» Drama » Dear you, Bridget Kathleen [english novels to read txt] 📗

Book online «Dear you, Bridget Kathleen [english novels to read txt] 📗». Author Bridget Kathleen

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Chapter 29: Better days

Static. Voices. That's all Evelyn could hear for the longest time. She couldn't move, speak or even twitch her eyelids. It was dark, but with a faint white glow in the middle where she strained to look. Once in a while she would be able to see dark shadowy figures crossing back and forth. "...Eve." Who? "Eve?" That's me. "It's me." Who is me? "Scott." How is that possible? You're...dead. "Yet I am speaking to you." I'm tired. "Of course you are. That's why I'm making this short." I'm going insane. "You have an important decision coming up." Like what? "Spot..." He doesn't want me. "Course he does." I take it back, I'm not tired...I'm exhausted. "Fight for him. If you really want him you will fight. It's the only way for you to live on in this time." Stop... "Wake up, Eve."

Evelyn opened her eyes, the window near her bed was opened a crack and a cool breez was coming in. The first this she saw was the stain on the ceiling from past water problems. She sighed and then took in a deep breath. Her stomach growled and she moaned. The last thing she remembered was walking down the street with Spot...She gasped. Spot. Where was he? Was he ok? It was evening and she could hear the others down stairs eating it seemed like with all the clacking on the plates. She felt her head and bandage was there; her eyes furrowed, trying to remember more of what happened that day. Was it even still the same day? She was certainly in the same attire she picked out. Evelyn finally stood up, but a bit too fast it seemed like and held her head again from the ach. She ignored it and walked down stairs into the dining room. Thomas, Sybelle and Bianca were sitting about the table enjoying some potatos, corn and fish. Was an unsual meal put together but it smelt amazing and Evelyn breathed it in. Sybelle looked up from her plate for but a second and noticed Evelyn standing at the doorway. Her face looked as if she was staring at a ghost. Perhaps she might as well had been. "Good heavens, child. You're awake!" The others then lifted their head to see and smiled when they saw Evelyn. Bianca was the happiest of all and got up from her seat and ran over to her best friend, attacking her with a hug. "Oh, I'm so glad you're alright!" she led Evelyn to the table and got her a plate of food. "I hope you're hungry."
Evelyn smiled. "Are you kidding me? I'm starving."

They all sat there in silence for a moment and ate their food, going on for a while as if nothing had changed. Finally, Evelyn could no longer stand the silence. "What happened...really?" she asked. The others stopped eating their food and looked at Evelyn once again. "I mean...the last thing I remember is being with Spot."
Thomas set down his fork and spoke. "Spot...he uh. He brought you home after...after you uh...were grazed by a bullet." Evelyn touched her head again. "He said he met a retired doctor on the way back to the house. Fixed you up, he said."
"I need to see Spot. Tell him I'm alright and such..."
Thomas shook his head. "No."
"What?" Evelyn was a bit shocked. "Why not tell him I'm alright?"
"You can't see Spot anymore. He is a danger to you."
Evelyn noticed that Bianca had stopped eating and just stared at her food. Evelyn felt insulted. " could you? Telling me what to do? Yes, you brought Bianca and I in. Fed us, clothed us. But we are not your children. We are allowed to come and go just as easily as you can kick us out. How dare you tell me what I can and cannot do. I'm tired of it! I'm tired of everyone telling what to do."
Thomas sighed. "Then leave."
Sybelle placed a hand on her chest and looked to her husband. "Thomas!" Bianca finally looked up from her plate. Evelyn looked at him in disgust. "I'm suddenly not very hungry anymore." she exused herself from the table and left the room with Bianca going after her.

Evelyn made her way to the sitting room where the piano wasn and looked out the window to the back yard where Sybelle's green house was. "Evelyn...?" Bianca came up behind and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I know it's not right. I'm sorry."
Evelyn scoffed. "Doesn't matter anymore."
"But of course it does. You are completely right. Evelyn? Do you think that we can ever leave? I mean, truly leave?"
Evelyn knew what her friend meant by that and she did not have the answer for it. "I don't care anymore." she sighed.
"I think you should go see Spot." Bianca whispered in her ear. "I'll understand if you want to leave and be with him."
Evelyn finally turned and looked at her. "And leave you behind? No way."
Bianca shrugged and gave a half smile. "I'll be ok. Besides, I have that adorable Racetrack to keep me company." she smiled a bit more then.
Evelyn couldn't help but smile back then. "So you do like that?"
Bianca gave a little nod. "You think he'll be really handsome when he grows up? Have big hands...feet? You think?"
Evelyn's face went red. "Bianca!"
"What about Spot? You know what shoe size he is...yet?" she kept going at it. Evelyn gave her a playful push and then sighed. The moment was gone and the past events were taking its place again. "Go see him, Eve, seriously. He's been worried sick about you for the last day and half." Evelyn's eyes got wide. "A d-day in a half?" Bianca nodded. "Spot needs to see you and...I think you should tell him."
"Tell him what?"
"The truth."
The truth about how and why they were really there. "Oh no. No, no, no!"
"I would tell him," Bianca spoke. "But it is not my place to say. You have to be the one to do it."
Evelyn didn't know what to say to her friend. "I need to be left alone for a while." Evelyn got passed her friend and went to the bed room.

The bed room door opened up and in came a very flustered Evelyn. She walked about the room for a few seconds and then stopped, looking at her bed. She lifted up the matteres and pulled out the note book that she had been writing in for several months now to Spot. She sat at her vanity and started to write.

Dear Spot, I've come far in this note book. I'm surprised that I have made it this far, really. Bianca told me to tell you the truth, but I can't yet. I just can't bring myself to do it. I don't want to wake from this nice, crazy dream yet. My head hurts a little from the when the bullet grazed me. By the way, I'm still pissed at you...If you ever read this, maybe you'll laugh at this. I'm not testing you Spot, I'm just trying to make this easier for the both of us. Someday I will tell you...but not now...Not like this. Sincerlly, Evelyn Connealy P.S. I still love you...

Evelyn set the quill down and blew on the paper to dry it a but before closing it. She sat there looking at the note book, continplating if she should get rid of the note book all together and take her secret to the grave. Bianca came walking in, peaking her head in first before entering completely. She noticed the note book but didn't say anything about it. "The others...Sybelle and Thomas. They've gone to their room. I'd leave you alone a bit more, but I'm so tired."
Evelyn took up her note book and stood up. "That's ok. I can head down stairs." she walked out and went to back to the living area. She paced the room back and forth, holding the note book in her right hand and mumbling to herself. She stood over a small trash can thinking about if she should dump the note book. No. Someone would find it. Evelyn placed the book down and got a small fire going. She held the note book over the fire, her hands shaking a bit and the fire hot and ready to burn anything. You have an important decision coming up. Scott's voice popped into her head and she held the note book close to her chest and grabbed a vase, pouring the water on to the fire. A light smoke rose up and soon vanished.

The next day the weather was sparing; a cool breez left the usual hot summer a wonderful bliss of fresh air. Evelyn was feeling much better and the nice weather was certainlly helping. She had with her leath bag strapped over her shoulder and walking quickly to spot's house. She was in a hipe this day. After what happened last night, standing up against Thomas she felt like she could do anything...well almost. She walked into the appartment building, practically running up the stairs. She stopped suddenly at a door, a familiar door and listened to the voices that were inside. As she raised her hand, the excitment in her suddenly fadding, she realized what she was doing and her started to pound with nervousness. "I'll get the bread!" a voice yelled and opened the door. A small boy stood in the dooway looking at Evelyn with big and confused eyes. "Oh!" he said, as if remembering who she was. "Its you! Spot come quick!" Foot steps were heard, quickly making their to the door. Evelyn held her breath as she saw Spot. He looked just as surprised as her. Suddenly, he grabbed her hand and pulled her in gently. "Come," he said and led her to his room.

As he locked the door behind him he took Evelyn in his arms before she could say a word and held on her for a long while. "Uhm...It's nice to see you again, Spot." Evelyn spoke softly.
"Shhh..." he told her. "Just let me hold you." he said. After another minute of silence and close contact Spot had her sit donw on the bed. He looked her up and down, moving her hair away from her face and brushing his fingers against her cheek.
"What are you doing?" Evelyn asked.
"Just checking marks...seeing if you're alright."
"I'm alive am I not," she joked a little. "I'm ok, Spot." Spot looked at her for a moment, brushing his thumb against her cheek.
"I'm so sorry."
"For what? The other day? This?" she touched her head. "Don't worry about it." she clutched her bag. "I have something to give you."
"That can wait. Tell me why you're here."
"I needed to see you..badly. I wanted to let you know I was ok." Spot nodded. "Oh! I almost forgot," she added. "What did mister Hearst say?"
Spot scoffed this time and rolled his eyes. "Still a mister too proud and full of himself. He said he would "Look into it" but I don't know if I should believe that or not."
"It's a start, though, right?" Spot

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