» Drama » Kidnapped the Wrong Sister, Marie Kelly [simple ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Kidnapped the Wrong Sister, Marie Kelly [simple ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Marie Kelly

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picked up that much detail of the man.

Reading on, there were several other photographs of him, all showing him with different women, some she even recognised, and with a twist of her lovely mouth she thought him to be such a hypocrite. He was clearly a man who enjoyed the good things in life, and that very much included women. How dare he look down on her sister, when he was such a playboy himself? With a sigh, she hoped that this would turn out to be nothing more than a crush for her sister, her head turned by the lifestyle which Alexis offered, and that soon she would realise just how wrong he was for her. Diona did not relish having to deal with Alexis’ brother again, remembering the contempt in his eyes when he talked to her.

The hotel room was warm, and still feeling sticky from the heat and her journey, she slipped into the tiny washroom to have a shower. Diona enjoyed the water as it moved down her slim body, her whole being looking forward to finally being able to lie on the bed which offered her the chance to sleep and to sort out her thoughts. However as she moved back into the small standard basic room, with its lumpy bed and small uncomfortable two-seater chair she saw the envelope which had been pushed under the door.

Moving over to lift it she smiled reading the letter inside: Please come and stay on the island. This would be more convenient for everybody. A car will be outside the hotel at 5:00 to bring you here, please bring your luggage with you. I look forward to welcoming you to my home.

With a soft sigh, she smiled, before dressing in a silky baby blue halter neck summer dress which swished around her knees, showing off her lovely figure in a manner which Diona was not even aware of, before repacking her suitcase as she waited for the car. Looking at the time, which read 4:30 she sighed again, knowing that sleep would have to wait. At exactly 5:00, a large limousine arrived at the door of the hotel and the driver opened the door to help her in before ensuring that her case was put in the large trunk.

They drove about half an hour before she found herself at a small pier where a luxury boat was waiting for her. The polite and smiling skipper took her luggage and helped her on board before moving from the picturesque Greek pier towards a small island only just visible from the mainland. As she watched it become bigger the closer they got, she could not help but gasp at how beautiful it looked. The lush green vegetation against the golden sand which contrasted with the aqua waters took her breath away. With a soft frown Diona thought about just how rich the Dranias' were, uncomfortable with the level of wealth she was seeing. Daryle was in many ways an innocent, trusting people far more than she should. She wondered how seriously a man like Alexis could take her 21 year old sister, not wanting to see her hurt, knowing just how far out of her own sphere of wealth Daryle was. As they docked at the pier, the skipper once more lifted her bag before politely helping her down onto the wooden jetty. He walked with her to the waiting car, which then took her the short distance to the large modern building she could see at the top of the island. The back of the building seemed to be built into the cliff which it perched onto as though it belonged there, blending into the rocky wall seamlessly. Diona held her breath, completely awe-struck at the beauty and wildness of it. She admired the wall-to-wall windows looking out, which she found herself thinking must be a perfect canvas for the sea below. As they turned the bend bringing them around to the front of the house she could see the softer side. Here the building was grand, with pillars beside the large entrance, which was surrounded by perfectly manicured gardens. Diona moaned gently, once more feeling so out of place, thinking of her small two-bedroom flat which she and Daryle shared.

The driver opened her door, helping her out of the large car before smiling politely at her and driving away, leaving Diona to ring the large doorbell on the very impressive wooden door. Very quickly it was opened by an older woman who looked at her politely and proceeded to beckon her to come in with a warm smile.

Smiling back, Diona moved into the wonderful area. The large foyer was luxurious from the ground up, from its opulent marble floor which echoed as her small heels moved on it, to the large chandelier which hung from the ceiling high above her. She could see the ornate stairs which led to the second story and she sighed softly in wonder, her eyes wide in awe.

The housekeeper was smiling at her, directing her to one of the many wooden doors off the foyer. “Mr Dranias”, she said, her head nodding as she repeated his name. Diona smiled warmly back, quickly realising that the woman spoke no English. With a nod of her own head, she moved over to the door, knocking on it gently before she moved inside.

As she moved into the large room she gasped with shock. Nikias stood looking out of the large window, leaning against the wall, still wearing the suit she saw him wear earlier that day; his jacket now thrown over one of the many leather seats which covered the large area. His hands were pushed into his trousers and his tie was pulled down with his top button undone giving him a sensual look, which caused her to swallow a small lump in her throat, not understanding the sharp jolt she felt in the pit of her stomach. “Mr Dranias, I...I didn’t expect you here”, she said, with a look of surprise on her face, “Where is Alexis?” Hearing her voice, he stood up straight, turning to face her. He looked over at the small woman before him, now fully able to appreciate her lovely figure as she stood looking back at him with such confusion in her beautiful blue eyes. His eyes flicked over her, admiring what he saw, as he kept his face expressionless.

“Now why would you assume that Alexis is here Miss Brown?”, he asked, a small smile playing on his lips. Diona frowned. “I received a letter from him”, she said slowly, a sinking feeling rising within her, “He said that I should stay here” Diona watched the smile on Nikias’ face widen slightly as she dropped her bag onto the floor, her features becoming angry. “The letter wasn’t from Alexis was it?”, she said, her tone low as she glared at the man before her.

Nikias moved forward towards her. “Very good Miss Brown”, he drawled. “I had a phone call from my brother not long after I left you … he told me that you ripped up the cheque, he had a lot to say about that, along with a few other things, none of which I will bore you with… Not a smart move Miss Brown”

“And why is that Mr Dranias?”, she bit back, her eyes angry daggers. “Because you forced my hand…I told you there was no way that I was letting you get your greedy little hooks into my brother... so welcome to my island” Diona looked at him, the confusion on her face so clear. “Wh…what do you mean?”, she stuttered.

By now Nikias moved so close to her that there was only about a foot between them, and she could see his dark eyes as they looked down on her with triumph on his face. “I mean Miss Brown that you will be staying here, until you’re due to return back to the UK, when I personally will put you back on the damn plane and out of our lives. My brother has a very short attention span, and I’m sure that once you are out of the way, he will quickly find other little playmates with which to fill his day”

Diona looked at him with shock, her eyes wide with disbelief. “You can’t do that!”, she cried out. He smiled back, his eyebrow lifting. “I think you will find I already have”, he replied, his voice soft, enjoying seeing the confusion on her lovely face, before her expression became harder and more determined. “There is a law against kidnapping Mr Dranias…even for people like you” He continued to smile at her. “I don’t know why you would think you were being kidnapped… you are free to leave anytime you like” Diona looked at him suspiciously. “Well I think I would like to leave right now”, she said with determination, lifting her bag and turning to go. With a note of complete triumph he spoke so softly behind her. “And how do you propose to get off this island Miss Brown?” Turning back quickly, she looked at him with horror on her face as the full enormity of her situation dawned on her.

“The boat isn’t coming back is it?”, she said slowly, a contained anger in her voice, as he shook his head. “Nope, I gave them instructions not to come back for another week.” Her eyes narrowed on seeing how his laughed at her. “Isn’t that when you need to be heading back to the UK?”, he said, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Diona looked around the room; spotting the telephone she moved over to it to call for help. Lifting the receiver she heard nothing, not even a dial tone. Nikias sauntered over to a nearby table, his tall frame so relaxed, as he calmly poured himself a whisky, putting ice cubes into it and lifting it to his lips. Diona however could feel the panic rising within her, holding her body stiff as her eyes moved around the room looking for some other way out.

“Every phone in the whole building has been disconnected for the week. The only phone which works is mine… and I am afraid that you won’t get access to that because it is in my room… not a room you will be visiting”, he added looking down at her with no attempt to conceal the disdain on his handsome face.

Diona threw the phone back onto its cradle, as he saw the look of panic cross her eyes before she closed them. He watched as she willed her whole body to become more calm, and when she reopened those wonderful blue eyes, the colour of a summer’s day, he could see in them only grim determination, along with a hint of anger, the sudden change in her surprising him.

“While I find that thought very comforting Mr Dranias”, she said, biting out his name contemptuously, “it doesn’t take away from the fact that you can’t do this...I have evidence… the letter” Nikias smiled again. “And what exactly does that say? I believe that you were invited to come here, very nicely if I say so myself, and it was completely your choice …just as it was your choice to get into the car and boat.”With another triumphant look he added, “So before you start screaming foul play, Miss Brown, remember you chose to come here, every step of the way” Diona looked at him with complete disbelief. “You set me up”, she said, her voice hardly audible. “Yes, now can I get you a drink Miss Brown?”, he asked, pouring her a glass of red wine and moving forward to offer it to her.

Diona fought the overpowering temptation to scream at him and knock the drink from his oh-so-calm fingers as she moved away, ignoring the glass which he placed on the table beside where she stood. Stopping, she placed her hands on her hips lifting her head to look skywards before

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