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New Testament Examined.
A date upon which most historians agree upon, which is a date that is usually uncontroversial is the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon in 586 B.C.E. ± 1 year. ~ Ezekiel in 4:1-5.
BC 585-Jeremiah, the Prophet. ~2 Chronicles 36:21, Jeremiah 1:1, Daniel 9:2. Jeremiah is alleged to have traveled to Ireland bringing with him many meaningful objects from Jerusalem. One item is the exalted “Ark of the Covenant.”
The Church, through the centuries, has played down this significant event. The Patriarch Saint of Ireland, falling upon “Saint Patriarch,” the Roman Catholics choosing to bestow the honor upon their own Christian missionary who died in the county of Down, on March 17, AD 465, one thousand and fifty years later. Saint Patrick is not the traditional patron of Ireland, but it serves the Roman Catholic Church’s purpose. The “Ark of the Covenant,” in J.H. Allen’s book, “Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright,” notes that Jeremiah and a princess (daughter of an Eastern king) carried with them the harp, an ark and the stone called “Liafail.” This ark allegedly the true “Ark of the Covenant.”
Irish history tells that the last place the Ark of the Covenant was seen was in Ireland! “The fact is, Rome began early to covet Ireland. Once they got possession, it was necessary for them to destroy the influence of Jeremiah. This they did, in part, by substituting the name of Saint Patrick in the place of the prophet's; and more, they then set to work to destroy even the old and famous capital city of Tara . In 565 AD, Saint Ruadham, along with a posse of Bishops and chiefs of the South of Ireland, cursed the city, so that neither King nor Queen might ever rule or reign therein again. They forced the government, monarchy, and people to abandon the place. From thence Tara was deserted...” ~From The Ten Lost Tribes, Rev. Joseph Wild, D.D., 1883, London: Robert Banks, Printer, Racquet Court, Fleet Street, E.C.
Some believe that ancient visitors carried out breeding experiments and produced a phenomenal creature intelligent enough to have the rules of society imparted to it. These bizarre new beings invented agriculture and became the first artists, then created their own warlike civilizations. Sodom and Gomorrah are said to have been destroyed by an ancient atomic bomb, and the Ark of the Covenant is allegedly an electrified transmitter that allows Moses to communicate with the space-astronauts. Von Daniken claims that ancient astronauts, complete with space helmets, were carved on stela at the Mayan city of Copan. ~ Erich von Daniken, Chariots of the Gods, 1968.
Suppression of the truth is pervasive and necessary in attempting to destroy the traditions of the “Tuath de Danan,” of Irish folklore in order to spread the news of Christianity. By sword or by book unbelievers will be converted as written accounts of the Hebrews show how they transplanted their royal lineage and priesthood from Palestine to Ireland, for safe keeping via the Prophet Jeremiah and Barech, but now are lost.
Was the last place the Ark of the Covenant was seen really in Ireland? Catholic Historians reject it as legend, fable and prose. “Irish historians are unanimous that about 580 B.C.E. there arrived in Ulster a notable man, a patriarch or saint, accompanied by an Eastern princess, and a lesser person by the name of Simon Brach , or Barech. This party brought with them several remarkable things about which Ireland's songs and legends cluster; those things were a harp (David's harp), and a wonderful stone, the Stone of Destiny, the Lia Phail, Irish tradition tells us that Jeremiah married the princess Tamar Tephi to Eochaidh, the Heremon, or head king of Ireland, after the latter embraced the worship of the true Jehovah. Jeremiah became the chief figure in Irish history, life and religion.” ~Tracing Our White Ancestors, by Frederick Haberman.
Irish Legends include: “The Wishing Well,” similar to the pit where Joseph was cast down or hidden and his blood soaked pieces of his coat of many colors was taken from him [the kilt is the Irish substitute worn today]. Northern and Western Ireland were once called Scotland [and they also had the kilt of many colors as well]. Irish legend has wishing wells, with small bits of torn clothing placed about the edge. Supposedly brought to Ireland by the Prophet Jeremy [Jeremiah] and his companion Barech, of Palestine. “Sacred Wells,” common in Ireland, based upon Joseph’s grandeur in Egypt being brought about by his being put in a pit [Genesis 37:24, in the Septuagint it is a ‘Cistern,’ and in the Vulgate Bible it is ‘Cistern’, while the Fenton Version has ‘well’]. The LXX [Septuagint] is a Greek translation of the Old Testament and is much less reliable, especially when it comes to the historical recording of numbers in the text. It adds one hundred years to most every patriarch from Adam to Terah, thereby adding a total of about 1,500 yrs to the genealogy.
It is at the well that his brother, Reuben, tears his clothes, because Joseph is not in the well. ~British History Traced From Egypt & Palestine And Other Essays, Israel in Ireland, by Covenant Publishing Company Limited, 1927.
The Septuagint, which begins with the creation of the world and traces the development of the Hebrew people through the patriarchal period up to the invasion of Canaan, was believed from very earliest times to be the work of one person, Moses. ~See II Chronicles 25:4; Luke 2:22; 24:44.
There are those who questioned the Mosaic authorship, and about 500 C.E. a Jewish scholar wrote in the Talmud that the last eight verses of Deuteronomy, which tell of the death of Moses appear to have been written by Joshua. ~Baba Bathra 14b-15a: Joshua wrote . . . Eight verses of the Law.
By the time of the Protestant Reformation, Roman Catholic and Protestant scholars were already discussing the difficulty of maintaining the Mosaic authorship of the Torah to one Biblical person. ~Old Testament Life and Literature by Gerald A. Larue, 1968. The Jewish Bible begins with the Five Books of Moses, known as the Torah, which was canonized in the 5th century B.C.E. Historically speaking, there are few records dating to the earliest days of Jewish civilization: “The precise origin of the Hebrew tribes is unknown. There are records dating from the Egyptian New Kingdom that mention a homeless nomadic people called the ‘Habiru’ or ‘Hapiru.’” Much of the early history of the Hebrew people must be pieced together from the Hebrew Scriptures, which were written between the 13th and 3rd centuries B.C.E. [ca. 1200-200 B.C.E.] ~Jewish Tradition, History and Culture by Janice Barsky, October 14, 2000.
There are considerable indications that whoever wrote certain portions of the Pentateuch was in Palestine, within the territory which in the time of Moses had not yet been entered. ~See Genesis 50:10, Numbers 35:14, and Deuteronomy 1:1, 5, 3:8, 4:46. It is said that Moses commanded, “He that understandeth Genesis, let him not reveal it.” However, Gen-Isis should be revealed that we may have a proper conception of the beauty of astrology, that is, Gen-Isis, and not “The beginning,” but what Isis, the mother nature, who generates or produces, Isis, the great ruler of waters; Isis, the menstrual of all nature, Isis, which, when combined with air and heat, generates all reason and purpose. “And the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters” [i.e., the air, the wind, or the air in motion].~ Genesus 1:2.
The Biblical references speak of places which are located “Beyond the Jordan,” which is to say on the east side of the Jordan and outside of Palestine proper. Such a statement could only be made by someone on the western side of the Jordan river, and Moses never entered that land. ~Deuteronomy 34. Father Tertullian, however, gives full credence to the legend of the Septuagint.

“To this day, at the temple of Serapis, the libraries of Ptolemy are to be seen, with the identical Hebrew originals in them.” ~Apology, to the Rulers of the Roman Empire, I, xviii; Ante-Nicene Fathers, iii, 32.
Many believe that, “The pot of gold,” is a reference to a pot made of gold [not filled with gold] This is in reference to the “Ark of the Covenant” being covered with gold, as depicted in the “Throne Room of God,” and under the rainbow [in heaven]. “The Little People,” as the angels argue over the body of Moses, at his death, the angels disagree over the hiding place of the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark is finally hidden and the angels still argue over the place it is kept. This is a spiritual battle, reflected in modern day Ireland with the conflict between the Protestants and the Gentile Christian Church attempting to have dominion over the resting place of the Ark of the Covenant. A conspiracy theory having the Ark hidden behind legends would conceal the real roots and national background of the people of Ireland and their roots being from the Israelites. Jeremiah takes the consecrated Ark and other sacred objects along with the royal princesses to a New World, for safety to be re-united with the remnant of their own people, Israel when the time was appropriate. “Birth Stones,” the emerald is the stone of the tribe of Dan, tribe of Israel, which migrated early in Israel's history, to far off Ireland.
BC 582 (?)-479-Pythagoras, mathematician, philosopher, teacher, is the first to teach that the earth is round and revolves around the sun [A fact that is lost in later history and for which many are condemned because the Christian Church Authorities would believe otherwise. How could the earth be round?] Surely, we would fall off if this were so! If the earth is round, would not the Bible tell us so?
The early Church Fathers without knowledge [many were illiterate] set themselves up as the scientists, doctors, and interpreters of all that lay within the domain of God. Pythagoras used mathematics and musical scales to relate the orbits of the planets and developed his concept of “Music of the spheres.”
It is alleged that Pythagoras applied for admission into the occult school, Mysteries of Isis, at Thebes, and waited many years before he was approved, and only then by producing proper credentials. Pythagoras believed that he was the Trojan War warrior Euphorbus reborn, believing in immortality and transmigration of the soul. This mystery school is to have profound influences on the religious history of the world, influencing people as far away as Galilee.
Its religious beliefs however will not be called Isian but a new name, an appellation that would identify the followers of its founder. Hades is the Greek, “God of the Dead,” “God of the Underworld,” son of Titans, and brother of Zeus & Poseidon. His palace in the underworld is where the good are rewarded and wickedness is punished. No mention is made of fire or brimstone.
Gehenna, Gahanna, Valley of Hinnom, near Jerusalem [II Kings 27:10] is known as the place of abomination where the Israelites sacrificed their children to the god Moloch [in Arabic literature it’s Jahannam]. Later this area is converted into a dump [refuse area] kept ablaze perpetually to prevent the spread of disease. It also becomes synonymous with Hell.
The Greek word for dead is Hades [their God of the Dead] The use of Hades, Hell, and Burning Inferno is later to become the same in Christian literature. A concept spread by Dante in the 13th century.
Asclepius, or Esculapius, the “Son of God,” the “Savior,” “Rose from the dead,” after being put to death ... in Greek mythology, the god of medicine. He is a son of the god Apollo and Coronis, a
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