» Drama » Kidnapped the Wrong Sister, Marie Kelly [simple ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Kidnapped the Wrong Sister, Marie Kelly [simple ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Marie Kelly

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Diona Brown sat on the small couch moaning gently as she read through the letter which she held in her small fingers. Dragging her hand over her brow, she looked in disbelief at the words on the page:

Dear Diona

Alexis and I are in love. He has asked me to marry him and I have gone to Greece to meet him. We plan on getting married as soon as possible.

I hope that you can be happy for us, and we will be in touch when we return.

All my love


After several more seconds reading and rereading the short note, she finally slammed the paper on the table and cursing under her breath, picked up the phone. She quickly made reservations for the next available flight to Greece, her fingers gripping the phone tightly as she felt the panic which even the thought of flying always raised within her. Diona remembered the many details Daryle gave her about her latest boyfriend, Alexis Dranias, and with a grim set to her mouth she thought about her young sister. Although there were only three years between them, the two could not have been any more different. Daryle was fun-loving and always surrounded by friends and boyfriends. She worked in a high-fashion store, and partied every weekend, often giving her sister cause for concern with regard to the direction her life was heading. Diona, however, was more serious, choosing a small group of friends, preferring to work long hours as a nurse and to stay home. When their mother died when she was twelve and Daryle only nine, Diona assumed much of the burden of raising her sister and keeping house. Her father was unable to cope with the loss of his much-loved wife, and retreated into himself before his sudden death four years ago. Diona felt the familiar tears rising to her eyes, thinking again of her father, and how they had never really been able to mend the many bridges before his death. She wished that she had tried harder to understand, while knowing that at that time she had too much on her plate, looking after her sister and ensuring that they kept a roof over their heads.

Sighing wearily, she thought how she had been looking forward to her week’s holiday, now groaning with the realisation that rather than the week of long lie-ins and catching up on the many books she hoped to read, she would now have to traipse all the way to Greece to rescue her sister from herself. With a shudder, she also felt the fear gripping her knowing that there was only one way to get there.

Moving into her sister’s room, to try and quell the foreboding causing tight knots to clench her stomach, she searched through the old writing bureau, which had been her mother’s, until she found her sister’s address book. With angry fingers she thumbed through the many names and addresses in the small book, until she found the address and phone number of Alexis Dranias. With a small triumphant sound she copied down the information, before quickly moving back into her own room to throw some clothes into a case. An hour later with a weary sigh she left her small flat in the centre of Glasgow to enter the taxi she had called earlier.

“Airport”, she cried, before finally sitting back, closing her eyes tiredly. Diona Brown was a beautiful girl. While fairly small, only 5’3”, her figure had men turning wherever she went. Large blue intelligent eyes sat in her petite round face, giving her an innocent look which many found so appealing. When she would smile, her soft red lips had the power to completely transform her lovely features, giving her a glow which was breathtaking and which people responded to so warmly, a great trait to have in her job as a nurse. She sighed wearily, having just come off a double shift and having now to deal with her wayward sister. Rubbing her eyes gently, she wondered how she had missed the signs, frowning wondering how her sister had hidden this from her. Daryle was usually an open book, not able to hide her emotions or keep a secret of any kind.

With tired fingers she pulled her hair from the tight knot which she wore for work, feeling as the long blonde hair fell around her shoulders, before pulling it back from her face and securing it once more within a controlled ponytail. Her whole body sat stiffly, primly, as she looked at her watch, aware of the time to catch her flight.

Thinking back, she remembered how excited her younger sister had been. It was her first real holiday abroad with her friends, and she waved them off from the same airport with mixed feelings about her going. Daryle was gregarious, fun-loving and incredibly beautiful. A volatile mix, her older sister thought, worried at her lack of maturity and determination to get every ounce of fun from her week break. When she came home, she was sad and heartbroken at leaving Greece, and the most perfect man she had ever met: Alexis Dranias, having spent every minute of her time with him.At the time Diona wrote it off as a holiday romance, glad that she had only been there a week. However, when they started to talk on the phone every night she began to become irritated, only holding her tongue because it was not her having to pay the cost of the calls, as Alexis always called Daryle. She believed that given enough time the two would become bored with each other and everything would return to normal. However, that was before the bombshell which landed on her on her return home from work that morning.

As the plane took off, Diona held onto the armrests, her whole body stiff from the fear which clutched at her to be once more back on a plane. She felt the sweat coursing down her back as she cursed her sister. The flight was tiring and cramped and she dozed on and off, woken constantly by the excited cries of small children, their families all looking forward to a holiday in the sun. However, finally they landed as Diona breathed a sigh of relief. After clearing customs, Diona phoned her sister’s mobile, looking at her own with concern, seeing how the charge was almost gone. She frowned realising that she had not brought an adapter, hoping that her sister would have one she could use. With a small twist of her lips she thought ‘of course she would have one’, it was one of the few things that Daryle was careful about, she thought wryly to herself.

As her sister answered, Diona told her where she was, demanding that the two meet. Daryle was shocked to hear that she was in Greece and quickly gave her the name of the town she was staying in, along with the hotel and details on how to get there. She then agreed to meet with her at a restaurant later that day, to her relief informing Diona that Alexis would be there too. Ringing off, she was glad that she would have the opportunity to speak to the two of them at the same time, her mouth set determinedly that she would be bringing her sister home the following day.

At the airport she quickly exchanged money. Then, following her sister’s instructions, she took the appropriate bus, dragging her bag, which seemed to be getting heavier by the second, halfway across town to reach the named hotel. She booked herself into a room, frowning slightly as the receptionist informed her that there was no Daryle Brown staying at the hotel. As she collected her key she then took her case up so that she could change out of her warm jeans and shirt into shorts and a strappy t-shirt, which was such a welcome relief in the heat of the Greek sun.Moving out of the hotel to keep her appointment with her sister, she received many admiring looks from the Greek men who spoke gently to her as they looked over her figure with appreciative eyes, seeing her firm breasts, slim waist and flat stomach flaring out to wider hips and perfect bottom. Her long shapely legs moved fast as she ignored the many offers being thrown at her, as she did every day at work, with the many men who saw her as the perfect erotic dream date complete with nurse’s uniform. Diona felt uncomfortable with this kind of attention, stopping to buy sunglasses to hide the discomfort in her eyes.

Finally she reached the restaurant, relieved to see Daryle already there, laughing with some men at another table. As she moved to the table her sister sat at, Daryle stood, smiling warmly at her. “I can’t believe you came here…you flew?”, her sister asked with such a look of wonder in her eyes. Diona however, waved away the comment, looking sharply at her. “What did you think I would do Daryle? You left a note only saying that you were in love and getting married”

“Isn’t it marvellous?”, Daryle cried, her face shining with delight. “He loves me Diona… And I love him” Diona moved quickly to the seat opposite her. “Are you out of your mind?”, she hissed, her face clearly showing her disapproval. “You only just met this man, you’ve known him for less than a week...and you’re ready to fly to a completely different country, away from your friends and family and get married?” Her voice was full of irritation both from the absurdity of her sister’s actions and the intense tiredness filling her. “Get your things Daryle, we are on the next flight back home”

Sitting back she glared at her sister, who was smiling patiently at her. “Weren’t you listening Diona? We are in love” With a small sound of annoyance, Diona sat forward, her voice softer, knowing how best to deal with her sister. “I heard you Daryle...why the rush?… if you are in love then come home and let’s do this right…get to know this man properly…why do you need to run off?”

For the first time she saw a look of concern crossing her sister’s lovely face. “Well… There is a problem.”, she said, her liquid brown eyes suddenly serious. “And what is that?”, Diona asked. “His brother Nikias...he doesn’t approve”, Daryle said, her face frowning, as she pushed back her long copper hair from her face. With a look of annoyance Diona looked back at the woman before her. “He is not the only one Daryle…this is ridiculous, what is the big rush?” For a moment she looked at her sister, a look of horror crossing her face. “Are you pregnant?”, she asked, her voice low, her eyes wide as saucers. Daryle looked at her with shock, crying out indignantly, “No! I’m not pregnant Diona… Why does everybody think that? … We are in love…We haven’t even…you know” With another look of annoyance, but also a great sense of relief Diona raised her eyes skywards. “Then why the rush? Please Daryle, I am begging you to come home. How do you know he doesn’t just want to marry you for a British passport? How do you know he doesn’t see you as some kind of golden goose to support him?”

Daryle giggled at her. “Nikias and Alexis Dranias, you haven’t heard of them?” , she asked with disbelief as Diona shook hers impatiently. “They own some of the largest cruise ships in the world… they are super-rich Diona… he will be supporting me” Diona looked at her sister with a hard expression on her face. “All the more reason to take it slowly Daryle, guys like that play by very different rules, and you are the one who is

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