» Drama » Dear you, Bridget Kathleen [english novels to read txt] 📗

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driving. It is my entire fault. But something happened and we ended up going back in time. I know I sound like a mad person, but you can ask me anything and I'm sure I'll be able to answer. I know about the coming wars. I know about the future Presidents and so much more. I even know about the Newsie strike. I don't care if you don't believe me. The fact is I have told you. It's up to you whether you believe me or not. Just remember, I love you…

The journal ended there and Spot flipped through the rest of it just to make sure, but there was nothing left to read. He closed the journal and quickly put on his shoes. He picked up the journal back up and ran out his front door, his head spinning and his stomach sick with worry. He ran to Evelyn as fast as he could, praying he wouldn't be too late.

Chapter 31: At deaths door

Spot ran with all of his might, the wind burning his throat. He bumped into people from time-to-time, stumbling as he kept on running. Even a Brooklyn Newsie called out to him, but Spot never heard, he just kept on running. Please let her be ok, Spot thought as his legs began to give out on him. He pushed himself forward though as he turned the last corner and down the street towards Evelyn's home. Only then did he finally hit someone hard enough that he fell to his side, knocking a business man down with him.

"Watch where you're going!" he shouted. But Spot never heard him. His thoughts were so loud that he could hardly hear his own heart beating. Don't die on me, Evelyn! he huffed as he reached the bottom of the stairs to her home. With one final effort to haul his tired legs up the stairs and push the door open someone else did it for him and he went flying in and hit the base of the stairs going up. Bewildered and exhausted from all that running, Spot didn't realize at first who was standing above him.

"Well this is a surprise. What are you doing here?" A deep voice croaked.

With all the ruckus Spot made making his way in and stumbling, only then did another person enter the main hallway. "What's the matter?" Thomas asked. He looked down and saw Spot on the floor next to the stairs. "Spot Conlon?" Thomas then looked to Charles, the one who had opened the door. "Did you know he was coming?"

Charles shook his head. "Not the slightest idea why he is here. Although, I'm assuming it's because of Evelyn. But who told him?" he said that last bit more to himself than to anyone else.

Spot finally hauled himself up and brushed off his pants, taking a moment to catch his breath. "Where is Evelyn?" he finally said in one hard breath. Thomas and Charles were awestruck by Spot's appearance that they both kept silent. Finally Spot grew irritated and yelled this time. "I need to see her! Tell me where she is!"

At last Thomas cleared his throat and loosened the collar around his neck. "Evelyn isn't doing so well."

"What happened to her?" Spot's heart dropped to his stomach.

"Evelyn is no longer your concern, ." Charles butted in.

With one angry look Spot looked like he was about to beat Charles in to grape fruit juice. "Don't ever say he name in front me again." he warned.

Charles almost laughed at him. "What will you do, Spot?" he taunted. "You have nothing to give that is of any use to anyone." he was pushing Spot over the edge and he knew this. "You are no help to Evelyn anymore." and he said this, inching closer to Spot's face. Thomas was about to step in the way of the two of them, but Spot was faster and he pulled back his arm, clenching his hand into an angry fist and soaked Charles in the face, spit and blood flying from his mouth. Spot didn't stop there, though, oh no, and he continued to beat on him. Thomas even tried to pull him back but was pushed back in the process by one powerful shove from Spot. Charles tried to hit back but Spot was too fast and all he could do was defend himself, arms over his head, shielding his face from further punches. "You think I can't protect Evelyn? You think I can't give her anything?" Yelled Spot. "You don't know her like I do!" Finally two arms wrapped around Spot's raised arm, ready to punch one last time, but stopped him before he could by pulling all her weight down on his arm.

"Stop it!" yelled Bianca. "You'll kill him!" For that second everything was quiet. Spot looked down at Bianca, her eyes were red and puffy from crying the her usual rosy cheeks had no color to them. Her hair was a mess and her lips pursed together, trying to not let them quiver. It was then that Spot looked around the room(Sybelle had made her way down the stairs by this time) and saw that everyone had the same expression spread across their faces: sorrow.

Charles finally picked himself up and straightened out his suit and rubbed his face. "I'll be taking my leave. Keep me in check." Spot glanced back at him with a glare and Charles took his leave with that as a final warning.

Sybelle walked up to Spot slowly and took his shaking hands in hers. Only then did Spot notice how much he was shaking with anger and worry. Sybelle's soft touch helped sooth him, but only a little but. Finally, she spoke, "Evelyn is in her room. She's asleep right now. The doctor came by not even twenty minutes ago. Charles paid for the visit." she paused for a second. "We don't know what's wrong." Spot hung his head and Bianca held back tears as Thomas placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "The doctor says her headaches and fainting was brought on by stress, but I have a feeling in my gut that there is more to it than just stress." she paused again only longer this time and took a few breaths. She too was fighting back tears. "She's not breathing very well…You need to go see her right now."

With that said Spot ran up the stairs and opened the door quickly to Evelyn's and Bianca's room. There she lay on her bed, like a doll set out on display, her chest slowly rising and her breathing getting raspy. She was sweating; and Spot knelt down beside her bed. "It's me, Evelyn. It's Spot. I'm here now." He grabbed her hand, wishing, praying for her to open her eyes, but she never did. "I read it," he said in a soft whisper. "I read the journal." he stopped his words short, not knowing what to say next. He shook his head and took a breath. "It's funny, I actually believe you. After seeing the way you and Bianca have acted in the past…it all makes sense to me now." still no response from his beloved Evelyn. Spot pulled himself up on the bed more and caressed Evelyn's hair. Her sweating and breathing was getting worse. Tell me what to do, Evelyn. Spot was at a lost of what to do. With one shaky hand placed on her cheek, Spot bent down and kissed her. A little shocked, Spot pulled back. The feel of her cold lips sent shivers down his spine. He kissed her again, trying to warm her lips but they were cold every time. "Evelyn? Eve…Evelyn?" Spot's voice trailed off as Evelyn slipped dipper into the hands of death.

"Eve…Evely…Evelyn…" Evelyn slowly pried her eyes open, lashing flickering as the light in the room blinded her for a short moment. She was back in the hospital, back in her time. Her heart skipped a beat and fell right to her stomach. Her whole left side was thumb while her right side ached with pain and sharp pricks all over her body and she couldn't move her legs. What was going on? Did she die in the other time? Her eyes welled up with tears. "Everything will be ok know, if you want it to be. You'll see." said a familiar voice. Evelyn turned to her right and blinked once, tears falling. She lost her breath for a moment and then gasped for air. "Scott?" she whispered with a slight moan of pain in her voice.

"Yes, Evelyn, it's me, Scott." he smiled down at her. "Don't worry. You're still technically asleep." his presence and voice calmed her a bit. "It's just us, I promise." Evelyn nodded in response and Scott heaved a heavy sigh. "Times up, Evelyn. You have three choices." he told her, his soothing voice suddenly serious now.

Evelyn gulped once and tensed her body(or what was left of what she could feel that is) and asked, "And what three choices are those?"

Scott held up a finger. "One: You can stay here, but if you choose to do that then you are choosing a very hard path. Your family will be happy and they will always be there to take care of you. But you will die in the past, leaving everyone you love there behind." He held up two fingers now. "Two: You can choose to die here and live in the other world. You will be healthy again, but life will not be easy. You know the struggles of what is to come. Are you mentally and physically prepared for that?" and finally he held up three fingers. "Or three: You can choose to die both here and in the past and come with me. You can be free from pain and suffering, but in doing so, you leave everyone behind to mourn and cry for you. It will not be easy for THEM." he told her sternly.

"What should I choose? Help me, Scott." she begged him but he only shook his head.

"No, Evelyn. You have to be the one to choose." All of Evelyn's thoughts were rushing through her mind, remembering everyone and everything she had done up until now. She loved her family and friends in the here and now, but she also loved Bianca who was stuck in the past and her new family and friends that she had made there. She also missed Scott. She could leave with him and be happy forever, but everyone else would be torn to pieces because of her death. Either way she looked at it people were going to get hurt. All three choices made her feel like she was being selfish. Finally, Evelyn sighed and gave Scott her answer. "I'm ready." she told him.


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