» Drama » Dear you, Bridget Kathleen [english novels to read txt] 📗

Book online «Dear you, Bridget Kathleen [english novels to read txt] 📗». Author Bridget Kathleen

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the other side was awfully bright. Was one of the oil lamps acting up? She thought to herself.
She placed her hand on the door knob and opened up the door, expecting to see the old familiar hallway of the O'Brian's, but instead she saw a long hallway of a hospital. The lights were dim yet bright enough to see everything. She looked back at the sleeping Bianca and then back to the hospital hallway.

She walked out and closed the door quietly behind her. She saw wheel chairs and empty gurneys. Some were tipped over and others sat right side up. She looked to her right and saw a desk. Papers were scattered everywhere and the phone beeped for behind off the hook for long. All of a sudden wheel chair rolled out from a room. Curious, Evelyn went to see what was in the room. There she was Bianca lying in her hospital bed. Her right arm was in a cast. Her eyes had cloth wrapped around them and her left leg was in a cast as well. Evelyn walked up to her friend and placed a hand on her good arm.
"I'm so sorry." Tears formed her eyes, but she held them back, thinking that she had to be strong. Bianca breathed at a steady pace. She seemed to be healing up well.
Not being able to take much more of looking down at her helpless friend, Evelyn left the room. She walked past a few more until she someone familiar. Staring into the room from the hallway, Evelyn looked at herself. A hand raised her mouth. Her breath had been taken away for a few seconds. She walked into the room and stood at the foot of the bed, looking down at herself. Both of her legs were in casts. Her right arm was too. And a few bandages were placed on her chin and forehead. She walked up closer to herself and touched her lips.

Evelyn suddenly felt that touch on her very own lips. She gasped at the touch. Her hands were cold and clammy feeling.
Evelyn then heard a loud banging sound and looked to a window that was open. Thunder sounded throughout the building. It seemed to echo, but then a certain sight caught her eyes. Evelyn walked to the open window and climbed out, leaving her other self behind. It was pouring outside, but she didn't seem to be effected by the rain.
There in front of her was her old school. It instantly brought back bad memories. She reluctantly walked toward the building and soon stood in front of the entrance. Evelyn stared up at the stairs that led to the front doors of the schools. She took her first step to the doors and within a few seconds she pushed opened the doors. Papers, back packs, and other school materials laid scattered about the hallway. Lockers were wide open and a chilling wind made some of them lap open and shut and some papers flew about.

The lights flickered on and off, making it difficult to see much of anything. Suddenly she heard the inner com beep. The sound was scratchy. She wasn't sure if it was mechanical problem if the person had a serious sore throat problem. Whatever the sound was she decided to follow it. It was coming from the information room. She peered her head through the door and saw nothing and the scratching beeping sound soon stopped.
From the corner of her eye she saw a few people run down a hallway.
"Stop!" she called out and ran after whoever it was. She found herself soon stopping at the sound of a gunshot. She stood there stiff. What she saw was like reliving a nightmare. Scott was on the floor and she saw herself turn back and help him up. The shooter stood only a few feet away from her, their back facing her. They weren't too tall. A black T-shirt, jeans, and short curly black hair and pale skin.

The boy started to move toward her other self and Scott. Evelyn ran up to him, ready to grab on to him. She flung herself at him and she went right through his body. She turned around fast and looked at the pursuer. She eyes gapped open. She had seen this boy before. She remembered seeing him in the hall, the library, the lunch room, sitting in a corning by himself with only his tray of food to comfort him. She had thought countless of times to ask the kid to come sit with her and her friends, but she heard from so many people about how weird he was so she never built up the courage to ask him. She didn't even know the kids name.
Evelyn got up and followed him to the door where Evelyn had hidden her and Scott. The boy banged on the door. Evelyn looked at him as he did this. Rage and pity grew heavy inside her.
"I hate you!" she yelled quite suddenly. She wanted to hit him, to throw him to the floor and start kicking him. She wanted to beat him for taking Scott away from her. "I hate you so much!" she yelled again. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!"
Within a blink of an eye she was outside again. She stood in the middle of a graveyard. It was still raining. She looked to her left and then to her right and saw a group of people crowded around a casket. She walked up the funeral and saw Scott lying inside. His family and friends surrounded him. It was then when she started cry. She couldn't hold it back any longer. She let her tears stream down her face.

Scott lay still in his casket. His face was pale. His hair was neatly cleaned and brushed. He was wearing his favorite outfit: A navy blue sweater, blue pressed jeans and with no doubt he was wearing his black and white striped shirt underneath.
"I'm so sorry, Scott." She said quietly. "Please...forgive me." She sobbed and sobbed. She held on to the edge of the casket, afraid to let go, afraid that if she did she would fall and wouldn't be able to pull herself back up again. "I loved you Scott! I still love you! I miss you! Please, come back! I don't want to don't want to do this anymore! I'm sorry!" But Scott would not wake up. He really was gone, even in her dreams, Scott was gone. Suddenly she screamed, unable to take the pain. She cursed herself, the world, the boy who did this, God. She cursed everything. She placed her cold hands on to Scott's face. They were soft yet the rest of his body was hard. She kissed his cold, dead lips. She let them linger there for a moment. Her eyes closed, and tears falling onto Scott's face.

When she opened her eyes she was looking down at the ground. Her palms pressed down on the wet grass. She looked up and saw Spot. His hair was wet, his wet shirt sticking to his chest. Where she was now in her dream she knew not. She stared up at Spot, a slight smile across his face. Suddenly he dropped to his knees. Evelyn felt her body go stiff as he brought her into a warm embrace. His body was warm. She slowly lifted up her arms and placed them on to his back, feeling heat radiate off his back. He was really warm and she suddenly wanted to be tangled up with him.
"There is nothing to forgive." He told her in his Irish accent. She buried her face into his neck. "There was nothing you could do. You did the best that you could and that right there is more than enough."
Evelyn suddenly awoke, safe and warm in her bed again. The morning light had just came out. She looked out her window, seeing water droplets slid down the window. It rained last night. She was dreaming. That much was clear, but it felt so real. Suddenly her gaze turned toward her friend. Bianca was still asleep. It must have been pretty early. Evelyn looked back out her window when she heard the voices of men laughing and talking. They started to get back to work on the greenhouse. Soon she saw Spot. He carried with him and some more wood. He placed them down next to some men who were already getting started on putting things together. Spot turned around, looking up at the sky and then saw Evelyn sitting by her window. He tipped his hat again and then waved to her with a broad smile on his face. She smiled and returned the wave. Perhaps today will be a good day, she thought to herself.
Chapter 6: No place like home.

Even though those days
May be imprisoned in darkness
I'm believing in you
Even though it may be unforgivable

Evelyn and Bianca had been living in the O'Brian house for two weeks now. The two girls were walking home on Thursday after school. Abigail was not with them though. After a week of walking the girls to school back and forth it was high time that Abigail attend to her other chores around the house. The girls were ok with that though. They knew their way well enough now and if they stuck together there would be no problem.
Evelyn suddenly stopped in her tracks. Bianca, who was talking in mid-sentence, stopped and turned back to look at her friend, "Evelyn?" she said.
Evelyn looked up and at her friend. "What?"
Bianca raised a brow. "Are you feeling ok?"
Evelyn slowly nodded. "Never better."
Bianca smirked a little. "Somehow I don't believe you, Evelyn." She walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "You've
got something on your mind, don't you?"
Again, Evelyn slowly nodded. "I'm going to run." She finally said.
Bianca looked at her wide-eyed. "WHAT?"
"I'm going to go find my old street!" a burst of energy seemed to fill her.
"Evelyn…You can't be serious."
"Oh, but I am." And like that Evelyn took off.
"WAIT!" Bianca called out while running after her friend. After catching up to Evelyn who was still running and dodging the traffic of people, Bianca said, "Evelyn...That's too far! It's all the way down on Rutland Road!"
"I know that!" said Evelyn, still running down the streets of Brooklyn. "And?" she added.
Bianca rolled her eyes. "That's too far away from the O'Brian's house. I mean, what if something was to happen?"
"Nothing will happen. I know where I'm going. I just want to see my old house is all."
Bianca gave up fighting with her friend and followed her the rest of the way down to Rutland Road.
Evelyn and Bianca finally stopped running. They breathed hard to catch their breath. When Evelyn looked up she smiled as she saw an old familiar building.
"We made it!" she said, still a little out of breath. The two girls stood side-by-side, looking up at Evelyn's home. The apartment she used to live in just weeks before.
"Ok," said Bianca. "You've seen it now let's go. Let's go before were gone for too long."
Evelyn waved a hand in her face. "Oh please, Bianca. Let's soak in the moment. If you want to, you can

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