» Drama » Dear you, Bridget Kathleen [english novels to read txt] 📗

Book online «Dear you, Bridget Kathleen [english novels to read txt] 📗». Author Bridget Kathleen

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I can't promise you a family and I can't even promise you a propper burrial." Evelyn shook her head. "You don't understand. I would rather die than be with Charles. I'd be miserable with him, you know this." "Evelyn, I'm trying to show you the real life!" he was sure not to raise his voice too much. "I don't care!" she told him. "Do I need a reason to love you? Do I need a reason to want to stay with you. Why can't you see that?" Spot placed his hands on her shoulders to try and calm her. " I CAN see that and I DO CARE. This is why I'm telling you this. I have no doubt that you will always love me and I have no doubt that I will always love you, but I don't think you will always be happy. You may think you will but things can change so fast and not in the best of ways." Evelyn bit her lower lip, trying so hard not to tell Spot what she really wanted to say. She finally burst and said the first thing that came to her mind. "You can't do this to me!" Spot was taken aback by her sudden level of voice. "You're pushing me back because you're scared and you don't want to try to make this work! You're being a damn coward!" "Well I'm sorry Evelyn, but I don't think I'm right for you. No matter how much, I want you..." he was finding it difficult to speak now. She slapped him again. "Will you stop doing that?" he said, getting annoyed. "Will you stop acting like a dumb ass?" she told him. "There are so many things I haven't told you yet and you already want to push me away. You think I'm not strong enough? Well tough! I am strong enough, I've been through so much crap it would even make your head spin!"

Perhaps this was a terrible way to break the ugly truth to Evelyn, but Spot had to tell her sooner or later. "You can be angry with me all you want, but I'd rather you be angry with me 'bout this than later in the future when we're getting kicked out of our home and sitting on the street with out four kids." Evelyn just shook her head and looked to her feet. "Looks like that punch to the eye did more to you than give you a black eye. Take me's hot. We'll talk about this tomorrow." Spot agreed and they started to walk back together. As they stepped out of the alley the group of gambling men seemed to have ended their game but by the looks of it, it didn't seem to have ended very well. They started to agru in spanish and Spot hurried Evelyn along the dirty streets of deep Brooklyn. Before long a gun shot was heard, the sound of it echoing off the buildings and people screaming. Spot shielded Evelyn with his body but he noticed her slip from underneath him and fall to her side. A sick feeling sunk into Spot's stomach as he realized what had happened. He flipped the unconscious Evelyn around, the right side of her forehead covered in blood. He ran his fingers over the blood, feeling no bullet hole. It must of grazed her. "Eve...?" he said softly at first, feeling like a damn fool now. "Eve?" He said her name louder this time. As he looked down at the one girl he truly cared about as she bled from her head slowly he picked her up bridal style and ran with her to get help. He was too shocked to cry, and too shocked to be pissed. It was as if his life was draining right along with Evelyn's.

Chapter 28: Not your fault


Dear You. Chapter 27: Not your fault

Spot ran with Evelyn in his arms, trying to make it to the nearest hospital but that was miles away. He felt powerless and regreted taking Evelyn to this place. Spot felt like it was his fault and he was beating himself over it. He stumbled once, his legs getting tired from continuiously running. As people began to notice they tried to stop Spot and help him but he could do was keep moving forward."Please, let us help you." said a man. "Is anyone around here a doctor?"
Spot finally collapsed and fell to his knees, still holding Evelyn. "She's...she's bleeding. Idon' know what to do..."
"I'm a doctor," A tall, middle-aged man came walking up fast. He knelt down beside the two of them and swung his shoulder bag off and placed it in front of him, opening it. "Tell me what happened." he said.
Spot didn't feel like explaning. He wanted this man to just know. His mind so full of different thoughts. "There was a gun shot...I blocked her but...she fell..."
The man only nodded. "Let me see her," Spot released Evelyn a bit and her hair was starting to stick to the blood. The doctor moved her hair and took a cloth, cleaning the blood as he dabbed at it. Once he had cleaned the wound better there was a visable line where the bullet had grazed her. The doctor tapped it up with gauz and started to put the rest of his things away and finally, he spoke, "She will be fine for the most, but she needs to see a real doctor."
Spot gave him a puzzled look. "What...?"
"I'm a retired doctor...I have a tendency to carry around my old stuff." he then adverted his attention back to Evelyn. "You need to get this young girl home and have a real doctor look at her. Are you two related?" he asked.
Spot shook his head. "No...just friends."The man who was standing by the whole time finally spoke up and cleared his throat. "I have a wagon just across the street," he pointed behind him with his thumb. "I can take you to where you need to go as long as its in Brooklyn. You live in Brooklyn." Spot nodded. "Great. I'm happy to get that girl home then."Spot got back up and carried Evelyn to the Wagon where he sat in the back till they got to Evelyn's house."

Spot knew that there was going to be trouble the second he walked into that house. Everyone would be blamming him, tears would come and he would get an even bigger head ach than what he has. "Do you need my help? Want to me to go in with you?" offered the man.
"No...I'll be fine. Thanks." he didn't even hear the man say goodbye, he was too caught up in this mess and as he approched the door, kicking it with his foot thre times...he waited. The door opened quickly and there stood a smiling Bianca, but as soon as she realized what she was seeing her happy little smile dropped and she stepped aside. She closed the door faster than when she opened it and automatically asked.. "What happened? Is she ok?" she saw the blood splots on the gauz and an uncouscience Evelyn was even worse.
"Get a doctor." Spot told her, walking up to her room to place Evelyn in her bed. Sybelle came running into the room and gasped asking what in heavens name was going on. "Just get a damn doctor!" Spot yelled. Bianca and Sybelle were both flustered and Bianca went to get the nearest doctor. Sybelle ran up stairs soon after and watched as Spot placed Evelyn carefully on her bed. "Spot...what have you done?" he voice was shaking.
Spot told her the truth. "We went on a walk to talk And things...jus' didn' go as planned. So, we left, coming back here...and then...these gamblin' fella's started up a fight. A gun went off and I went to shield Eve...but the bullet grazed her."
"BULLET?" Sybelle cried.
Spot cringed at her cry. "This...old, retired doc said she be fine...he fixed her up."
"I don't care..." she said. "I think you should leave. You've done enough, Mr.Conlon." Just then they heard Thomas come home and with him was Charles. They were laughing and joking about something in the paper. Sybelle ran to the top of the stairs and called for them to come up. Without question they did ran up to the room and saw a passed out Evelyn, a flustered Sybelle and Spot who had a bit of Evelyn's blood on the collar of his shirt."What in Gods name happened?" Thomas asked. When everything was explained it looked as if Thomas about to bit Spot's skull in, but Charles, of course, stepped in, putting in his two-senses. "Now now," said Charles. "If that old Doctor said that she will be fine than she should." he then looked to Spot. "But this man...this boy, I think should have no right to ever see Evelyn ot Bianca ever again. You're a danger to the two girls and you need to stay away."
"Oh shut up!" yelled spot. "You understand nothing!" this took Charles a step back. "Evelyn told me today that she would rather die than be with you."
"That's a lie." he said harshly."Is it? Maybe you should ask her when she wakes." Charles laughed. "Hah! I will."
Spot looked to Thomas and Sybelle. "Please, believe me when I say that I have and never will have any intentions of harming Evelyn. I love her." This time Charles really laughe but Thomas told him to shut up. "If I was as rich as you," he gestured toward Charles. "I would have already married Evelyn and she'd probably be pregnant with our fist child!"
"Stop that kind of talk!" cried Sybelle. "That's not appropriate!"
"But it's the truth!" Spot cried back. "It's so true I can hardly stand it. I've never cared about anyone so much outside my family. And you knew me at all you'd know that my family comes first. I work my arse off everyday to make sure they have food on the table every night." once he finished ranting the front door opened and foot-steps were heard going up the stairs. Bianca and a doctor were standing near the doorway.
"Spot..." Sybelle said calmly. "You should go now. Whatever has happened...well...we'll take care of it from here. I think it best for you to go."
Spot looked to the floor and then turned to look at Evelyn. He nodded and started heading out the room, Bianca and the doctor stepped aside. "Too bad you won't be her to see her wake." Charles said to Spot as he was about to walk out the door. Spot stopped and slowly turned on his heels and looked dead straight at Charles. BAM WAP! Spot punched him good in the face and Charles went falling to the floor with a loud thud. "She will never love you!" he yelled. Thomas took hold of him and forced him out of the house and locked the door. Spot stumbled down the steps and hit his head on the railing going down. He held his head, he wanted to scream, but he just sat there hunched over, holding his head. "What's wrong with me...?"

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