs and knocked on the door. He waied only a moment before Abigal opened the door for him. She gladly let him and shut the door behind him. After that she went back to work. She didn't need to ask what he was here for, she already knew and she left him to go to her.

Spot walked up the stairs and that the door to Evelyn and Bianca's room was slightly open. He peered through the crack and saw Evelyn alone sitting next to the window, her back facing him. He opened the door quietly and shut it softly after that, hardly making a sound. All his sneaking around New York wasn't for nothing. He stood there looking at Evelyn in her chair, the wind blowing her hair back and listneded her quiet humming. She was beautiful yet completely broken looking. He knew she was tired, he felt like he had made a mistake coming here, but he soon through that thought out of his head. He wanted so much to say something, but he did not want to disturb her. She looked too perfect; like a doll. Finally, Evelyn moved her head a bit and said, "Bianca?" Spot walked up to her and carefully grabbed a lock of her and ran his fingers through it, setting it neatly behind her back. "No." he said. Evelyn quickly turned, shocked to see that Spot was here. "Spot!" she gasped. "Why are you here?" Spot knelt down beside her and brushed part of her hair back behind one of her ears. "I wanted to see you." He simply said. She looked down at him with a sincer look

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