» Drama » What a Wonderful World, Undefined [free ebook reader for pc TXT] 📗

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the table again and again. Hair was jerked from my head and a fist jabbed my stomach. 
 " You fucking slut! Fucking talking to my T.D!" Sad Girl screamed. Everyone got up and formed a circle around the fight. 
 I took my fork and stabbed backward, hitting the stomach of my attacker. She pulled away and I stood. Blood spilled from my nose. 
 I punch her and got on top. I hit her some more until her nose broke and her lip piercing rip out. I felt a tray slam into my head as she lugged it at me. I fell to the side and she was now on top. SJ grabbed my head again and moved it to a sharp point in the floor she raised my head but stopped. 
 She rose into the air as Irene pulled her from the neck. Sad Girl scratch at Irene's arms but nothing happened. Irene began to hit her head with the other hand and then Sad Girl went limp. 
 Guards came and put us all in different places. I stared at Irene puzzled. Why would she save me? I thought we were enemy's? 
 I was dragged away to the medical room but I stated at Irene, still puzzled. 

 I was brought outside and was given a hammer. I was to do that old thing, where you crush rocks for gravel. My feet were chained and I could barely move. The bitter air of October bit at my skin. 
 I looked down the line and saw Irene. She nodded at me but did nothing else. 
 " Why did you save me?" I asked after sometime in quiet. 
 " I wanted to." she said not looking up from her work. 
 " But I thought you didn't like me? I thought I was nothing to you?" 
 " Your not nothing. Your just annoying at times. But I felt bad your oh what twelve? I didn't think you should get your ass beat." she said. 
 " I'm sixteen. Seventeen in a month." I snapped.
 She raised her hands and saved them around. 
 " Thanks though. I appreciate it." 
 " Don't get sappy with me." 
 " I'm going to. And then were going to be best friends and have slimmer parties and make friendship bracelets." I said in a really fast annoying voice. 
 She laughed and I began to laugh too. 
 " Get to work!" a guard yelled. 
 We went quiet but giggled every so often. 

 Sad Girl continued to harass me. Now the looks I had gotten from Irene, we're given to me from Sad Girl. 
 It was strange how she new T.D and even stranger how she found out. Not like me and T.D had ever done anything. 
 Hate still radiated. But would vanish when Irene was with me. Now that hate had gotten passed the both of us, we stuck together. Never letting anything happen to the other. 
 I told her about I had gotten here and she told me how she did. Apparently, she was here on false charges. She was framed but some guy who didn't like her. He had gone to the cops and said that she had crack and pot stashed in her house. He had also put the drugs there. Now she was here serving her last two years. 
 I felt bad when I heard but she said that I didn't matter to her. Being in prison had taught her a lot. 
 She would talk of her little sister alot. She was now a very successful lawyer in New York. She was really proud of her. 
 I spoke of Alex and I told her how I saw him at times. She seemed a little puzzled by it but didn't care much. 
 We were now friends. First in a long time. 
                      Bound by valor
                       Feel the power
                      Letters of love
                      Find thy dove
                      Blood and fury
                      Home you hurry
                      Picture keep
                      Love runs deep

 We were all gathered into the big hall and sat down in chairs. A tv was put at the front and turned on. 
 It was a news report. It showed a tall Asian man ordering his armies to go forth and did their jobs. There were images of piled dead and burned houses. 
 " These are the chilling images of the 'new hitler'. His name is Chitdan and believes that Christians are filth and should be demolished. We have found from researchers that he plans on attacking America next. Armies have been formed and many are applying."
 The image then shifted to men and women standing in a line waving at the camera. It paused on another reporter with four men behind him. 
 I jumped up my heart pounding. " No!" I yelled. 
 A smiling blue eyed man waved at the camera. Christian had gotten so more muscled and taller. Irene touched my arm, unsure of what was going on. 
 A tear fell from my eye as I realized that Christian might die. I felt lost once more. 

 I pulled out a piece of paper and pen and wrote: 
   Dear Christian,
         It's me Valicia. I've been through a lot since I last saw you. Ummm, well I know you'll get mad but after you left I was kicked out a month later and moved into a crack house. Now I'm in prison. I'm sorry. You probably have a wife now and I'd like to see what she looks like. Oh yeah I'm now seventeen! My birthday was on October 10th. My friend Irene got me a cookie so I guess presents weren't much. I miss you a lot. I hope that if you ever have time that you would write back. Only if you want though. Well I love you. Be safe. 

I sealed the letter and gave it to Amelia. She then mailed it and I waited for the response. 

 It finally came, with a small teddy bear. It read:
 Dear Valicia,
       I will never be mad at you. But you should hav called me and I would have gotten you. I sent you a bear for your birthday. I hope it got to you well. I do not have a wife so you know. I didn't even date. My heart was for someone I couldn't have. I will write every chance I get and keep you updated. My prays are with you and I love you too. Stay strong and know that I will always be there for you. Write back. 

After that I sent him a picture of me telling him that it would keep him safe. He sent one back and told me it would give me strength. I lived for his letters. It's what made me happy an not so sad. 
 He sent presents a lot and told me the least gruesome details of the war. 
 It hurt him a lot to be killing but he said every time he got a letter from me he felt better. Alex smiled more and so did I. 
 I had my Christian back. 

                  I hear a voice of beauty
                  A voice I want for me
                  Let it bring the world together
                  Let it make life better
                  Sing for joy
                  Never selfish the toy
                  Yet you bring it down
                  And it runs never to be found
                  In dark it runs
                  The angel sung

 I sat in a office with Amelia. A man also sat with us, holding a briefcase in one hand and a contract in the other. 
 " Valicia, I believe that when you get out of this place you'll do something great with that voice of yours. I could make you a star! Whata say?" he smiled with enthusiasm. 
 I looked at Amelia for help and she nodded her head. " You'll be out in a month. I think it will be a really good thing for you to do." she said sweetly. 
 " I have to think about it." I mumbled. I got up and walked away. Maybe this was it. Maybe something good would happen now. 
 Alex stood outside and he smiled, clapping his hands rapidly. 

 " A singing job? Well, are you gonna take it? I think it would be a good thing to do." Irene said lounging in a chair. 
 " I don't know. It just doesn't seem like me. I mean I get out of jail and now I'm a singer. It just seems to fast."
 " Why don't you write to Christian. See what he thinks about this." she suggested. 
 " Yeah I should." I grabbed a piece of paper and began to write. 
 " Tell him that I said hi." she said. Now every time I wrote Irene talked to him too through the letters. He was fine with it. On Christmas he even sent her a present. 
 I sealed the letter and gave it to the guard so he could mail it. I sat down next to Irene and sighed. 
 " You love that guy don't you?" she asked.
 I nodded smiling at the floor. "Maybe it was just because he was there in my time of need, but I never thought I would ever like someone like I do him."
 A smile spread across her face. "Awe my girl got a lover!" she said. 
 " No! I don't think he loves me back." I mumbled. 
 " Yeah he does! Look at you. And have you read the sweet things he's said to you. I have and it sounds like love to me." she said, pulling me into a hug. 
 I was silent. Maybe he did. But what would it matter. He's in the army and I'm in prison. 
 A letter came from Christian. It was enthusiastic and encouraging me to accept. He also said he would be coming back to America for a month to visit. 
 He sent another teddy bear and his love. 
 I felt my heart lift high in the air as I held the teddy bear. I had atleast twenty now. 
 I sat down next to Irene and she nudged me. 
 " I'm proud of you. Your going to be a superstar and I get to call you my friend." she said. 
 " I wish Christian were here." I mumbled. 
 " I know you do kid." she whispered. 

 I sat on my bed and looked around. I was finally leaving. I grabbed my bag and stood. The record producer waited outside. 
 Irene came up and gave me a hug. I saw a tear form in her eye but I didn't say anything about it. In our silence our friendship was told.
 Amelia came out to see me. " I'll miss you." she whispered and hugged me tightly. I looked at them both and smiled. I then stepped into the car and closed the door. 
 I sat looking out
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