» Erotic » United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗

Book online «United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗». Author Cherie Benjamin

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so lucky to be able to have the opportunity, even if it is for only one night, to spend time with this goddess.  "Ara, you look so fucking amazing."

Ara bowed her head and her cheeks bloomed bright red, almost the same shade as the roses Kane held.  "Thank you." Ara whispered.

Kane took his finger and put it under her chin and raised it up.  "Don't hide your staggering beauty. These are for you." Kane handed the roses to Ara.  When she took them, she brought them up to nose and breathed in their sweet aroma.

"They are beautiful.  Thank you."

"Now I have a little something else for you."  Kane reached in his pocket and pulled out the Tiffany blue box.

Ara may not have had any of the pieces, but she recognized the signature box that Kane held.  It was Tiffany. She laid the roses down on the table by the bed and accepted the box from Kane.  As she slowly untied the ribbon, and opened the lid, she was astonished by what was inside. It was the most incredible pair of diamond earrings she had ever seen.  "Kane, they are too much."

"No, my love, there are not, because you deserve so much more and I plan on spending the rest of my life lavishing you with many more pieces that will never compare to your beauty."

Kane took the box from Ara's hands, gently grabbed the earrings from the box, and proceeded to put them in her delicate ears.  Once completed, he placed a sweet kiss at the base of one ear and whispered into her ear. "I hope I will get to see you later in nothing but these earrings."

Ara turned and smirked.  "As I told you, kind Sir, I don't put out on the first date."

Kane laughed.  "We will fucking see about that.  Now, let's get going, we have dinner reservations."

Kane offered his arm and Ara wrapped her delicate arm around his.  The beautiful couple walked down the stairs and out the front door.  Parked in front was a spectacular bronze car. Kane led her around to the passenger door and opened it for her.

"What kind of car is this?"  Ara asked.

"This is a fucking Aston Martin."

"I am sorry, I don't talk car."

"It is okay, baby, I didn't know when I bought this car that it had been made for your sexy ass to sit in it."

Ara giggled and sat down on a smooth, soft leather seat.  It was the most comfortable seat she had ever sat on. Scooting her ass around, she enjoyed the feel of the leather.

"Comfy, baby?"  Kane smirked.


"You look so fucking good.  The only thing that would look better would be seeing you in that seat totally naked."

"Another day perhaps?"

"Fuck yeah."

Kane shut the door and walked around the back of the car. As he did, he adjusted his hard cock.  Little minx.

Kane got into the driver's seat and put the car in drive and gunned the engine and took off down the driveway.  He fucking loved driving this car.

Ara placed her hand on Kane's arm as he drove before looking out the window and watching the landscape quickly pass by.

She knew Kane loved to drive fast, so she didn't look at the speedometer.  The car drove so smoothly that it was as if they were flying instead of driving.  Reaching up, she ran her finger over the earrings that Kane had given her.

How did she get here?  Last week, she was a struggling college graduate with no prospect of a job, and now she was in a car that she guessed was more than her student loan debt, wearing an outfit that cost over $4, 000 and wearing a pair of earrings that she dreamed of, but never thought she’d ever be able to own.  Looking over at Kane, she wondered how they could feel this intensely about each other, even though they just met. Ara knew that she loved Kane with everything within her and couldn't see herself ever loving anyone else. He was such an amazing man. Yes, he had a foul mouth and yes, he was in the mafia, but that was not her Kane.  Her Kane was full of so much passion; he loved and cared for his family, and he treated her as if she was a queen.

Quickly they arrived at Canlis, one the best restaurants in all of the Pacific Northwest.Ara had heard of it, but never thought she would be dining there.  Kane pulled up front and got out. Rounding the car, he motioned for the valet to stop. No fucking asshole was going to touch his girl, even if it was just to help her out of the car.  He opened the door and offered his hand to Ara. Placing her tiny hand in his large, strong hand, she moved her legs and stood and placed her arm around Kane's. They walked into the restaurant and up the host stand.

"Good evening, Mr. Leone, so great to see you again."  The host said.

"Good evening, Mark; I am glad to be back."

"Wonderful; who is this lovely woman you have?"

"Oh, Mark, you have always had a great eye.  This beautiful creature is my girlfriend, Ara White."

"Girlfriend?  Well, I am sure Nazario and Rosa are extremely happy.  Miss White, welcome; I hope you will enjoy your evening."

"Thank you; I am sure I will."

"Great, now come with me; I will show you to your table."

Mark led Kane and Ara through the restaurant and up the stairs to a private room. Opening the door, there was one lone table nestled up to the window overlooking the harbor.

"I hope everything is as you requested."

"Perfect, Mark.  Just perfect. Thank you."

"Have a wonderful evening, and if you need anything, please let me know."

"I will, Mark."  Kane said.

Kane pulled out the seat for Ara. She sat down and looked out the window.  It was an absolutely flawless night.

Kane sat across from Ara and reached out to take her hands.  "I hope you like the first part of your date."

"Oh, Kane, it is so beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you are."

Kane and Ara stared into each other’s eyes, drinking in the looks of joy and, perhaps, love.  Ara hoped it was love in Kane's eyes she was seeing. She wanted to jump up, climb into his lap, and confess her love for him, but she afraid that she would scare him away.

"Good evening, my name is Randolph, and I will be your waiter this evening."

"Good evening."  Kane said.

"Mr. Leone, we will be following your arrangements as ordered."


"First, let us start with a glass of Cristal."

Randolph popped the cork, and poured two glasses of champagne.  After pouring, he left the young couple to enjoy their time together.

Kane raised his glass to Ara.  "To the most incredible woman in the world, may this be the first night to rest of our lives together."

Ara eyes filled with tears at the tender words that Kane had said.  She could only hope and pray that they would come true.

Kane looked into Ara’s tear filled eyes, and, in that moment, he almost blurted out that he loved her with all his heart. However, he wanted it to be perfect, something they could tell the children and grandchildren about one day.

Ara swallowed back her tears, raised her glass, and gently bumped it against Kane's.  "To forever."

After finishing their champagne, Randolph was back with a garden salad with a raspberry vinaigrette dressing.  The main dish was a shrimp pasta dish, complemented with a white wine.

For dessert, a single white plate was brought out with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and their signature dessert, an apple tarte tatin. Kane got up from his seat and pushed his chair closer to Ara so their legs were touching.  Picking the spoon, he took a piece of the tarte tatin and a small dab of ice cream, and brought it up to Ara’s mouth. Ara opened her mouth and Kane placed the dessert on her tongue. It was the perfect combination of flavors, Ara couldn’t resist it.  She moaned, loudly, and, after swallowing, she licked her lips, making sure to catch any crumbs that might have fallen. Kane watched as her pink little tongue came out of her hot mouth and licked the lips that he fucking loved tasting. He wondered what that fucking delectable tongue would feel like licking his cock.  Kane hadn’t had Ara suck him off yet, but that was going to be the first thing his little submissive would do tomorrow night… that is, if she still wanted him after the conversation they would have the next morning.  Reaching down, he adjusted his cock for the second time that night to find some sort of relief.

“Please, don’t do that again.  My cock can’t take anymore.”

Ara smiled.  “Sorry, but it’s so yummy.  The only thing that would make it better is…”  Ara said as she leaned closer to Kane, “If your cock was covered in it and I could lick all of it.”

“FUCK!”  Kane said as he grabbed Ara and kissed her with all the passion he had. Finally, they broke apart, gasping for air.  “That was not very nice. I might have to give you a spanking when we get to the playroom tomorrow.”

Smiling wickedly, Ara looked Kane directly in the eye and confessed, “My ass is tingling with anticipation.”

“You’re a she-devil.”  Kane moaned.

Ara giggled.  They finished their dessert, feeding each other bite after bite.

Randolph returned and left the folder with the bill in it.  Kane got out his wallet and pulled out his black amex card. After Randolph returned and processed the bill he returned Kane’s card and let him know that the valet was pulling up his car.

“Thank you for all your service his evening.  This is above the tip, because you took such good care of us.”  Kane said, handing Randolph two crisp one hundred bills, which was a bonus from the thirty-five percent tip he left.

“Thank you so much, Mr. Leone.  I hope to see you and your lovely girlfriend back soon.”

“Most definitely, and I will request you as my server.”

Randolph was honored that Kane Leone would request him.  Kane Leone was a powerful man. To have impressed him meant that Randolph would see more money in the future.  Since he was a widower and a single parent, that would mean he could breathe a little easier.

Kane and Ara walked arm and arm through the restaurant.

"Mr. Leone and Miss White, I hope your evening was everything that you’d hoped for?"  Mark asked.

"Mark, as always, it was perfection."  Kane said.

"Wonderful, please tell your parents I said hello."

"I certainly will."

"Miss White I hope to see you soon."

"I do, too."  Ara said, smiling sweetly.

Mark opened the door and Kane and Ara walked outside to the waiting car.  Kane helped Ara in and then got into the driver's seat. It was now time for the second part of the date.  He drove through the streets and soon reached their destination, Century Ballroom.

Ara looked up and saw that they were at Century Ballroom.  She loved to dance; she and Kane talked about this place only this afternoon, and now they were here.  "Kane, this is perfect."

"I am glad you approve.  Now, let's go have some fun."

They parked the vehicle and went into the ballroom.  The hall had a high ceiling and a chandelier hanging down, but the dance floor magnificent.   The large wooden floor was so polished that the lights of the chandelier danced off it like fireflies.  On the stage was a band, currently playing Shostakovich Waltz No 2.  As the beats of the music began, couples gathered onto the dance floor and began to dance.

A striking woman met Kane and Ara.  "Kane, it is good so see you again."

"Kate, good to see you also.  How is Iezekiel?"

"He is great; he will be here later."

"Wonderful, tell him to come over when he gets here."

"Of course.  Now, you must be Ara."  Kate said to Ara.


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