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model of kingship and thus ensured the persistence of the monarchical principle for two millennia. This, his conscious work, had a direct effect on the evolution of monotheism, while in other respects his conquests proved the turning point in the history of religions. By breaking down the barriers, which racial and lingual divisions had hitherto set up between different nations of the earth, these conquests led to a great fusion of the religions hitherto professed by them, and thus opened the door to the world-religions which were afterwards to share between them his vast Empire... Thus, from the scientific point of view, there is none among the forerunners of Christianity who did more to prepare and make ready its way than.” ~Forerunners and Rivals of Christianity, From 330 B.C. to 330 A.D., Francis Legge [26-27]
Early transcripts of the Old Testament were in Greek [versus Hebrew translations] due to the Jewish scholars being more knowledgeable and conversant in Greek than the Ancient Hebrew [Aramaic]. Coptic Christians followed the ministry of Saint Mark who worked and died in Alexandria. “The Secret Gospel of Mark” with its Gnostic implications is written in Alexandria and is actually the additional notes of The Gospel of Mark.
After the death of Alexander the Great, the lands conquered by Alexander, and territories, are divided up amongst his generals, with Ptolemy I Soter taking control over Egypt in 305 B.C.E. The concept of sin, in Catholic logic, is not contained in the Gnostic  system, and sin to them, unless it be the sin of ignorance, required no necessity for an atonement. Jesus is not perceived as God, but merely as his prophet.
Cleopatra is the last of the Ptolemaic Rulers and is later defeated by the Romans but through her charm, she continues to rule as Queen under the authority of Julius Cesar and later on by Mark Antony. Some say that she was part black, but this error has existed only since the 20th century. She was of Mesopotamian ancestry, now considered Greek. With the advent of Greek [Hellenistic] culture, there is further dissension amongst the priests as the masses look upon their fair skinned conquerors as demi-gods, similar to the Pharaohs, but with a unique feature, and that is that those with fair skins will come to be worshipped, and the Greeks will further perpetuate this fraud by building monuments to themselves.
This unique feature will not be lost in centuries to come as Saint Paul will also eulogize the dark skinned Jewish Jesus, the Christ, and his mother, as being fair skinned to further develop the acceptance of Jesus as a God, the last fair skinned [light complected] Pharaoh to rule being Cleopatra.
The Sacred Mysteries, its rites and ceremonies are no longer held sacred due to the conquerors having their own gods. This violation of the inner sanctuaries causes the priests to conceal their innermost rituals from all but a select few in order to protect the last vestiges of their ancient gods.
In the aura of the desolate desert sands, the priest-craft will continue to perform the rites practiced for primal centuries of which the aura of secrecy is later to be carried on by the son of a carpenter in a far off land.
The Romans will hold an uneasy truce over Egypt with proliferous corruption and elevated taxes often making the populace angry, and centuries later, the corruption of the Romans will also be assimilated in a continuum of corrupt ways with the adaptation of Christianity, which adapts Roman traditions. The Greeks, and now the Romans, have assimilated their gods and the Isis Cult will wield great power for another seven hundred years within the Roman Empire.
In order to maintain a peace about the land the Romans restore some of the smaller Egyptian temples and even have their names carved as cartouches representing themselves as pharaohs and gods. Deification of the Roman leaders will be replicated by European monarchs, who will declare, “All kings are descendents of God,” and initiate the conflict between the church and the state that will continue into the 21st century.
BC 350-The Mahabharata, “The sum of all true righteousness: deal with others as thou wouldst thyself be dealt by. Do nothing to thy neighbor, which thou wouldst not have do to thee hereafter.”
BC 340-Berossus, the priest of Bel-Marduk in the temple of E-sag-ila writes an historical compilation of his people written in Greek entitled, “Babyloniaka,” completed in 275 B.C.E. Book One recounts the Babylonian Cosmogony, Book Two is a chronological listing of the Babylonian kings, including the ten kings before the Flood, culminating with Alexander the Great. His works are dedicated to King Antiochus I Soter, BC 280-260. The Biblical historian Flavius uses these manuscripts to trace ancient legends and cultures.
Antiochus issues a decree, which until that time was unheard of in the multicultural and religiously tolerant ancient world of Rome: He outlaws another people's religion, banning the teaching, and practice of Judaism. The book of the Maccabees [probably written by a Jewish chronicler in the early 1st century B.C.E.] describes it as follows: “Not long after this, the king sent an Athenian senator to compel the Jews to forsake the laws of their fathers and cease to live by the laws of God, and also to pollute the Temple in Jerusalem and call it the Temple of Olympian Zeus.” -II Maccabees 6:1-2.
BC 329-Space Aliens(?)329 BC - Central Asia, during the reign of Alexander the Great, 356-323 B.C.E. A historian, for the period of the reign of Alexander the Great allegedly tells of two strange crafts appearing like two silver shields in the sky, that dived repeatedly at his army, until the war elephants, the men, and all their horses panicked and refused to cross the river where the bizarre incident occurred... The historian describes the objects as “Great shining silvery shields, spitting fire around the rims... Things that came from the skies and returned to the skies.” ~Frank Edwards, Stranger Than Science, Pan Books, London, p. 198.
BC 320-“Ben Sirah,” containing parts of the Apocrypha is written [Ben Sirah is a son of the prophet Jeremiah] A Greek version is found in the Septuagint known as Ecclesiasticus. A Hebrew edition is later published in AD 1798, which of course, the Church denies its authenticity.
BC 310-250-Aristarchus of Samos shocks his fellow Greeks when he announces that not only is the earth round, but the earth goes around the sun.
In AD 1616, Galileo makes this same assertion, and is later forced to retract this statement by Catholic authorities, after his many years of research, observation, and scientific analysis, in front of Church Authorities, under a penalty of excommunication.
BC 309-246-The “Library of Alexandria,” founded by Ptolemy I, has over half a million volumes. Most of the volumes are in Greek and are destroyed by Roman Emperor Aurevian in late AD 3rd century. The guardian of the scrolls [one of which is The Book of Jasher] upon hearing of the intent to burn the library quickly removes many scrolls and sends them to Arabia for safekeeping. In AD 391, the Christians also destroy another smaller library due to its non-Christian works.
The Christian destroyers are quite elated in the destruction of this famous library of the “Heathens.” Books dating back for centuries dealing not only in Egyptian cultures, but cultures from various parts of the known world at that time are burned and lost forever.
Ptolemy II was the most brilliant of the dynasty, the greatest monarch of his age, and the most clearly skeptical. His learned tutor is known in Greek literature as “Theodorus the Atheist,” and the man who became the first scholar of Alexandria. It was a golden age of culture-and of skepticism. ~See Hundred Men Who Moved the World, vol. III.
BC 270-Epicurus, “Let nothing be done in thy life, which would cause fear if it became known to your neighbor.”
BC 247-183-Hannibal, Carthaginian General from Northern Africa, with a deployment of 40,000 men, crosses the Alps from Spain into Italy to defeat Roman Legions using a new type of warfare, elephants. After the Romans adapt to the new tactics and defeat the General, Hannibal commits suicide by taking poison.
The Romans are predominantly followers of Mithra, the way, the light, and the all-knowing god, which has many similarities to the new religion, which will attempt to take over the world [see BC 600]. Throughout the history of mankind we have the priest-craft documentating religious leaders being:
87. Born of a virgin
88. Condemned to death by a king or other ruler.
89. Performing miracles.
90. Turning water into wine.
91. Preaching of the goodness in this world and for man to be good to his fellow man.
92. Being crucified on a cross between two thieves.
93. Performing miracles after their death.
These men of great and extraordinary manifestations traveled about in various times long before Jesus Christ in China, Japan, India, the Mideast, and North America. Stories of great floods also abound in various cultures and peoples around the world. What are we to make of all this?
That something is being told to us. Something that is quite simple in nature and not expensive. Quite the contrary, it’s free, “To be good to our fellow man.” Almost too easy or simplified to believe! The rest of this book will endeavor to show the corruption of man in the pursuit of this simple journey through the centuries.
You be the judge as to who is telling the truth and for what reason. The primary purpose of religion was in many cases being in power, the power to control and the power to levy taxes and collect monies from the masses. Is there truly one and only one religion of God who can save us? Sixteen centuries ago, a “Father of the Church,” Firmicus Maternus, wrote a book called “The Errors of the Profane Religions.” 
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