» Erotic » United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗

Book online «United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗». Author Cherie Benjamin

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seemed to be getting along very well.

"Kane, may I have a word with you?"  Nazario asked.

Kane looked at his father and knew that it was serious.  "Ara, will you be okay with my mother?"

"Of course, go; I'll be fine."

Kane leaned in and pressed a kiss on her lips.  "I won't be long."

Kane got up and followed his father to his study.  Once in, Kane closed the soundproof door.

"Kane, have a seat."

Kane sat in a chair in front of his father's desk.

"You seem to be very taken with this girl."

"I am."

"And it doesn't bother you that her father is a pig?"

"Dad, Ara told me all about her childhood this morning.  She was very forthcoming about everything; Dad it was bad.  She basically was a person who lived in the home. No love was ever shown to her. She did all the cooking and cleaning.  Dad, her mother would have sex in the living room with random men, knowing she was at home, and could walk in at any moment.  Her father never visited her, and during the few months she did live with him, he left her alone most of the time. This is when she started reading and studying BDSM.  Dad, do you know what book she carries in her purse daily?"

"No."  Nazario said, intrigued with the tale.

"Mom's book.  Ara uses it as her guide.  Dad, in all the years I have been in the community, I have never seen a submissive as in tune with her inner self.  To make it better, she is self-taught. We have decided to be in a Dominant/submissive relationship, and it will be on the weekends, but during the week we are going to be boyfriend/girlfriend."

"Kane, what about the stipulation concerning you taking over the family?  You need to start looking for a bride, but, as you know, she needs to have Italian blood, so your children can one day take over."

Kane knew this.  But, he knew that Ara was of Italian blood.  Would she really consider marrying him?

"Dad, I will make the announcement at the party next week, is that good enough?"


"Good, now let's go back and see what they are up to."

Nazario came around the desk and placed his arm around his son's shoulder.  "If you trust her, then so do I. But, son, please keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary."

"I will dad, but, truly, she is everything you see before you.  She hides nothing."

As they walked down the hall, Kane's phone began to ring.


"Kane, we have a major problem on the docks.  Someone has killed Ernie and has stolen the shipment of guns."

"WHO THE FUCK DID THAT?  Was anyone else hurt?"

"No, but it's a big mess."

"FUCK, I'm on my way.  Call Uriel and have him meet me."  Kane hung up and slammed his fist against the wall.

"What is it?"  Nazario asked.

"Some motherfucking asshole has killed Ernie, and stolen the shipment.  Paul says it is a mess. I need to get down there and see what is going on."

"Go, but keep me up to date.  I’ll keep be here keeping the house safe.”

Kane turned, and started to the door, but then suddenly stopped mid-stride.  Ara.  Quickly, he returned to the parlor to find Ara and Rosa sitting together, looking at old photo albums.

Ara heard someone walk in and when she looked up, she saw Kane, but knew immediately that something was wrong.  "Kane, what is it?"

Kane wrapped his arms around her and breathed in her sweet scent.  "I've got to go. You need to stay here with Mom."

Ara then knew, whatever it was, it was too dangerous for her.  Then, she became extremely worried over his safety. "Come back to me."

"Always."  Kane declared, placing one long kiss upon her lips and then passing her over to his mother’s waiting arms.  Looking at her eyes fill with tears, he knew she was the one for him.

Chapter 7


Kane walked out the door; for the time in his adult life, he had reason to be careful, because he wanted to keep his word to Ara.  Walking up to the car, he told Ben to go to his apartment. He trusted Ben, but he needed to limit the amount of people who could know about the situation, until he knew all the details.


"Ben, make sure the apartment has been untouched and secure it until I get home.  If you find anything out of the ordinary, call me immediately."


"Of course, Mr. Leone."


Kane walked over to his R8, opened his trunk and then the secret compartment hidden there, and pulled out his Desert Eagle with the silencer.


Getting into the car, he revved the engine and took off for the docks.  He arrived quickly, and saw Uriel, and was surprised to see that Erik was back.


Dad had sent him to do a job in Italy for a friend of the family.  The friend's daughter had been kidnapped and raped. He wanted justice that the court systems wouldn't give him.  He paid Dad one million dollars to do the job, and make the asshole suffer like his little girl did. Erik had been wanting to step up and show his backbone, so Dad gave him the job.  He had slipped into the country, found the motherfucking rapist, and let him die a long painful death.


"Erik, man, glad to have you back.  I hear you did a great job. The customer was very pleased and called Dad.  So be prepared to step up."


"Thanks, Kane.  I had hoped this might do it."


"Uriel, what happened here?"


"Seth got a call from Ernie; Ernie said that he saw someone breaking into the shipping containe. As they were talking, all hell broke loose.  He heard a gunfight and Ernie yelled for help, then the line went dead."


"Have you found him?"


"We just got here."  Uriel said.


"Okay, let's go see if we can find him. Watch your back."  Kane said.


After looking around the dock for about a half hour, they happened upon a blood trail.  They followed it down between a couple of containers. Behind them, they found Ernie's dead body lying face down in a small patch of grass, with one of his guns beside him.


"Shit.  They got him good.  Fuck, wasn't Waylon with him on this protection detail?"  Kane asked.


"Yeah, fuck; I wonder where the hell he is."  Uriel said, looking around the area.


"Well, the motherfuckers took the whole shipment."  Kane said, running his hands through his hair. Fuck, Dad was going to go fucking nuts.  Looking up, he saw the dock had surveillance cameras. "Uriel…look." He said, pointing up to the camera.  "Get Aden on the phone and tell him to hack in and get the footage."


"On it, Boss."  Uriel said, grabbing his phone and calling Aden.


"Erik, get the cleanup crew in here, and make sure they take special care of Ernie's body."


Erik got his phone out and started calling the cleanup crew.


While Uriel and Erik was making their calls, Kane began to walk around the container area.  Fuck, this was a fucking nightmare. The buyers were going to be extremely mad, and he hoped he could smooth over this so they could still do business with them in the future.


Walking along the side of the warehouse, he heard someone moaning.  Making sure his gun was ready; he cautiously walked toward the sound.


Rounding the corner, he found a man lying up against the building with a gunshot wound to the knee.


"Hey fucker."  Kane said, pointing his gun to the guy's head.  "Looks like it hurts."


"Fuck you.  Who do you think you are pussy boy?"


"Oh, man, I'm the fucking grim reaper, and I have come to take your fucking black soul."  Kane smirked, walking over and placing his foot over the wound, and pushing down.


"FUCK! that hurts."


"Oh you haven't seen anything yet."  Kane smirked.


Kane kept his eye on the asshole, slipped his hand in his pocket, and grabbed his phone, and pushed a speed dial.  "Uriel, you and Erik need to get over to the west side of the warehouse; I found a live one."


"Fuck, okay; we are on our way."


Slipping the phone back in his pocket, he smirked down at the fucker.  "Well, I have a few friends who like to play, so we’re about to have ourselves one hell of a party."


The man looked up and knew that his life was soon to be over.


Soon, Uriel and Erik found Kane, and laughed at the sight of Kane casually standing on the knee of the man with his arms wrapped round his chest, and his huge ass gun ready for any movement.


"Hey, fuckers, it's like Easter; look at the fucking egg I found."


"A good one man."  Erik laughed.


"Uriel, what whip did you bring?"




"Great, go get it.  Grab some rope to tie the fucker up; we are taking him to the house for a little party."


"Right, Boss."




"Oh, I'm sorry fucker.  The name is Kane Leone."


Holy fuck, the man thought.


Soon Uriel was back with the SUV, they tied the fucker up, and they were off to the warehouse.  Kane hoped he could get some information from him. They pulled up to the warehouse, where they had a secret room that they used just for this purpose.


Erik and Uriel carried the man into the room and tied him to a chair.  Kane took off his blazer, rolled his sleeves up to the elbows, and put on his black leather gloves.


Walking over to the chair, he took his leg and kicked the man in the chest, causing him to fall back and hit his head on the concrete floor in the process.


"Pick the fucker back up, guys."  Kane said.


Erik pulled the man back upright by his hair.


"Fuck! Stop, that hurts."  The man yelled.


"Really? I didn't feel a thing fucker."  Erik chuckled.


Kane came back up to the man and began to punch him in the face, over and over again.   Blood was pouring out of his mouth, his nose was broken, and both eyes began to swell shut.


"Now that I have your attention, tell me who sent you to the docks."


"No one."


"Oh, I think you are lying to me and I hate when someone does that."  Kane said, turning to Uriel. "Hand me my favorite toy."


Uriel turned to the table and picked up the knife, which had a six inch blade with a jagged edge, and handed it to Kane.


A sinister smile formed on his lips, and he brought the knife up to his mouth and kissed the blade.  "Hello, old friend." Kane said. "See, this has been a friend of mine for a long, long time, and I want to introduce you to it."


After saying that, Kane stuck the knife in the gunshot wound on the man's knee and pulled the blade back until you could see the bone.  The man's scream rang through the building, causing Kane's evil side to smile with joy.


"Stop, stop, I'll tell you.  Just please stop." The man cried, as he tried to breathe through the pain.


"Okay, who sent you, fucker?"  Kane said.


"I only met him once.  He had me, and some other guys come to docks to help get the guns.  I got separated, and the black haired guy fucking shot me."


"What is the name of the guy?"




"Kurt who?"



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