» Drama » Dear you, Bridget Kathleen [english novels to read txt] 📗

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in her eyes as she touched his face and carressed his cheek. Evelyn smiled softly said to him. "I'm happy to see you." They kissed slowly and softly. When they broke away to breathe from the long kiss, Spot finally asked, "What's wrong, Eve?" "What do you mean...?" She knew what was coming next and her heart started to beat fast. "Everything." he said to her. "I want to know everything. I know there are things you are not telling me and you need to tell me right now." he grabbed her hand and rubbed it softly.

Evelyn sighed quietly and she closed her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Spot, but I can't tell you everything..." "Why not?" Spot got a cross look on his face. She shook her head and smiled a little. "You have nothin' to worry about, I promise you..." "Evelyn..." Spot said. "Whateveh it don' have to keep it from me." Evelyn gave in and decided to let Spot in on a few things she wondered herself. "To be perfectly honest...I'm not sure what is wrong. But I know one thing, I know I will be alright. Whatever happens to me, to you and even Bianca, everything will be jsut fine." Spot sighed in defeat. "That don' give me much of an answer. But I Promise you one thing?" Evelyn cocked her dead to side and said, "And what is that?" "Whateveh happens, I'm always gonna be heah for you. No mistaken that, Eve. I love you, you know this." Evelyn nodded to this, tears filling her eyes. Spot inched closer to her and rubbed his nose aganst hers. "I'll ways protect you, Eve. Even if I don' have much to offer but myself...Those damn idots betteh stay away from ya." Evelyn laughed a bit at this. "...Don't you be goin' anywhereh..." he said and kissed her again only this time he grabbed the back of her head and kissed her hard. He squeezed her hand and then moved his hand on to her side and grabbed on to her a little bit. Evelyn opened her mouth a little wider and felt Spot's tongue slip into her mouth. She could taste the saliva on his tongue and she moaned a bit. If it were possible the two would have each other this very moment, but that wasn't possible, least not now.

Finally Spot pulled back and took hold of both her hands this time. "I mean what I say, Eve...You betteh rest and get plenty to eat...Don' want you goin out on me." He kissed her cheek and stood up. "Id stay longer, but...mam expects me back early t'day...Take care, Eve..." With that Spot left her there. There was no more to say or tell. Spot had came and said what needed to be said even if Evelyn didn't tell him everything. That day would eventually come.

Evelyn burst out in tears then. She felt terrible for only telling Spot a little of the truth that was there. There was so much to tell him but not enough time it seemed like. The tears rolled down her face and her hands laid limp on her lap. She felt weak again and wanted rest but she was sick of resting. Evelyn wanted it all to stop. It hurt so much she didn't even notice Bianca standing in the doorway looking at her. How much time did they have left...?

chapter 24: Dreams and Fears, truths and lies.


Evelyn was dreaming again, she knew she was and as she walked through the cold and quiet stillness of the hospital she thought to herself, This is only a dream. I've dreamed this before. It will all be over soon. But she was wrong, she wasn't dreaming the same dream. It only started that way. Evelyn saw the lonely gurney to her left, the papers spread across the floor, a cool wind coming from down the hall and the flickering lights above her. It gave her the chilling feeling of uncertain death, but again she was dream so how could anything harm her here? Evelyn's feet moved her forward even though he mind told her to stay. She did not go into her hospital room nor Bianca's. She ignored that factor completely and headed on. Something was calling her, pulling her in and beckoning to her.

Evelyn left the security of the flickering lights and intered total darkness, her hands close to her chest, her bare feet becoming cold and inching closer to the fear that pulled her in. She held out one hand and after a moment or so she felt something solid. She felt around and discovered that it was a door and rested her hand on top of the cold handle unable to turn it. For a moment she thought she heard the sound of laughter so she pressed her left ear to the door and listened closely. Their talking was muffled but she could tell the sound of laughter came from children and the one speaking was a young adult male.

When Evelyn had had enough she slowly opened the door and was so shocked she stopped right there in the doorway. There she saw Spot telling a story of Ireland to his younger siblings. All has smiles on their faces and all were happy. When Spot finished his story the children got up as they heard the voice of their mother calling them. As they ran to the door Evelyn was not quick enough to move out of the way, but that was not need, the children ran through her, leaving her to watch the lonely Spot Conlon get up from his chair and sigh heavily. He rubbed inbetween his eyes with his index finger and thumb. He was tired. He was breaking. The King of Brooklyn was unstable, but for what reason could that possibly be? Evelyn slowly walked over to him and looked up at him. For a small moment he looked right at her, his green eyes looking defeated and weary. This is a path that you can take, said a voice. "Path...?" Evelyn repeated. But are you strong enough to do it? Evelyn wasn't sure what to think when she heard this voice speak to her. Then she realised just who it was and felt her body go numb, even in her dream. It was Scott. This had never happened before and it worried her. This is my dream, she thought. I have control over what happens here! Do you? Asked the voice, but then she realised something. "Scott..." she breathed...

Everthing in the room started to dissapear, like a misty substance vanishing. Spot had gone away just like everything else and Evelyn watched it all happen. And just as it went another scene came into view and Evelyn stared at her parent's backs. Their heads were faced down in a bow position. She walked around them to look at them from the front and noticed that they were weeping. Why though? She turned herself around and saw a casket and she realised whoes it was. It was hers. Her eyes widdened and she began to shake, to freak out, tremble. She felt extremly cold now and wrapped her arms around herself, but it didn't seem to help. Again the voice of Scott spoke to her, This is a path that you can take. "What do you mean?" she demanded to know. Suddenly Scott appeared before her on the other side of the casket, his face expresionless.

Scott then slammed his hands on top of the casket and Evelyn found herself jolting up in bed. She breathed hard, her right hand on her chest and a tear falling down her cheek. She was quick to wipe it away and looked over to see that Bianca was still asleep. After she stopped shaking from the events that took place in her dream, Evelyn slid her legs off the side of the bed and slowly got up. Despite the dream Evelyn was feeling much better, physically anyway. Her mind was still tired though. Soon she felt a deep rumble in her tummy and grinned a little. She was hungry and hadn't eaten as much as she could have and left the room to find food in the kitchen.

No one else in the entire house was up yet except for a few maids and Thomas who had just left for work and didn't even see Evelyn coming down the stairs. She walked to the kitchen and made herself some jelly which she quickly devoured and made herself a second one and washed it all down with some milk. She looked to the window above the sink and stared at the morning light shining in. The day was still cool from the night so the temperature was perfect, but it would soon get hot. Evelyn sat herself down at the table and rested her chin on her palms. She was trying to remember everything that happened in her dream. She could remember seeing Spot, she remembered what Scott said to her, This is a path you can take. What did he mean by that? Other than that the memory of the dream was fadding just like the mist.

Evelyn found herself going back up stairs and got out something to write with and her journal. She took a deep breath before starting and opened the journal to a new page.

Dear Spot, I know how worried you are about me and I am a selfless ass for keeping so much from you, but you see, I have my doubts as well. I'm not sure if you would ever believe me to be from a different time, the future. It scares me and makes me sick to think that if I tell you that you wouldn't love me anymore. I don't want that to happy. I love you too much. So perhaps keeping this from you is that best thing that I could ever possibly do for the both of us. Yesterday you came to me and pleaded with me to tell you evething, the truth...and I did tell you the truth, but not the whole truth. I'm afraid that I will die and my body in this time and the future will parish and I will be put into the ground and I will lose both lives to live. I'm afriad of leaving you, Bianca, my parents and everyone else. I've come to love everyone and I'm scared that anytime now it will be taken from me. That is the truth. So you see...I can't tell you these things. It would ruin you...ruin us... Sincerly, Evelyn Conneally.

Evelyn put everything away after that and looked back to see that Bianca was finally waking up. "Oh...You're up before me? You must be feeling better." she half joked. Evelyn smiled. "Yeah...I do feel better." Bianca rubbed the sleep from her eyes and stretched, getting out of bed and placing her feet on the cricking floor board. "Have you had breakfast yet?" she asked. Evelyn nodded. "I went down and had some jelly toast." she then stopped and sniffed the air. "I do smell some pancakes though. I think I can handle a few pancakes in my belly." Bianca giggled a little

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