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maybelle's parent got a divorce, and they split up maybelle and her twin joanah. the mom puts her in a school for crazy people, where she meets luce the bulimic gabe the withdrawn one, and luke, the personality disorder. maybelle get's in contact with her dad, and he trys to get her out of there. gabe, who has said only two sentences to her might be her only way out.

My name is Margaret when I was young I had bff that did not help me in life I would always get in trouble for hanging out with them so it just lead to drama.

The blood bath revenge of a betrayed lover. she took the leap of faith but the man she fell in love with didn't catch her. She fell hard and landed face down in the pieces of her broken heart.

Hope is a teenager who feels as if she doesn't belong in this world, and everyone should be more positive about yourself.

The book is generally a story about people who were struct by religion, beliefs, illnesses, mixed love, homosexuality and even death. I've always wanted to produce my own film, even if it's a short one, where the lead role isn't me, or doesn't lean on me or my name. Art's really devoured me, and it's my literal, life. I've always had books given to me as presents by my aunt, but never really read them until I was a bit older. The books turned out to be amazing, and what I never expected. The

Karma is trying to get though so much when one night it all changes, she mets a guy then again on the next night she thinks that her life is about to change

Hayley was Just an Ordinary girl in the Year Book Photo She was always Hiding something She was a 512 year old vampire One day she was walking home then she met Him he was the first man she ever fell inlove with will this end with tears,love or Death