» Erotic » United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗

Book online «United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗». Author Cherie Benjamin

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the restaurant was rustic, but very cozy and warm.  The hostess looked up and licked her lips.


"How can I help you?"  The woman asked, sticking out her breasts.


"We have a reservation."


"Your name, please."


"Nazario Leone."  Nazario said using his ‘don't fuck with me’ voice.


The hostess’ eyes became huge upon hearing the name.  "Certainly, Sir. I will check on your table; one moment, please."  The hostess walked off quickly, trying to get away from the situation she had put herself in.


Rosa giggled at the hostess hurrying away.  Damn, her husband was hot.


"Nazario Leone."


Nazario turned to find Zachary Morotti standing there.  "Zachary, how are you?”


"I am okay.  Rosa, you are as beautiful, as always.  And Kane, you have turned into a very strapping young man."


"Thank you, Zachary."  Kane said in a vicious tone.


"And who do we have here?"  Zachary looked at Ara. God, she was a beauty, but when he looked into her eyes, he thought he recognized her from somewhere.


"This is Arabella White, Kane's girlfriend."  Nazario said.


"Well, congratulations Kane.  Miss White, be careful around him; I hear he can be trouble."


Ara didn't know who this man was, but she didn't like the way he was looking at her, and she definitely didn't like the way he was talking to Kane.  Straightening her back, and ever so slightly pulling her shoulders back, she looked the man straight in the face and said, "I love trouble; he is perfect in my book."


Zachary Morotti was taken aback with this woman.  Fuck, she would be great for his grandson. He needed a strong woman to put him in his place.  He was just like his father; one day he was going to get the family in trouble. Fuck, Zachary remembered when his son was twenty years old.  He had just gotten married to Portia, the daughter of a rival family, but he couldn't leave other girls alone.

One afternoon he came home to find Sebastian having sex with a girl in one of the upstairs bedrooms.  The young girl was screaming for him to stop; when Zachary walked in, he saw that Sebastian was pounding into this poor girl.  He yelled his name, and told him to get off her. Sebastian turned and smirked at his dad and thrust into the girl one more time, cumming into the girl.  Zachary watched as Sebastian pulled out of the girl, and then he noticed the blood on the girl, the sheets, and on his son's now flaccid dick. Zachary tackled his son, and ran him from the room before helping the girl get up and get dressed.  He gave her a few hundred dollars and told her to never come back and never to say anything to anybody about what happen. Before she left, he asked her name. She said, in a soft voice, "Luna Sarto."


He hadn’t heard from the girl, nor seen her since, but he had heard from family gossip that she had met an American, married him, and moved to the United States.


"Well, it has been a pleasure to meet you.  Nazario, I will see you soon." Zachary said as he turned and walked out of the restaurant.


"What the fuck was that about?"  Kane asked.


"I don't know, but I don’t fucking like it."  Nazario said as he watched Zachary Morotti leave.  Just before he got into his car, Zachary looked back into the restaurant and stared at Ara.


Fuck, something was not right.  Nazario thought.


Chapter 10


After Zachary Morotti had pulled away, Nazario looked over at Kane.  There was something going on and he needed to make sure that they were one-step ahead of whatever it might be.

"Rosa, my love, why don't you and Ara go have a seat?  We will join you in a moment."

Rosa looked up at her husband. She knew something was not right, but she trusted him that, whatever it was, he would do everything he could to make it right.  Nazario Leone was a man of honor and, above all else, loyalty. Rosa remembered a conversation her mother had with her a few weeks before the wedding.

"Rosa, Nazario Leone is a powerful man and soon will be taking over the family.  You need to prepare yourself; a man like that has needs that you might not be able to meet.  You need to turn your head for any and all goomahs that he will have."

But Rosa never had to worry about Nazario breaking his vows to love, honor, and keep himself only for her.  Over the years, he’d had a serious conversation with his fists with members of the family who had not kept their vows.  "Of course, my love; we’ll just have ourselves some lovely girl talk." Rosa said, taking Ara's hand and holding it tight.

Nazario watched the love of his life walked away and smiled, knowing that she understood him probably better than he understood himself.

"Kane, what else do you know about Ara's parents?"

"Nothing, I told you everything that I knew and, of course, you heard Ara talk about her parents, and the lack of their love for her."

"Roaland, I need you to find out everything, and I mean everything, about Luna and Mave White, and their families.  Also, see if there is any connection or anything that puts either of them in connection with the Morotti family. I need it as soon as possible."

"Certainly, Sir; I will skip lunch and begin right away."

"Get Aden involved.  He can get into any computer system and retrieve information that otherwise would take large amounts of time to get to.  We will return to the office after lunch and hear what you might have been able to get."

"Okay, I will see you then." Roaland said.  He pulled out his phone and began texting a message to Aden to meet him at the office to begin the search.

Nazario and Kane walked through the restaurant to the two women who meant more to them than their own lives.  Kane sat down beside Ara and placed a sweet, lovely kiss on her lips, while Nazario did the same to Rosa.


"Sorry about that, something has come up, so Roaland will not be joining in the celebration.  Now let's order some champagne and toast to the wonderful young woman who has new ideas for the club."

The waiter came over and gave Nazario a bottle of champagne.  A short time later, the group had toasted Ara and had ordered their lunch.

"Excuse me, you don't have to tell me, but who was that man we saw outside?"  Ara asked.

Kane looked at Nazario, who gave him a look that said it was okay to answer her.

"He is the head of the Morotti family."


"Ara; Zachary and I have known each other for years.  Actually, we have had no problems with Zachary. You see, they deal in areas that we will not do, like drugs and human trafficking.  Zachary and my father had an understanding. When I took over, I also followed my father’s ventures. Unlike my father, who turned over the family to me, Zachary has decided to keep control himself.  His son, Sebastian, is a complete fucking asshole. He has tried several times to infringe on our dealings and I have had to contact Zachary, who told me he didn't authorize any of it."

"Why did he look at me like he did?"

"Ara, I don't know, but, don't worry, we will find out and will keep you safe."

"You would do that for me?"

Nazario smiled; she had no idea that, even though Kane had not made a public announcement or even told him, he knew the look in his son's eyes; his son was head over heels in love with this woman.  This made her family, and the first rule of the Leone family was to protect family with your life. Nazario looked over at his son and gave him a nod.

"Ara, my sweet, you mean more than you know to me and my family.  I will never let anything or anyone hurt you." Kane swore with everything he had in him.

"You mean more to me, as well."  Ara said, staring deeply into Kane's deep green eyes.  She hoped she was conveying her love to him with the look.

Kane looked into her eyes; he had never seen anything like it.  It made his soul ache and his heart beat faster. Was this love?  He brought up his hands and put them on either side of her face. "Do you mean it?"

"Yes, very much so."  Ara said.

A huge bright smile broke out on Kane’s face.  Even though she hadn't said the three words, it was pretty damn close.  He quickly captured her lips and poured all the love he had for her into it.

Rosa looked over at Nazario and tears began to form in her eyes.  Their pride and joy had finally found the most precious gift, the love for the woman who would be his wife and the mother of his children.  Nazario reached out for Rosa's hand and brought it to his lips. He kissed each knuckle, then turned it over and kissed her palm.

Kane continued to kiss Ara's sweet lips until his lungs began to burn from the lack of air.  He pulled away from her lips and looked down at her. Her lips were swollen from the kiss and she was breathing hard, as though she had been running a marathon.  Kane then looked into her dark chocolate brown eyes and smiled. "I do, too, more than my own life."

At that moment, the waiter returned with their orders and they began to eat.  Ara dug in. Rosa was right; it was divine.

"Ara, when we get back to the office, we need to get you fill out your tax papers."  Nazario said.

"Tax papers?"

"Yes, you are going to part of the legal side of the family business."

"Do you mean I am getting paid?"

"Well, of course."

"But Kane said I didn't need money."

"Ara, my sweet, I was talking about working as a server at Diamond Knotts.  This is very different. I saw today, when you were telling us about your ideas for the club, how much you loved it.  Since I’m not only your boyfriend, but also your Dom, I want to give you everything that your heart desires. You make me so proud."

Ara could not believe that she had only known this man for a few days, yet everything she had wished for was coming true.  She had felt more love from his parents than she ever felt from her own, she had a boyfriend who made her feel like a queen, and now she was doing a job that she had experience in, and was prepared for.

"Thank you."  Ara said as she reached out and placed her hand on Nazario's and gave it a squeeze.

"You are very welcome.  Also, this is a huge undertaking, so feel free to ask for any assistance you need.  You will have the office next to Kane's; please decorate it to your tastes."

"Really, my own office?"  Ara asked.


Kane leaned in and whispered in her ear.  "It is soundproof also."

Shit, Ara thought, she was wet again.  She turned to face Kane, who was wearing a fuck me now smirk, leaned up to his ear, and whispered,   "I'm wet."

FUCK!  Kane thought.  He knew he couldn't

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