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Who is Susan? A woman trapped by her fears, filled with the anxiety of the day, afraid of the monotony but at the same time afraid of change. She is barely a human, a person trapped in limbo. But there is something inside her, something that lives, something that could salvage her life. Something that could potentially destroy her.

A girl loves to hang out with her best friend.she finds out that she is going to the foster care and moving schools.

Lyric, Unique, and Kayden are 3 new girls at Water Crest high. They are naughty, nice and amazing! Read how their story changed lives around them.

This is the story of Candy. She was the normal, nothing special girl. Then she met Mike and he inroduced her to METH. This is her story...follow her through the laughs and the heartbreak.

Megan Woods finally got a diary, and she decides to write everything in it about her life. Each chapter has a "dear diary" where Megan will talk a bit of something fun with you

Kindle Lee is a girl who has a hard life.She gets kicked out her own house,cant find much food and feels so alone. Find out how someone helps her through.

A girl and her family move and get a new start but she doesn't want one. She just wants to back to her old friends and her old crush. Little does she know that in a new place come new friends, crushes, houses, and neighbors.

A girl starting eighth grade meets and becomes best friends with her cousins ex girlfriend, she falls inlove, then she is betrayed by her "best friend" gets heartbroken, unable to forget the happiest days of her life, stuck reliving painful memories, and not being able to forget the one and only perfect guy she fell in love with.