» Erotic » United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗

Book online «United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗». Author Cherie Benjamin

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where Waylon’s head laid, he reached down and grabbed a hand full of hair, pulling his head back, forcing him to look into Nazario’s stone cold eyes.  "Why the fuck did you shoot Kane?"

Waylon lay there, moaning, and just staring up at Nazario, but did not utter a word.

Nazario pulled his gun from the holster and placed it over the kneecap on Waylon’s good leg.  "Tell me," he hissed into his face.

Waylon shook his head back and forth pulling his mouth tightly; trying to prepare himself for the pain that he knew was only seconds away.

Nazario could see in Waylon's face that he was going to need more persuasion to get him to talk.  Pulling the trigger, Nazario blew out his knee, and waited as Waylon cried out in pain. "Come on Waylon, tell me."


Nazario turned around and ordered, "Roaland… bring me the iron."

Roaland walked over to the fireplace and picked up the branding iron that was already red hot from sitting in the flames.

Handing it over to Nazario, he stepped back and watched his Boss do what he needed to do.  Nazario Leone, while a fair, honest, and loving man, who took care of the family with great care, could also be the hardest, meanest, and evilest motherfucker one could ever meet, especially when they messed with family.  He was currently the latter.

"Waylon, tell me who sent you?"

Waylon remained quiet, shaking his head from side to side.

Nazario took the iron and brought it close to Waylon’s eye.  "Tell me, Waylon, and there will be no more pain. I will make it stop."

However, Waylon remained stayed quiet.  Nazario then took the iron and pushed it into Waylon's right eye.

"STOP, PLEASE, STOP....FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!!!!"  Waylon screamed.

"TELL ME, WAYLON!" Nazario shouted, “Or I will have no choice but to take the other eye as well.”

"KURTUS MOROTTI! KURTUS MOROTTI MADE ME DO IT."  Waylon yelled as he gasped and struggled with the extreme pain.  There were no shocked gasps at Waylon’s response. It was a forgone conclusion that it was probably a member of the Morotti family; most likely either Kurtus or Sebastian.

Nazario continued to question Waylon for details, “What were you supposed to do?"

"Kill Kane.  Kurtus… he wants to take down the Leone family," he sputtered.

"Why did you help him, Waylon?"  Nazario questioned, wanting to get to the root of the cause for his betrayal.

"Because of the fucking money, but he also said I would be his second in command when he took over the family."

"Well, Waylon, I just don't think that is going to happen.  You have been a member of this family since you were a small boy.  We have taken care of you and your mother. Betrayal will never be tolerated.  Goodbye, Waylon." Nazario said as he brought his gun back out and put a bullet in-between his eyes.

"Make sure there is nothing left."

"Of course."  Roaland answered as he began to start the clean up process.

Nazario turned to see that Kane had fallen asleep during the questioning.  Damn, he shook his head, those drugs must be strong. Nazario looked over at Uriel, whose face looked really bad.  "Did Waylon do that?"

"No, ah, Kane and I had a serious conversation prior to Waylon’s interruption."  Uriel whispered.

"And is everything settled between you two?"

"Yes, we worked everything out."  Uriel responded confidently.

"Uriel, Kane will soon be the boss of this family; that means you will be moving up as well, and with that promotion comes a lot of responsibility.  A word of advice."

"What is that, Sir?"

"Marry that girl."  Nazario smirked and walked away.

Uriel laughed, yes, he would be marrying that girl.  He went over and woke up Kane.

"GIVE ME MY GUN URIELLL!"  Kane slurred.

"Kane, he’s already dead."

"Did you kill him?  I told you I wanted to do it."  He whined.

"No, Kane, your father did."

"WELL FUCK!  He took away all my fun."  Kane whined, and then he popped up from the chair.  "ARA....ARA...LET'S GO FUCK, BABY!"

Uriel walked close to Kane as he staggered out of the room and up the stairs yelling for Ara all the way.  When they got to the top of the stairs, Ara and Rosa were there and Kane grabbed Ara. "Come on, baby, my dick needs its home."

"Kane, let's go home, first, okay?"  Ara said, hoping he would quiet down.

"But, baby, he is so hard."  Kane slurred.

"I'll take care of you when we get home."  Ara snickered, then looked up at Uriel. "Fuck, Uriel, what happened to you?"

"Nothing, I'm fine.  Let's get him home."

They finally got Kane out of the house and into the car.  All the way to the apartment, Kane kept trying to remove his clothes.  Ara repeatedly had to convince him to stay dressed until they got home.  After they arrived, Erik and Ben assisted Kane out of the car and into the apartment.  They followed Ara upstairs, with Kane slung between them, to their bedroom gently laid him on the bed, being careful of his gunshot wound.

"Call if you need anything."  Erik said.

"I will. I’m hoping he will sleep it off."  Ara then remembered the purpose of the evening, and turned to Erik, “Oh, and Erik, congratulations, again, and welcome to the family.”   

Erik smiled and thanked her, as he and Ben left. Ara saw that Kane had, again, fallen asleep, thank God.  The only thing she wanted to do was to take a shower and get some rest. Tonight had been a long and emotional night.  The reception that Rosa had put together was beautiful; she imagined that her wedding would reflect the same elegance. Then, Kane was shot. Not knowing his condition for some time was extremely emotional and painful, but, thankfully, he would be fine.  She had wanted to be present when they took care of Waylon… she needed to learn, but she also wanted to see justice served to the man that tried to take away her Kane. But, Nazario was right, she needed to be careful not to raise any suspicions until the announcement.

Removing her gown and gorgeous necklace, she climbed into the shower, and washed away the evening's bad events.  Finishing up, she wrapped a towel around herself, and walked back into the bedroom to check on Kane. As she rounded the corner, she was met by the funniest thing she had ever seen.  Kane was standing on the bed in his underwear and his white shirt unbuttoned, with one gun stuffed in the waist and holding another in his hand. He had slicked back his hair and he had the goofiest look on his face.

"Hey, baby, I'm cocked and ready to go."

Oh, hell, it was going to be a long night.


Chapter 23

Kane opened his eyes and wondered why the hell his head hurt so badly.  He had remembered being shot, so that explained the pain in his arm, but not his head.  It felt like the time when Uriel and he went to Las Vegas for the weekend and ended up drinking so much alcohol that they passed out in one of the wedding chapels.  The minister of the chapel came in and told them that he did not perform same sex marriages, but they did look like a wonderful couple.

Looking around, Kane saw that he was not in the bed, but, rather, in the small chair across from the bed.

How and why the fuck was he sleeping here.  Then he looked over and saw his beautiful Ara sleeping soundly, with her mahogany locks fanned on the pillow like a halo; it was very fitting.  She was his angel. Then his eyes caught something on the bedside table- his grandfather's old six shooters. Why the hell were they out of their case?

Sitting up and stretching his stiff muscles and joints, which made his arm hurt even more, he realized that he was lucky it hadn’t been worse.  Now, if he could only remember what the hell had happened last night? However, as hard as he tried, the last thing he remembered was Dr. Mallos giving him a shot, after that everything was a blur.

"Baby, how are you this morning?"  Ara asked in her husky morning voice.

"I have a headache, and I can't remember much from last night; what happened?"

Ara proceeded to explain what had happened after the shot had taken effect.

Kane was immediately pissed off, "Fuck, you mean Waylon was the one who shot me?"

"Yes," Ara responded.

"Did Dad say why?"  Kane was trying hard to remember, but it seemed Ara was going to have to fill him in until he could get to Nazario.

"No, when you came back upstairs, you were really out of it, so we brought you home and tried to get you to bed.  But, after everyone left, you decided you wanted to play cops and robbers."

"So, is that the reason why my grandfather's guns are out?"

"Yes," Ara snickered, as she recalled the show Kane had put on for her last night.

"I faintly remember asking to fuck, did we?"  Kane asked, ashamed of the fact that he could not remember having his dick in her.

"No, baby.  You got up and started stripping for me, and then, just as you removed your underwear, you passed out in the chair.  I knew I couldn't get you in the bed, and I really didn't want Erik to see you like that, so I left you there."

"Fuck, I was really out of it.  I can't believe I did that." He was starting to catch little glimpse of memories.

"Yes, you did; would you like to see a picture, baby?"  Ara said with a smirk. When she had walked back in last night and found Kane on the bed, she took her phone and snapped a picture.  Ara got her phone, pulling up the evidence of Kane’s acting skills and held it out for him to see.

"HOLY SHIT!!!!"  Kane yelled. "DELETE THAT!!!"

"No way, Jose!”  Ara hastily pulled the phone back from him to keep him from deleting the evidence himself.

"What the fuck, Ara?  I said delete it." Between the pain in his arm, and his headache, he was starting to get irritated.

"And I said no."

"Am I going to have to spank you?"  He asked, all irritation suddenly leaving.

"Please."  Ara moaned, loving the idea of a good hard spanking.

Kane looked deep into her lustful eyes, and could feel the evidence of his arousal when his dick became hard.  "Come here, my pet” he purred, gesturing with his hand just where he wanted her.

Ara walked over, and when she reached Kane, she pulled her nightgown over her head, leaving her stark naked.  Her skin was shivering with the excitement of the spanking, her nipples pebbled with need to be sucked and bit and her pussy was already dripping in anticipation for her Dominant to do his will.

"Over my lap, pet."  Kane said as he sat up fully in the chair.  Ara slowly and gently laid across his lap. "I am going to give you ten slaps, and, after that, you are to give me a bath, but you are not allowed to orgasm.  Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Sir,” she responded in a breathy moan.

Kane used his right hand to come down on Ara’s soft white ass cheek.  Lifting his hand, he saw that her cheek was already turning a

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