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When mya goes to this new schools she starts to hang with the wrong croud then it backfires and the internet is tearing her up will she get out of this.

this book is about a girl who doesnt really care about nothing but having a good time and getten money.when she met the new boy at her school she had no idea she would have fallen in love. she always get what she wants even if it means sleeping around to get closer to him.

A young mans decision to the bad path in life. A tragedy of the commons. there is always someone out there that decides, at one point in their life, what to do with it, but ends up taking the wrong path.

Andrea Perez was feeling happy. She had just met Sergio. She thought he was the perfect guy. Smart,handsome,and sweet. He looked like a prince right off a fairytale. All of Andrea's happiness ends when her brother, George gets killed, and Sergio seems interested in someone else, Maddie Wilson. She suddentlly becomes Andrea's worst enemy, and Andrea will do anything to get Sergio. On her try a big tragety happens, and it's all Andrea's fault.

Alex was shipped off to boarding school. She met a guy named dustin,and kissed him when he had a girlfriend. His girlfriend was alex's sister. Can you spell trouble?

She was chosen. what happens next is a mystery..

This book is about a girl named Mel who wants to get revenged for her boyfriend who was killed three years ago. Zane helps her not only in getting her revenge but in living again.

I hate you. people don't know that those three words can ruin a life.