» Erotic » United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗

Book online «United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗». Author Cherie Benjamin

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only know him as Kurt."


"How did you get in touch with him?"


"He contacted me by a burn phone."


“Okay, thanks for the information, Oh, by the way, do me favor."  Kane smirked. "Tell the Devil I said fuck you." Then Kane pulled his gun from his waist of his pants and put the bullet between the man’s eyes.  The man's body propelled back and he landed on the floor still tied to the chair. "Have the cleanup crew take care of this piece of shit."


Uriel nodded, and made another call.


"Erik, Uriel, I'm out of here.  We'll get together tomorrow and talk about everything."


"Sure thing, Boss."


Kane turned, pulled off his gloves, and threw them on top of the dead man's body.  Unrolling his sleeves and putting his blazer back on, he yelled over his shoulder,


"Uriel make sure my friend is cleaned up real nice."


"Will do, Boss."


Kane was happy he was finally leaving, and going back to his Ara.


Damn right, she was his.

Rosa continued to hold onto Ara and lead her back into the den.  "Sit my dear, he will be fine."


"Nothing can happen to him."  Ara cried. She felt as if her heart had been torn from her body, and was being carried with Kane as he left.


"Ara, listen to me, I have lived through this for a very long time and yes, it is very scary, and dangerous, but Kane has been taught how to handle himself, and I believe he will take extra care of himself because he now has something he cares about to come back to."  Rosa said.




"You, my silly girl."




"Yes. I have never, and I mean never, seen him like he is around you.  You have put a light in his eyes; it is shining so brightly."


Ara wanted to believe Rosa, it would be like a dream come true to have someone like Kane fall in love with her, but she knew not to get her hopes up.  A person like her never had a dream to come true. So, why would it start now?


"Now, I am going to make some tea.  Then you and I are going to have a nice long talk."  Rosa said, patting Ara on the knee. "I'll be right back."




Rosa left the room, leaving Ara by herself.  She got up and walked over to the bank of windows that overlooked the bay.  Taking in the beautiful view, she thought about the last few days. Shit, it had only been one day; she had only known him for a day and she was completely in love with him.  How could that be? The moment she saw him, she knew there was something about him that seemed to pull her heart toward him. And when he pulled the gun and threatened to shoot that asshole at the club, he captured her heart completely.  Looking up at the sky, she began to say a silent prayer. "God, I have never asked anything from you, but please please keep him safe and allow him to come back to me."


"Ara, honey,"  Rosa said.


Ara turned with tears streaming down her face, to see that Rosa had returned with a tray that held a pot of tea, cups, and a tray of cookies.  "I made these this morning. They're Nazario's favorite, but I have to limit his intake, or he'll eat the whole batch."


Ara wiped her tears, and giggled at the thought of sweet little Rosa, controlling big bad Don/Dom Nazario.


Rosa giggled back at her.


Ara walked back to the loveseat and had a seat.  Rosa poured each of them a cup of tea and offered cream and sugar to Ara, which she took and made herself a cup tea just how she liked it.


"Take your shoes off, and make yourself comfortable."  Rosa said, as she also slipped off her high heels, and sat back on the loveseat with her legs tucked under her.  Ara followed her lead, and did the same.


"Now, tell me, when and how you got into the community?"


"When I decided to spend the summer before going to college with my father; I thought he might be happy to spend some time getting to know me.  But, as soon as I arrived, I knew he had no desire to get to know me, or spend any time with me. He would either be at work, or out drinking with his friends.  One day, he came home and handed me a set of keys. He had gotten me a truck. I was so excited. It was old and rusted and looked like shit, but it was the only gift I had ever truly gotten from him.


I thought this might be the turning point, but I was sadly mistaken.  After that day, I only saw him once more, and I lived in the house for two months.  


“One day, I was going stir crazy, so I went to the local library and was browsing the rows of books.  I happened upon a book in the section on alternative lifestyles. I picked up the book and opened it. At first, I was shocked, and a little bit ashamed to be looking at such a book, but there was something about the way the author had written the opening passage that made me want to read more.  I quickly used the self-check out, and hurried home.


“I went to my room and began to read.  Before I knew it, it was dark outside. When I looked at the clock I saw I had been reading for six hours straight.  The next day I went back, checked out several other books, and this continued over the next several weeks, studying everything I could get my hands on about the subject.  One day I drove to Port Angeles. At the bookstore, they had a copy of the first book I read, and I bought it. Over the years, the book has been my guide to being a submissive.  I hoped and prayed that one day I would find a way to get into the community, but wasn't until Uriel offered me the job at the club that I had my first wish come true."


"Who was the author of the book?"


Ara leaned forward, placed her cup on the table, and reached for her purse.  Reaching in, she pulled her tattered book out. "Letting Your Inner Self Free by Elizabeth Giannino."


Rosa gasped, and put her hand to her mouth.  This wonderful young woman was using her book as a guide to her submissive lifestyle.  Over the years, she had been complimented for her book, but never had she ran into someone who used it as a guide.


"Rosa, are you okay?"  Ara asked, seeing a shocked look on her face.


"Ara."  Rosa said, reaching out for the worn tattered book.  Taking it from Ara hands, she looked up at the sweet young woman.  "I wrote this book."


Ara looked at Rosa in disbelief.   She was the author of the book that changed her life?  "You are Elizabeth?"


"Elizabeth was my mother's first name and Giannino was my grandmother's maiden name."


Tears began to flow down Ara's face.  "Thank you so much."


Seeing Ara cry made Rosa began to cry, and before long the two women were wrapped in each other's arms sobbing.  Finally, the tears began to subside. and the two women sat back. Rosa reached for the tissue box on the side table, offered it to Ara, and then took one for herself.


"Well, I am happy I could be such a positive influence in someone's life."


"Rosa, reading your book has taught me that even though I had a horrible mother and father, I can strive to be better than them.  I truly have no connection to either of them. They are almost strangers and I do not trust them at all. During this past day alone, I have felt more trust for Kane and you than I have felt my entire lifetime."


Rosa nodded and when she looked up, she saw the shadow of her husband as he stood in the hall, listening to their conversation.


Kane had been right; Ara spoke openly and freely and held nothing back.  This young woman was truly special, but unless she had Italian blood running through her veins, Kane could never marry her.  Kane had to marry an Italian so they would have the next generation of Leones.


"Ara, trust is the foundation for a strong relationship between a Dominant and his submissive.   You have to be willing to tell your Dominant all your fears and needs. He can't be everything you need if you hide things from him in fear that it is too trivial, or that he will get mad.  Your Dominant should be the person who, above all else, is your most trusted confidant and friend."


"I know, Rosa, but what if I am not enough for him?  I have no experience. What if he gets tired of me not knowing what to do?"


"Talk to him, Ara."


Ara thought about what Rosa said, and it was just like everything she had read.  Open communication was the key to both a fulfilling Dominant/submissive relationship and also a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.


"I will, I promise."


"Ladies, is everything going okay in here?"  Nazario said, walking into the room. He walked over to Rosa, and kissed her lightly on the lips.


"We are great.  Nazario, you will never guess, but Ara here has read my book."


"Really?  Well, isn't the world small."   Nazario said. He walked over to the liquor cabinet, and poured himself a glass of Jameson.  Returning to the ladies, he sat in a chair across from them.


"Ara, do you know much about your family history?"


"Oh yes.  If you don’t count my parents, everyone else in my family, my grandparents and great grandparents, were wonderful loving couples.  My great-grandfather and great-grandmother, came to America from Italy. When they arrived, they thought it would be easier for them to change their names to fit better in this country, so that is how our family came to be White, and not Bianchi."


Nazario was shocked to hear that her great-grandparents were Italian.


"And your grandparents?"


"Oh, my grandfather was born here in the states, but when it was time to marry; my great grandfather had a marriage arranged from a family in Italy.  Many would say arranged marriages don't work, but theirs did. They had my father, and when he was nineteen, they went to Italy for a vacation and while there, my father fell for my mother.  My grandfather had some reservations about her, but toward the end of the vacation, she came to them saying she was expecting me, so a quick wedding was held. I was born eight months later, but there was something not right with my mom, she soon left my father and took off to Arizona.  I once heard my father when he was drunk, that it was my fault that she left him."


"Ara, that is horrible."


"It's okay.  I have learned that it is not my fault.  They were not fit to be parents."


Nazario was, again, amazed at how strong this young woman was.


Nazario phone rang and saw that it was Roaland, his capo.


"I've got to take this call, ladies.  I'll be right back."


Ara was worried that it might be about Kane.  But, suddenly, she heard the voice she loved more than anything.


Kane broke every traffic law to get back to Ara.  He quickly got out of the car, and went into his parents’ home.  He almost ran when he heard their voices from the den, and when he reached the doorway, he saw her.


"Ara."  Kane cried.


Ara jumped from the loveseat and ran into his open arms.  Peppering kisses over his face. "You came back."


"I told you I would."


"I missed you so much."  Ara cried.


Kane knew how she felt.  He captured her lips with his, and poured every bit of what he was feeling into the kiss.


"Kane,"  Nazario interrupted the couple.


Kane growled in Ara's mouth, which made her giggle.  She knew how he felt.


Letting go of Ara, he allowed

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