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in their neighbourhood, in educational institutions, in social gatherings and everywhere. For this purpose, large sums of money are spent on clothing, on keeping in latest style and on cosmetics etc. No doubt, all these Movement efficiency: In sports, the body posture of a player is vital in the performance of their function. They have to stand, run and bend their body in a particular position while playing a game or participating in athletic sports. It is, therefore, that in standing, walking or running, a person will be more effective, graceful and co-ordinated if they possess good posture. The player’s good posture will keep the body in equilibrium, each organ in place and each set of muscles doing its own specific job. All this facilitates efficient movement of the body. Physical fitness: Posture is also very valuable for physical fitness. The basic components of physical fitness are muscular strength, muscular endurance and circulatory endurance. Muscular strength is the maximum strength applied to a singular muscular contraction. Muscular endurance is the ability to continue muscular exertions. Circulatory endurance involves moderate contraction of large muscles for a long period of time. Poor posture impairs the proper functioning of internal organs, nerves and blood vessels and thus, reduces a pupil’s physical fitness. Therefore, good posture makes its contribution in providing physical fitness to pupils. Hygienic value: the erect, straight and vibrant body has its organs properly suspended so that bodily functions are more complete and perfect. Spiritual value: With the physical upliftment, the spirit is uplifted. Economic value: Good posture speaks of the spirit within the body. Seeking a job depends on the way we hold our body. Alertness portrays the way we sit and stand.

Important Postural Positions

There are mainly four important postural positions: They are:

Sitting posture Standing posture Walking posture Lying posture Sitting Posture

There are three different sitting positions:

Simple sitting While reading While writing


Simple sitting

Simple good sitting means a body well placed symmetrically on the pelvis, hip as far back in the chair as possible; head, shoulders and hips in a line with spinal column erect with its natural curves. Legs should rest vertically on the feet, thighs horizontal, both feet flat resting on the ground. Both hands should be comfortable, resting on the thighs. The head must be so placed as to give relief to the neck muscle in the front and at the back.

Generally, children develop a 5degree curve in the vertebral column which puts undue pressure upon the internal organs. It is a wrong sitting position.

Reading posture

For reading purposes, the sitting posture should be same as already explained. In addition to that, the child must sit erect and hold the book at an angle of 45 degree to the horizontal and at a distance of 12 inches for the eyes. Both hands should rest on the table in front and both feet on the foot-rest.

If the book is held nearer, it may strain the eyes or result in myopia or short sight. Wrong sitting position can also cause contracted chest, stretched muscles at the back, shallow respiration and sometimes the abdominal muscles also get congested. Sometimes children sit using the edge of the chair and by putting body weight on the pelvis-at the end of the spine. This posture causes early fatigue, shallow respiration and poor digestion.

Writing posture

For best writing posture the children must use chair and writing table or some improvised material that can be converted as table and stool. For writing, the child should sit squarely on the seat, body erect and balanced, thighs horizontal, legs vertical, feet flat on the floor. Height of the table should be adopted to the height of the child. It will be appreciated if the top surface of the table is with a slight slope.

Some children use the slanting style while writing. They bend their head towards left side and raise the right shoulder, the spine is curved to the left, the writing paper is help towards right side of the body. This posture is very tiring and causes muscular and nervous strain and early fatigue.

Standing Posture:

There are two styles of standing postures. One is standing for a short time and second is standing for a long time. For short period standing, the best way is to hold the body in a way with proper alignment of its parts. Body weight is equally distributed over both the legs and feet. Feet are slightly apart in a parallel line. This position cannot be maintained for a long period as both the legs get tired simultaneously.

For long standing position, the best way is to put one foot ahead of the other, in a balancing position or one leg can be shifted to the left or right side. The main body weight remains on one leg and other leg acts a s balancing leg. The weight is transferred, giving rest to both the legs turn by turn alternately.

Walking Posture:

Good walking reflects the personality of a person. Very slow walks with uneven pace and dropped neck indicates some inferiority complex in the person. Similarly, walking with stiff neck, looking upward, chest out, indicates some superiority complex.

The best walking posture is that in which the foot in action is placed on the ground with the line of direction, parallel to the line of movement. The toes should point forward. Wrong walking can cause early fatigue to the leg and foot muscles or pain in the legs and feet.

Lying posture:

Very little study has been done on the lying posture. The child should sleep by taking a pillow of normal height, with legs and arms freely stretched out. Sleeping on left side should be avoided as it obstructs breathing.

Advantages of correct postures

Physical appearance Graceful & efficient movements Physical fitness Less chances of injuries Prevention from diseases Improves confidence Sports performance Joint mobility Longevity

Characteristics of Good Postures

A good posture implies that body is held without any sort of effort, with its weight, equally distributed over both the legs and feet so as to produce least fatigue. A good posture keeps equilibrium among all parts of the body. A posture is dynamic and it varies with every activity. It is not necessary that we may always stand in a certain position or sit firmly in a chair in order to have a good posture. The secret of good posture is a frequent change of positions. Remaining in one posture for a long time is fatigue-causing. Posture is more than a mere physical condition. A posture reflects the emotions and moods of an individual. A posture indicates the attitudes of both body and mind. A good posture makes it possible for the alignments and muscles to maintain position of the body which are conducive to efficient movement. Good posture keeps us in natural state or in working conditions. Good posture is largely an individual matter of common sense. Certain postures may be inherited. Postures can be modified through training.


Bad effects of wrong postures

Some of the bad effects of wrong postures are given below:

Interference in the normal working of digestion, respiration and blood circulation. Defective physical development, such as crooked bodies, drooping bodies, round shoulders, poor build, devoid of charm etc. Bad effect on eye sight due to excessive strain. Poor physical efficiency and laziness. Poor hand writing because of wrong handling of the pen and paper. Undesirable traits like shabbiness, poor impression, timidness, lack of courage etc.

Causes of poor postures

Congenital postural deformities: these deformities are present at the time of birth of the child, like club foot, dislocation of the hips, hypoplasia etc. Other types of deformities are acquired due to so many reasons. They cause disfigurement of the body. From diseases: Various diseases are responsible for the bad posture of the child, like inflammation of the bones, rickets, tuberculosis, paralysis etc. These diseases may cause knock knee, developing undue curvature of the spine etc. Weakness of the muscle and bones which may be due to poor diet and lack of exercise. Weakness of senses: Weak eye-sight or hard of hearing or impartial hearing also causes physical deformity. A child has to twist his/her body to adjust to the voice, and to see things clearly. Fashion: Due to fashion many persons adopt a specific style of holding the body or put on very tight clothes or shoes, which hinder the activity of the body. One cannot even breathe properly and has to twist the body to feel easy. Improper furniture: Unsuitable size of the chair and table or insufficient furniture also causes deformities. Long sitting: If the students are compelled to sit for long hours, without any change in body positions, it is responsible for bad postures. Insufficient sleep: Lack of sleep or sleeplessness also cause bad posture. It may develop drooped neck or curvature of the spine. Wrong punishments: Long standing, holding ears or raising arms upwards for a long time are responsible for bad postures. Wrong exercise: Unsupervised wrong exercises also cause bad posture. Improper time-table: If all straining periods of a class are arranged one after the other, it may cause bad posture. Lack of information regarding correct posture. Students are unaware what posture is good or how to sit and stand. So they may allow the spine to sag, the abdomen to stretch out or shoulders to become round. Defective shape and size of desks and benches compelling the students to stretch or cramp their bodies. Wrong reading and writing positions. Fatigue: Due to fatigued body the child becomes lethargic and adopts wrong posture in sitting and standing. Physical weakness: Physically weak children get tired very quickly. They cannot sit for long hours in school. Under compulsion, they have to sit by adopting wrong postures. Defective postures of teachers and other adults. Accident or injury: Injury can also cause physical deformity like one leg long, one short. Over-work: More mental work or physical work causes fatigue. The body gets tired after a specific time and needs rest. So continuous over-work will lead to wrong postures as the person will change many postural positions to lessen tiredness and to finish the work. Sometimes these positions cause wrong postures. Heavy load: Carrying heavy load on one shoulder or on the upper back results into round shoulders or one shoulder high and another low. Unhygienic school conditions: over-crowded classrooms, insufficient air or bad lighting arrangements can also cause bad postures. Lack of proper diet or mal nourishment may cause deformities like rickets, narrowing of the pelvis, the pigeon chest etc. Insufficient sleep Obesity Bad habits Neck pain, Lower back pain,Headache Eye-strain. Defective vision or hearing and illegible blackboard writing by the teacher. Digestive problem

Correction of Bad Postures or Preventive Measures

Childhood is the best time to improve bad postures. Every attention should be paid on the postural aspect of the child’s personality. Some measures should be adopted for this like:

As has already been stressed, it is one of the important functions of the school that it must provide knowledge of good posture to its pupils. The class teacher must understand it and transmit it to the pupils. Individual instruction in correct posture may also be given to certain pupils with faulty posture habits, to achieve best results. Instructions before full-length mirror can be most effective because, in that case, the pupil can see as well as feel the correct position. For congenital deformities the students should be directed to go to orthopedic hospitals only. Teacher himself should never try to correct such cases. Practice of remedial or corrective exercises should be given to the students individually according to their physical needs. Children should be allowed to carry heavy loads of bags. Drawers or almirahs can be provided in the school to keep books. Students should be shown the correct body mechanics. A ‘posture sense’ should also be developed in the mind of the students. Every possible source of fatigue and strained attention must be investigated and corrected. Eg. Deafness, eye strain etc. Remove the causes of: Faulty occupational practice Faulty sitting accommodation Faulty shoes and clothes Knowledge about nutrition should be given. Cheap nutrients should also be suggested. It will be appreciable if provision for mid-day meals is made by the school authorities. Continuously long sittings and long periods should be avoided. Short intervals of activity should be introduced. It is appreciated if the school has subject-wise classrooms. It also helps in the change of posture and long sittings. Front seats should be provided to the students who suffer from weakness of senses like short sight
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