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THIS IS THE SECOND BOOK YALL! :Isabel is the goddess of all. she controls anything and everything. her fiance died a year and a half ago. leaving her with there child and isaac alone. she needs to find out who killed her fiance and how to stop the war between all the species. but how? (IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHEN I UPDATE ADD MEE!!)

These Two Sisters Were Ripped Apart By Children Services But Fate Brngs Them Together Again . Their Bond And Love For Each Other Strenthen

As a family of a scientist mom, a wimpy dad, twins, two cute kids, and a dog, travel to a newly discovered island, trouble stirs in with a sudden change of tables! A weird stalker is trying to get rich with the island and plans to kill the family. Volcanoes? Maybe. Drama? Definitely...

The double date and the lovers festival kazuto and gal take silica along but klien and elsbeth leave them three alone to watch the fireworks as they were going to do somethings themselves.

This story is only half done, I'm writing this for my English Project which is to write a short story, any feedback is welcomed. The story is based on a 17year old girl and all the drama's she goes through in her senior year of high school and just to let you all know this is based on me and my senior which is happening now. The first bit of the story that is written is true besides the names of the characters but the rest of the story will be made up.

Join along with Tia and her father in an action-packed, Super Short 2 Page novel, Feedback and comments are welcome, and appreciated. My first book made, and probably will be the longest. Ideas for next book wanted!

Rose has to face her annoying little brother, the mean girl at school, and her want-to-be boyfriend. Her best friend Leila helps her. This is only a little bit of my book.

What happens when veronica rejects Harry for what he is will he save his secret or will veronica tell every one will the secret be reiveled

it all started with 2 teams team drama queens and team flamangos but thats not how its always gonna stay its gone from those to teams down to the two teams team panda bears and team jets who is gonna win this competition well to find out you will have to read whos gonna win.