» Drama » Dear you, Bridget Kathleen [english novels to read txt] 📗

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nodded and smiled a little. "If ya say so. Now what did you want to give me?"
Evelyn clutched the strap of her bag and held her breath for a second. "I just wanted to give give you...this." she stopped clutching her bag and placed her hands on Spot's face and pulled him in for a long kiss. Surprised, Spot wrapped his arms around Evelyn and pulled her in close, deepining the kiss. Evelyn shivered and moaned when she felt Spot lick her lower lip. She hadn't felt that kind of feeling in a long while. Evelyn opened her mouth and felt Spot's tongue slip inside her mouth as he pushed her back on to the bed. Her laid his weight on her, feeling her chest move up and down against him. Fight for him. If you really want him you will fight. It is the only way for you to live on in this time... chapter 30: The journal


Evelyn awoke, a raging headache waking her in the early morning. The sun was just rising and she groaned. She figured that sleeping over at Spot's house would give her a good night's rest, but it was the exact opposite. She rolled over to the edge of the bed and peered down, looking at a sleeping Spot on the floor. Nothing happened last night besides a bit of kissing but, that was about as hot and heavy as it got. Evelyn blushed, remembering it. She remembered the long talk they had: they wanted to get married, but Spot was worried about being able to support her and the future that family they would have, no doubt about that. Evelyn would go home today and tell Mr. Connealy that she was leaving and would be packing her things right away. Of course, she would have to explain everything to Bianca first and make sure she would be ok. Then again Bianca would probably be totally happy for her and yell with excitement and yell, "I WANT GRANDCHILDREN!"

A bird flew by the window and sat on the edge. It bopped its beak on the window, making Spot stir in his sleep a little. Evelyn put on her boots and put her hair in bun. She figured it would be better to leave without waking him, seeing how it was so difficult to leave once he got his hands on her, holding on to for dear life it seemed like. Evelyn picked up her bag and felt her journal inside. She stopped for a moment and pulled it out, looking down at it. She sighed and turned around. She placed the journal under Spot's blanket and quickly left the house without a single sound to muster.

It was six in the morning and the streets were already buzzing with people. It was not unusual for a Sunday. The head ache began to sting in the front of Evelyn's head above her right brow. She rubbed at it, hoping that would help but it only grew worse. At least the morning breeze was fair. But as Evelyn neared the Connealy house she gulped as she saw Sybelle standing at the door. She was banging dust from one of her favorite rugs and dropped it as she saw Evelyn come into view. She quickly picked up her rug and ran inside. Evelyn took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. There would be hell to pay for sure.

As she walked inside the freshly baked bread smelling house she saw Sybelle standing by the doorway leading into the living room. "You look to be ok." she said. "I'm glad to see you."
Evelyn was shocked at first. "What?" she caught herself saying and then quickly said. "Oh. Um. Yeah, I'm ok, thanks." she almost expected to be slammed with rude comments about being out all night but she was wrong. Completely wrong. And just then Thomas came into the room, his fingertips stained with ink from reading the paper."I suspect you were with Spot?" he asked, already knowing the answer. Evelyn nodded. "Good." Evelyn raised one brow while lowering the other. "I know I have no control over you. I took you in, you and Bianca, knowing that you two could leave at any given moment. I guess I just got caught up in the idea of having to little daughters at home. But you two are not little and you are not my daughters."Evelyn wasn't sure what to say. "Oh. Well…thank you. I actually came here to tell you…everyone…that I am leaving. Spot and I want to get married. It's only naturally that I go live with him and his family."
"Natural?" Sybelle said in question.
"Married…?" Bianca's voice came from behind Evelyn at the front door.Evelyn forgot that it was NOT natural in this day and age to move in with a man before marriage and Bianca on the other hand…seemed a bit too surprised by all this.
Bianca closed the door and leaned against it. "When were you going to tell me?"
Evelyn turned around to meet her friend. "We just talked about this last night." Evelyn tried to reassure her best friend. She half expected Bianca to go on a fit, but instead, she only smiled and walked to Evelyn with open arms."I'm so happy for you!" she hugged her friend tight. She backed up a bit to get a good look at her friend and said, "Let's pack your things, shall we?"

As the girls ran upstairs Sybelle looked to her husband, smiling. "You've changed." she told him.
Thomas tried to hid his smile, but failed. He sighed. "I cannot be helped. Those girls have grown on me." he held out his hand to his wife. "We still haven't had our morning tea. Let's fix that."
"Oh? So gentleman-like." she gladly took her husband's hand walked into the kitchen.

Spot awoke not even an hour later after Evelyn left. He figured she would have left a letter, a note saying where she was going, but he already knew and smiled a bit to himself. Things were finally starting to turn around. He would talk to Mr. Connealy about getting a raise and maybe get out of Charles's grasps. He took a seat on his bed to put on his shoes. He figured he'd meet Evelyn at the house and help her pack things…if that was what she was doing. But there was something rather uncomfortable underneath him and he pulled it out from under the sheets. In his hands he held Evelyn's journal. He looked at it for a long while, knowing that he probably shouldn't open it, but he couldn't help but think that she left it there for a reason…for him. She had said there was something she had to tell him…to give him, but he had interrupted her. His heart thumped hard as he opened to the first page. It read, "Dear You.". He flipped to the next page and in tiny letters he read aloud, "Dear, reader, this journal if for you. Read it at your own risk." he grinned a bit at the risk part. The next page was just like a normal journal entry only it was for him.

Dear, You

I don't know why I write this. For some reason I think that maybe someday I will be able to tell you everything about me. I know I should just get on with it and tell you right now in one sentence but you would think me crazy and drop me like a dead fly. You may think that is a totally bizarre thought, but what you will learn in this journal is even more bizarre. But believe me when I tell you that this is all true. Bianca can back me up on this, I know, because the same thing happened to her.

As Spot continued to read all of Evelyn's weird behaviors in the past were starting to make sense. So, whatever she was trying to get it he was sure that it wasn't too crazy…Or so he hoped. And on he read…

Dear, You

I know this must be really weird for you to read, but I have liked you from day number one. You remind me of someone I once knew. His name is Scott and he looked so much like you it's almost scary. To be honest, you almost gave me a mini heart attack. I was happy but sad at the same time, knowing that you are not him, knowing that you will never be him, it almost broke my heart. But I realize now that I have been given a second chance. I want to make things work out with you. I don't want to marry Charles. I don't want to live this life never telling you, but how can I tell you…? How can I make you trust me, and in believe me?

Almost all of Evelyn's words were filled with worry. Whatever it was that she was trying to tell him she was serious about it and so worried about what he would think of her afterward. He was almost tempted to skip to the end just to find out, but he didn't he turned to the next page.

Dear, You

I have been having this terrible headache for some time now. I'm not sure when it started but I passed out a couple days ago because of it. I keep having weird dreams about lying on a hospital bed. I keep seeing him…I keep seeing Scott. He tells me I have to keep going and if I want to stay I have to fight and I have to make an important decision soon. It could be just a dream, but they seem so real. I'm scared. I don't want to die…

Now Spot was really concerned. The whole time he read his heart was beating faster. He was sick with worry for Evelyn. What did she want to say so badly? And finally…his answer came sooner than expected. The journal was only written half way in when Spot reached the read. The handwriting was messy…but it was the answer he was waiting for.

Dear, Spot

This whole journal is for you, believe it or not. If you are reading this now, I am no doubt already gone. I can't promise you the next time you see me will be a happy moment. I'm just going to say it…Just going to write it down now because I fear I may not be able tell you in person or even continue to write in this. I am from the future…SURPRISE! You're dating a girl who's not even born yet! You rebel, I like you. The same goes for Bianca. I grew up in New York with her and we have always gone to school together. A few years ago I met a boy named Scott. I'm sure you remember me mentioning him. He became my boyfriend but, he was shot and killed in a school shooting (You remind me of him so much. I think that is why I grew so attached to you from the first place). I got upset, really upset, and went for a drive with Bianca (You'll learn more about cars as time goes on, trust me). We ended up in the hospital because of my reckless

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