» Drama » Dear you, Bridget Kathleen [english novels to read txt] 📗

Book online «Dear you, Bridget Kathleen [english novels to read txt] 📗». Author Bridget Kathleen

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plate down. The plates were delicate china. Each one had wild flowers of all colors hand painted on them, leaving the rim of them a sky blue. When the plates were set out Evelyn placed silverware and napkins down next. She never did this at home. Everyone just served themselves. She kind of liked it this way better.

When the table was set and Thomas came into the room everyone took their places. Mr. O'Brian sat next to his wife while Evelyn sat next to Bianca. There were three more chairs that were empty. Evelyn caught a glimpse of Sybelle looking at them. She was probably remembering her sons.
"So," said Thomas. "I have a proposition." taking a bit of mashed potatoes after.
"What is that me dear?" asked Sybelle.
Thomas swallowed his potatoes and then continued talking. "First of all, I must know what level of education you girls are at." he pointed his spoon at the two girls.
Bianca and Evelyn both exchanged glances at each other. "We are both Sophomores." replied Bianca. Again, Bianca was taking charge. Not giving Evelyn a chance to speak out.
"Ah. I see, I see. That's very good that you girls are still in school. I'm proud of both of you!" This made Evelyn feel good. Not once had her parents praised her going up a class (besides grade school) or for even staying in school. Thomas then said, "Here is my proposition: How would you like to continue your education?" both girls nodded. "Good, good," Thomas smiled. "There is a school not far from here. I have already talked to them and they said they would love to take you in. The name of the school is St. Savior high school. A school just for girls." Evelyn's stomach cringed. ugh. A Catholic high school. great, she thought. Evelyn might have believed in God, but a Catholic school was not her forte. Bianca on the other hand had never been to one did not know what to expect from this school.

Evelyn looked down at her plate. She had some mashed potatoes, roast, bread and butter and green beans on her plate and on the side she had some water only this time a cube of ice was in it. Evelyn took up a green bean with her fork and looked at it. Steam rose off from it. She blew on it once, watching the steam flow away from her. She then took a small bite and to her surprise the green bean tasted nice and fresh and shoved the rest of it in her mouth afterwards. The mashed potatoes had a square of butter melted on to it. She mixed it around and took a bit of that next. It was the best mashed potatoes she had ever eaten. Next she ate her roast, which was thick and juicy. Some of the juices even dripped off of the roast on to her plate where her green beans used to sit. It was one of the best meals she had ever had and washed it all down with a semi cold glass of water.

After supper the two girls said good night to the O'Brian couple and headed off to bed.
"I hope you get a good night’s rest." said Bianca, slipping into her night gown.
"Why?" Evelyn asked her.
"Didn't you hear Thomas. We start school tomorrow." she pulled her hair out from under her gown and sat on her bed.
Evelyn finished putting on her night ware and got under her covers. She grabbed for a brush on the mirror stand and brushed her hair. "Oh, ok." said Evelyn.
Bianca shook her head. "You must have been pretty into your food tonight not to have heard." Bianca joked.
Evelyn gave a small smile and set the brush back. She pulled the covers over head and went right to sleep.

The next morning Evelyn was rudely awaken by a set of clothes being plopped on to her face and next her covers were stripped from her.
"What's the big idea!" yelled Evelyn.
"Rise and shine! It's time for school." Bianca hovered over Evelyn like hawk. "There is your uniform." she pointed next to the set of clothing by Evelyn's head.
Evelyn sat up, grabbing her clothes. She slid off her bed and stripped from her night gown. She first put on her black stockings and then put on the slip that went under the main skirt. Next came with skirt, which was an aweful dark brown color. The shirt was white and longed sleeved and felt smooth while putting on. Lastly was the horrid jacket that matched the skirt. When Evelyn finished putting on her uniform she put her up into a neat bun and then put on s pair of black laced up boots and headed down stairs to eat some breakfast.
After Breakfast the two girls met up with Thomas by the front door. He handed each of them a small leather bag.
"I put in there a folder with some paper and I gave you both a pencil. I hope that will get you two by for your first day." A maid with dark brown hair that was put in a braid walked up to the three. She was rather short and young looking but was no doubt a little older that the two girls. Maybe by two or three years. "This young lady here is Miss Abigail. She will show you to and from school this first week." explained Mr. O'Brian. "Now off you go before you are late!" he opened the door and let the girls pass.
The walk there was not too long. The only bad part about it were the people trying to shuv and sell goods into their arms the fact that was wind was facing them the whole entire way.
"Here is the place. St. Savior’s high school." said Abigail. "I will be here a few minutes before school is let you out to come take you girls home." She gave them a small smile and was off and back to the O'Brian house.

It wasn't too hard for them to find their rooms seeing as each classroom was labeled with big letters. when they entered the class, almost every seat was taken up but two. It figured. The teacher stood in front of her desk and turned to look at the girls. She was a middle aged woman. Too tall for how skinny she was. Her hands were long and slender. Her shoes pointed like a witch and frizzy hair put up in a messy bun and dark eyes that seemed to burn through your body. Evelyn's stomach started to turn. She felt sick already.
"Ah. You must be from the O'Brian house hold. Please, come inside and do introduce yourselves." said the teacher. "My name is Miss. Thorn, but you can call me Miss. T if that is what you wish."
Both girls walked in front of the class. All eyes were on them. When they finished introducing themselves, Miss. Thorn had them take a seat clear in the back.
Almost instantly Miss. Thorn told the girls to take out their reading books and open to page thirty. The book was Romeo and Juliet. A story that made Evelyn's heart throb. The same for Bianca only Evelyn gave into her emotions more easily.
Because they had no books, the two girls had to share with another. Evelyn's partner was a shy little blonde hair who wore her hair in piggy tails. She had a nastily voice and great big blue eyes. She looked like she was twelve, but Evelyn knew that this girl was probably her age. Bianca's partner was girl who looked like she liked to take charge. She knew at that moment that the two would probably butt heads a lot further into the year. The girl held the sides of her hair back with a blue hair pin and let the rest fall down her back. Her hair was almost black and her eyes were a bright grey.

As the day went on the two girls worked hard on their studies. Math was not too difficult for they had worked on things similar. English was just some simple writing, reading and spelling, which Evelyn did not take to fondly of. Luckily the girls left without having to take home any work. And just Abigail had told them, she was waiting right outside for them.
"It seems I have arrived just in time." she told the girls. "How was your first day?" she asked.
"It was fine. Thanks." said Evelyn.
"That's good to hear. Please come along."
Before they reached home a boy with black hair and dark brown eyes placed himself right in front of Evelyn's way.
"Extra, extra Miss! Read all about it! District Union of New York City calls for help!"
Evelyn gave him a sad nod. "Sorry boy. I don't have any money."
The boys face fell, but before he could turn away, Abigail pulled out two pennies and put them into the boys hand.
"Thank Abby!" said the boy.
Abigail rolled her eyes and smiled. She sighed. "Oh, Thomas Higgins! You are always so persistent and polite."
The boy laughed and blushed. He tipped his newsie hat and said, "Ah shucks, Abby. Call me Racetrack!" he grinned.
Abigail gave the boy a playful slap on the face. "Go sell the rest of your job then, Race!" she laughed. "I have to get these two girls back home. See you around." the two said goodbye and the boy, Thomas Higgins who went by the name Racetrack waved off Evelyn and Bianca too.
"Who was that boy?" Bianca asked.
"Oh," said Abigail with a playful smile on her face. "That's my cousin. Thomas Higgins. He may be trouble maker, but he sure can be a sweet heart when he want to be. Too bad he doesn't go to school as much as what he should."
"How old his?" Evelyn asked.
"The boy is thirteen. He's told me that after this year he's quitting school. I'se keep on tellin' him to go on and move up to seventh grade, but he just can't stand his teachers. "I'm 'fraid lots of kids can't stand the teacher." she laughed a little. "Well now. Here we are. Home sweet home." she opened the doors and let the two girls go in first.
Evelyn could not believe that kids during this time dropped out of school so young. It was shame. And here she was. Sixteen years old. A Sophomore in high school. Even if she were to drop school right now, she's still have a better chance at life than half of the people who walked the streets in Brooklyn New York.
Later on that day, not quite supper time and nor was it the slightest bit of grey outside, Evelyn closed her book, Romeo and Juliet closed and put it back into her leather bag. Her and Bianca had picked up a copy after class. If there was one thing Evelyn was better at than Bianca at it was reading. She set her bag down beside her bed and walked out of the room while Bianca was still reading.

Evelyn walked outside to get some fresh air. Still wearing her school uniform she wrapped her arms around herself. It wasn't too terribly cold out. It was just the wind that made it seem so. Behind the fenced in back yard Evelyn looked up at the clear blue sky. Not a single cloud was in sight. She sighed and closed her eyes. She imagened herself back at home in her back yard, laying in the grass and looking up at the sky when she had nothing better to do. Suddenly her day dreaming was interrupted by the sound of Mrs. O'Brian voice.
She turned around fast and saw Sybelle standing by the door. "Oh me gracious! Thank goodness you are here!" she had a letter and a package in her hands.
"What's the matter?" asked Evelyn.
"Thomas is up at the Boys Working Union. A package came to him today. I would have one of our maids take it to him, but me being so foolish, sent them
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