» Drama » Kidnapped the Wrong Sister, Marie Kelly [simple ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Kidnapped the Wrong Sister, Marie Kelly [simple ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Marie Kelly

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to the large foyer, she found Nikias already waiting for her; he too was dressed in shorts, which she assumed were swimming trunks, and a t-shirt which clung to his lean body. He looked up at her as she came down, his eyes hidden behind dark glasses as he smiled at her. “Don’t we need towels or snorkels?”, she asked, seeing how he carried nothing. He grinned again. “All sorted”, he simply said, opening the door to let her pass.

He then directed her to a path following the cliff side, which quickly became steps moving down to the beach below. When they reached the bottom, Diona could already feel her stiff muscles start to relax as she took a few moments to catch her breath. Here she saw a small shed which he opened pulling out towels, masks and snorkels. “Made more sense to leave everything down here rather than lugging everything up and down those stairs”, he said with a small laugh in his voice.

Diona gave a small agreeing nod as she helped him move everything near the water’s edge. As he pulled off his t-shirt she held back the small gasp, seeing his contoured torso which caused a sudden jolt of want to course through her own body. He was magnificent; his wide broad shoulders tapered down to such a finely toned stomach. She followed the V at his midriff as it disappeared beneath his shorts, her throat feeling suddenly very dry at the sight of how beautiful he looked, with his long back arching in such a way as to have her wondering what it would be like to run her fingers down him.

Dropping her eyes in total confusion as to the feelings he was evoking within her, Diona turned away, slowly pulling off her shorts and shirt, knowing how little she wore underneath. As she turned back, she could see the way his eyes were sliding over her, a look of desire in them as he took in her ripe breasts and long flat stomach, her bottom flaring out so temptingly, before he put back on his glasses to hide the embers of desire that burned within him. His voice was a little husky as he asked if she had ever used a face mask before. “I did some scuba diving when I was younger”, she told him much to his surprise, as he watched her gently spit into the mask to stop it from steaming up, before washing it in the clear water. As she stepped into the aqua depths, she gasped with a small giggle. “It’s cold”, she laughed, as she gingerly moved forward. “Now you will never get in that way”, he laughed, splashing past her before diving cleanly into the refreshing water.

As he stood, his whole body glistened as he pushed his hair back from his face before splashing her, making her gasp at the sudden feel of the cold water on her warm skin, laughing despite herself. Finally she laid back in the water feeling herself panting briefly at the sudden change of temperature before it became so pleasant, cooling her down.

Looking over, she could see that he had already put on his mask and was waiting for her, as she followed suit. He led the way as they swam together, watching the schools of small brightly coloured fish as they dove under them. Diona felt herself becoming completely relaxed, suddenly realising how much fun she was having. A small jolt of guilt passed over her as she realised that she should be looking for a way off the island, not enjoying floating in the clear waters with the very man who trapped her there. However, glancing over at him she felt annoyance at her sister at having put her in this predicament in the first place, along with such a strange sensation seeing how he flashed her yet another of those dazzling smiles, while pointing below. As he dove down, she followed him as they shadowed a small octopus through the crystal-clear water.

As they once more returned to the shallows, she stood up to her waist and Diona pulled off her mask, catching it in the bobble holding back her wet hair. With a small action of annoyance she pulled the hair free, dropping her head backwards into the water to smooth out the long hair so that it laid flat against her back. Looking over at Nikias she held her breath seeing the smouldering look in his eyes as he followed her actions. As their eyes met, the electric signal which passed between them was almost tangible, both their faces showing the sudden desire which flared between them. Moving forward he took her hips, pulling her closer in against him, his mouth once more dropping to take hers, as with a groan she allowed him, her mouth meeting his hungrily. Winding her arms around his neck, she felt his moving around her waist, pulling her closely against him so that she could feel the hardness of his arousal against her stomach. With a groan, he lifted her slightly off her feet, holding her to him so tightly, as his lips continued to hold hers, his tongue exploring her soft mouth as he moved forward.

Reaching the shore, he laid her on one of the towels, the water still lapping over their feet as he began to kiss down her neck, his mouth finding and holding the lobe of her ear. She exploded below him, her hands moving along his chest, feeling the rough hairs below her fingers, as her hands flattened to caress him.

He lifted his head to look down into her face, their eyes meeting, causing such electric signals to pass through them again, as he once more dropped his head, this time his mouth moving to the bikini top and the hardened nipples which strained against the thin material. As his teeth grazed the hardness she moaned under him, her body moving so sensually against him, as his hand found the clip under her breast and released it, freeing her from the top to allow him to finally look down on her wonderful body, which was causing such disruption in his.

With a masculine sound at the back of his throat he once more dropped his head to fully cover one of her lovely nipples, his mouth and tongue sucking and licking her so erotically that she was writhing below him with such a need of her own. He moved his mouth to run it along the line of her stomach, his tongue following the contour as she groaned, her whole body on fire with such a desire for him. He wanted this woman like no other, and he knew that he had to have her, feeling the strength of his arousal for her, knowing that he needed to feel himself within her.

As her hand brushed against the hardness of him, it took all his effort not to explode there and then, as with determination he pulled away from her to remove his trunks. The sound of his mobile phone broke the spell between the two as she gasped, sitting up and pulling her arms around her legs, covering her breasts. With a tortured groan he moved over to where his phone was carefully placed under a towel, and with shaky fingers he looked at the caller ID, quickly answering as he recognised his brother’s number. “Where the hell are you?”, he bit out, making Diona, who still sat in total confusion at what just happened, look over quickly. As she pulled the bikini top back together, she once more hugged herself, her hands trembling as she watched him, seeing his face become angry and harder. Looking over at her, he quickly changed to speak in Greek, a deliberate action so that she would not be able to understand him she knew, as she looked down, still trying to calm her breathing, which was so ragged at what had just passed between them.

Diona stood on unsteady feet, seeing how his eyes followed her, as she pulled on her shorts and shirt over her wet bikini, suddenly feeling the need to have more protection from him. She dropped her head to hide her expressive eyes from him as he followed her every action, his face now frowning.

As the call finished, Nikias looked down at the phone, his expression full of anger. “Well it seems that Alexis is still not prepared to come home”, he said glaring. “Where is he Diona?”, he asked, his voice suddenly icy as she shook her head. “I don’t know…did he say anything about my sister?”, she asked him softly, a tone of concern in her voice. She jumped as he angrily turned on her. “Enough!”, he bit out, his eyes blazing down. “Your little game is getting very weary, Diona” He moved over and grabbed her by the shoulders, releasing her instantly as the overwhelming desire once more filled him.

“I’m telling you the truth”, she cried back at him, a small look of fear crossing her lovely eyes. Nikias stepped back, grabbing his t-shirt while pulling it over his head in frustration as he muttered in Greek. “I have work to do…I’ll see you at dinner…maybe then you will feel more like talking”, his voice clipped, the anger still evident, as he turned and started to move up the steps built into the cliff side. Diona sank back down onto the sand, her eyes watching him disappearing out of sight, before she sunk her head back into her hands, feeling tears prickling at her eyes.

Once more she wondered what happened. She had encouraged him, wanted him in a way that she could still feel beating within her. What the hell was she playing at - he was using her, she knew that. He saw her as a way to find his brother, nothing more, nothing less, but she could feel the way his whole image seemed burnt into her very mind. His love-making, she told herself, was just another way for him to ensure that his brother’s romance would be over, and she groaned with pain, standing up with a renewed need to find her way off this damned island. For the rest of the day, she wandered aimlessly; stopping to speak to the few other people she met. As none of them spoke English, she mimed at them, asking if they had phones. However, nobody did and she smiled kindly at them as she continued on her way not prepared to ask about a boat, remembering how he told her that if anybody helped her off the island they would be fired. Diona did not want to be the cause of anybody losing their job, and she felt sure that Nikias was not a man who made idle threats.

As she returned to the house, she felt hungry, suddenly realising that she had not eaten lunch that day, and she briefly considered going into the kitchen to find something to eat. However, the thought of bumping into Nikias made her shiver with sensations she was trying so hard to ignore. Better to stay in her room, she finally told herself, than to risk coming across him again. Looking at her watch, she sighed seeing that she had plenty of time until dinner as it was still only four in the afternoon. However, as she entered her room, her whole body suddenly felt heavy. Diona was not used to the intense heat, or the long hours walking in it, and she felt tired as she dropped onto the bed, almost instantly falling into a deep sleep, her body draped across the cool cream sheets as her hair streamed across the covers like a halo.

Nikias heard her enter the house and sat for a while thinking about this woman who was causing such disruption to his orderly world. Closing his eyes, he could still see her wonderful body, and he knew that he wanted her with a

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