» Drama » Dear you, Bridget Kathleen [english novels to read txt] 📗

Book online «Dear you, Bridget Kathleen [english novels to read txt] 📗». Author Bridget Kathleen

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seemed to be so neat and organized. Evelyn wandered what it was that Miss. Thorn did in her spare time. She laughed a little to herself and shook the meaningless thought from her mind and grabbed the broom.
When Evelyn was done cleaning she placed everything back in its rightful place. She placed her hands on her hips as she stood at the front of the room, looking at the job she had just completed. She smiled and took in a deep breath and let it out. She walked back over to her desk and picked up her bag. As she was about to leave the classroom, something caught her eyes' attention. She took a few steps back and looked down in the tiny trash can. The drawing that she had crumpled up earlier was sitting on top of everything else. She looked down at it for a few seconds before reaching down to get it out. She un-crumpled it and looked down her now miss formed drawing of Spot.

"I see you are done." Said Miss. Thorn, walking in on Evelyn.
Evelyn looked over at her teacher who stood at the doorway. She quickly stuffed the drawing in her leather bag and walked to the door. Miss. Thorn slowly moved to the side, allowing Evelyn to pass. As she took her first step to walk out, Miss. Thorn placed a hand on Evelyn's shoulder, stopping her. "A job well done, Miss. Connealy. See you next week." Miss Thorn walked to her desk and sat down and placed her hands delicately on her lap. Evelyn then realized that she was holding her breath and took in some air and slowly let it out as she walked out of the classroom.
Evelyn walked outside, surprised to see Bianca and Abigail still waiting for her.
"Took you long enough." Bianca joked.
Evelyn smile and rolled her eyes. "She had me do a lot of pointless stuff." Walking down the steps with Bianca and Abigail and heading back to the O'Brian house.
"Surely it wasn't all pointless." Suggested Abigail.
Bianca and Evelyn exchanged looks with little smirks across their faces.
When they arrived back to the house it seemed more busy than usual
"What is that sound?" Bianca asked.
"Oh," said Abigail. "Mr. O'Brian has decided to build a greenhouse for Mrs. O'Brian. I think it rather cute actually. They sure are a sweet couple." She smiled a little bit, but her smile seemed a little sad. Bianca might not have noticed, but Evelyn knew that there was more this girl than just being a maid.

Later on that day as the smell of supper wafted through the house, Evelyn sat down in living room front of the piano and lightly pressed a key down. She smiled when she heard the tune. She felt odd sitting in front of the piano. She wished she could play. Be able to make music for her own enjoyment and others.
"Do you play?" a voice asked from behind Evelyn.
Evelyn turned around and saw Mrs. O'Brian. Evelyn smiled shyly. "No, sadly." she answered her.
Sybelle quickly sat down next to her and started to name off some keys. "See? Position your fingers like a spider. It will be easier to move about." Evelyn did just as Sybelle was telling her. Just then, their practicing was interrupted by a loud bang. They both looked stood up and looked outside. Some men were hard at work putting up the first wall for the greenhouse.
"Why is Thomas doing this?" Evelyn asked.
Sybelle smiled. "I only mentioned it once to him, thinking he would forget about it. It was just a thought, but, for some reason he remembered and wanted to this for me. After all, he knows how much I love to grow things. I did it all the time in Ireland."
"That's awfully nice of him to do so." said Evelyn. She noticed from the corner of her left eye that Sybelle was blushing. Evelyn hoped that someday she would have a love like the O'Brian's did. Suddenly Evelyn caught a glimpse of someone. It was Spot he was carrying with him some tools and two large pieces of wood. Evelyn pressed her hands to the window and leaned as close to it as she could, making the window fog up.
"Ah," said Sybelle. "So it's him."
Evelyn leaned back from the window and gave Sybelle a surprised look. "W-what are you talking about?"
Sybelle giggled. "Dear me child! Don't be ashamed to hide it."
"H-hide what?"
Sybelle cleared her throat before talking again. "That young man, Spot Conlon." Evelyn blushed by the sound of his name and looked down at her feet. Sybelle clearly saw this and said, "Say, why don't we'se make some the boys lemonade. I'm sure they be awfully thankful and who knows, mayhap you can finally talk to him."
"S-Sybelle!" Evelyn's face flushed even redder.

Sybelle took Evelyn by the hand and lightly pulled her into the kitchen. There she got out some lemonade, water and sugar. She then handed Evelyn a knife and told her to start cutting the lemons in half. When they were done cutting, Sybelle and Evelyn started to squeeze out all of the juice. When they were done with that they poured the rest of it into the jug of water. Next Sybelle put in the sugar and the mixed everything together.
"Will you be such a doll and go hand out these glasses to the boys?" Sybelle asked as she finished pouring the lemonade. At first Evelyn was reluctant to say yes but managed to say so. "Here, I will help you." Said Sybelle, getting out a second tray and splitting up the drinks. "You take this one." Sybelle told her, handing her the tray of lemonade.

As Evelyn walked outside, the sun was bright. The sun had been hiding all day up until now it seemed, but it wouldn't be up for very much longer. Sybelle was a few paces behind Evelyn as they walked out to the back yard. Mrs. O'Brian went the opposite direction as Evelyn, giving her the chance to talk to Spot. Evelyn walked up behind the group of men who seemed to be crowded around all their tools, talking about their daily lives.
"E-excuse me." Said Evelyn. The men stopped talking and slowly turned around to face Evelyn.
"Oi! Dis goil's got some drink for us me boys!" said the oldest of the men. He gladly took up a drink and said thank you. The other young men did the same. Some smiled and others tipped their hats. Just as Evelyn was about to walk away a hand grabbed for the lemonade. When she looked up she saw Spot. He took great big gulps until he was done. Evelyn watched as he drank. The Adams apple in his throat moved up and down as he drank it all. He place the glass down with a 'Ah' sound. He smiled at Evelyn, tipped his hat and said thank you. He was about to walk away but a little voice deep inside of Evelyn spoke out suddenly.
"Wait!" she said. Spot turned back around, waiting for her to speak again. "What's your name?" she asked. Even though she already knew the answer she wanted to hear it come from him.
He smiled. "I'se guess you'se don' remembeh then." He said to her. Evelyn gave him a confused look. Spot saw and explained himself better. "Oh. Sorry. Guess I'se should explain me self betteh." He scratched the back of his head, unsure of what to say next. "The names Spot Conlon. You'se and I ran into each otheh a few days."
Evelyn nodded. "Right," she said. "Well my names Evelyn Connealy. It's nice to finally meet you." She told him this rather quietly.
He chuckled. "Yeah. I'se know who ya are, Miss. Evelyn."
Evelyn was surprised. "Really? But I have never spoken to you until now."
Spot nodded. "Ah. Yeah. Woid gets 'round, little missy." He smiled again at her. "Wells…I'se betteh get back ta woik, Miss. Evelyn. Good day." He tipped his hat again and walked away.

Later that same day as Evelyn sat up in her bedroom, reading her book, Romeo and Juliet, Bianca sat up from her bed and placed her book down. She sighed heavily. "Evelyn?" she said.
Evelyn looked over at her friend. "Hmm?"
Bianca looked about the room and then looked down at her hands resting on her lap. "What do you think has happened to us?"
Evelyn placed her book down as sat up with Bianca. "I don't know. It's all so confusing."
Bianca nodded. "Yeah...Hey, listen. Sorry for not talking to you as much. Ever since we got here we've been drifting apart. I mean I -"
"I know, Bianca." said Evelyn.
Bianca took in a deep breath and let it out. She seemed nervous. "What do you think will happen to us? I you think we're stuck here?" she asked.
Evelyn then remembered seeing Scott in the hospital room. She remembered what he had told her: "Close your eyes."
Evelyn wanted to tell Bianca, but she didn't think that now was the right time. For now she would keep this secret to herself.
Evelyn repositioned herself on the bed and then said, "Oh!...Umm. This all seems like a dream. Does it not?"
Bianca nodded a little. "Yeah. Seems like it. We're probably dreaming or something." Bianca half joked.
Evelyn smiled to herself. "Well...This is some vivid dream I'll say."
"Oh! I saw you with that Spot Conlon guy today. He looks a lot know who..."
Evelyn nodded slowly, but then suddenly blushed. "Wait? What? You saw me?"
Bianca laughed a little. "Yeah. It was cute. Do you like him? I mean...He does looked like-"
"Scott." Evelyn said, finishing Bianca's sentence.
Bianca nodded. "Yeah. So...Do you like him?"
Evelyn sighed. "I don't know yet...He's a completely different person."
Bianca nodded and laid back down, taking up her book and continuing to read. "That's true. Still...It makes you wonder. Doesn't it?"
Evelyn said nothing. Instead she laid back down and picked up her book just as Bianca had done. As she read, a sentence caught her eyes: "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
Evelyn smiled a little to herself and a small part of her hoped that this was not a dream. She wanted it all to be real. She wanted Spot Conlon to be real and she wanted to see him again.
Chapter 5: Sweet dreams are made of these

Those moments that may feel like nothing are
Treasures worth more than jewels
Let this moment be enveloped in soft sunlight
And be protected for always

Evelyn awoke late into the night. The moonlight was being covered up by clouds so it was hard to see. She could Bianca light breaths as she slept and knew then that her friend was sound to sleep. Something then caught her attention. A bright light shown through from the hallway and into the bedroom from underneath the door.
Evelyn removed her covers and dangled her feet over her bed. She yawned and stretched. Was someone out in the hallway? She wondered this. The floor board beneath her feet creaked when she stood up from her bed. She stopped for a moment, worried that she would wake Bianca, but Bianca did not stir. Not even for a moment. So Evelyn continued on and walked up to the door. The light coming from

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