» Erotic » United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗

Book online «United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗». Author Cherie Benjamin

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soft pink.  Over next three strikes, Kane checked each time for any signs of damage, but each time he was happy to see that her glorious little ass was increasingly turning a lovely shade of red.  Dipping his finger over her ass down to her pussy, he found it was dripping wet; his little pet was enjoying this. Pushing two fingers into the hot wet hole, he caressed the soft walls.

"Please!"  Ara cried out.

"Please what, my pet?"

"May this girl cum, Sir?"

"No, pet, this is for my enjoyment and my enjoyment only; you refused to delete the picture, so this is your punishment."  Kane then pulled his fingers out and brought them to his lips, sucking the sweet juice from them. Yum.  After finishing, he started up again spanking his little pet's ass.  On the last strike, he told his little pet to stand with her ass toward him.  When she did, he bent over and placed kisses over each check as he finger fucked her pussy.  He felt her ass quiver along with her legs; he knew she was very close to cumming.

Ara was so close and she tried everything she knew to try and distract her from the marvelous feeling of Kane fucking her with his ample fingers.

"Does this feel good, my pet?"


"What do you want?  Say it."

"To cum."

Removing his fingers once again, he continued.  "Too bad, now come along, you need to give me a bath."

Ara really wanted to cum; but, as frustrated as she was, she wanted to serve her Dominant.  Even though this was not their normal playtime, she felt so connected to Kane when he took control, and she trusted that he would take care of her.  Her pleasure was to trust, listen, and serve her Dominant. "Yes Sir,” she responded obediently.

Kane and Ara walked into the bathroom and Ara began preparing the bath.  A shower was out of the question, due to his stitches, but Ara was going to very careful not to get the bandage wet.

Kane leaned back against the vanity and watched his naked little pet prepare his bath.  He was so proud of her and how she took extra care in making sure the temperature was just right.  This woman was going to make a great mother one day. Damn, there was that thought again; he couldn’t seem to shake it from his mind.

"Your bath is ready, Sir."

Kane walked over, and placed a sweet little peck on her pouty lips.  "Thanks, my pet." Climbing in and sitting down in the hot, but soothing water, then lying back against the back of the tub, he looked at his pet and announced,   "You may begin washing me."

Ara picked up a washcloth and some soap, and began washing his neck and chest.  When finished, she washed his good arm, and then carefully washed the injured one.  She moved to the end of the tub, lifted his foot and leg, and began to wash each one, taking care to not only wash, but to massage them as she went along.  She knew she had not washed her favorite section, but she wanted to leave that for last. "This girl is going to wash your hair, Sir, so, if you would please, bend down."

Kane complied, wondering why she did not wash his cock, which was already hard enough to fuck her into next week.  She carefully poured water over his head and then he felt her delicate fingers as they began to massage his scalp with shampoo, damn that felt good.  The last time someone, other than his stylist, massaged his scalp was Rosa when he was a little boy.  Fuck, it felt so good, that he might have to have her do it each week during their sessions.

"Lean your head back so this girl can rinse it out, please."  Ara whispered.

He leaned his head back carefully as she used the retractable shower head to rinse the shampoo out of his hair.  Once finished, Kane raised his head and looked into her lustful brown eyes; she was so beautiful. He could not believe that she wanted to spend the rest of her life as not only his submissive and wife, but also his partner in running the family.  Damn, he was lucky. Then he felt her soapy hand, as it wrapped around his cock, washing and stroking it. "Oh, baby, that feels so fucking good! Climb in and place him in his home."

Ara smiled a little smile and climbed into the tub.  Mindful of Kane's arm, she placed her legs over his hips and straddled him.  Easing up, she placed his turgid length into its willing home. Raising and lowering again and again, feeling him fill every inch of her, had her on the brink of her orgasm.  "Please, Sir, may this girl cum?"

"Yes...Cum.  Cum hard on my cock!"  Kane moaned.

And as soon as the words left his lips, Ara's walls clamped down over and over again, and, after a few seconds, Kane's orgasm followed, shooting his cum deep into her womb.  "I love you so fucking much."

"I love you."  Ara cried.

Kane wrapped his one good arm around her, and held her to his chest, enjoying their connection.  Their hearts beat as one, their breaths as one, and their souls joined for all eternity.

"We need to get up.  I need to change your bandage and you need to take your meds."  Ara said after a few minutes.

"I don't want to," he pouted.

Ara chuckled; Kane was such as baby.  Who would have guessed the big bad Don/Dom whined like a two year old.  "Come on, baby, I'll take good care of you."



Ara took great care in removing the bandage and inspecting the wound, looking for any signs of infection.  Putting the ointment on it, she carefully covered it back up. She reached for the prescription bottles that contained the antibiotic and the painkillers.  "Here you go." She said, holding out the two pills.

"What is this?"

"Kane, take them."  Ara said forcibly.

Kane stuck out his hand and Ara dropped the pills into it.  Popping them into his mouth, he quickly grabbed the glass of water that Ara had ready for him.  He hated taking pills, but the look on Ara’s face told him she was not going to take no for an answer.

They began to get ready for their day.  Ara was going to start her training today, first with Rosa, and then with Nazario.  Hand to hand practice was going to begin tomorrow. Dressing in jeans and a T-shirt the pair looked like any other couple, not the next power couple of the West Coast.

When they arrived downstairs, Janetta was busy in the kitchen making breakfast, while Erik and Ben were sitting at the island, fighting over the baseball game from last night.

"Well, you look better than you did last night."  Erik snickered.

"Shut the fuck up.  I was shot, asshole."  Kane snapped.

"Fine.  What is on the agenda today?"  Erik asked.

"We are going to my parents’; Ara is starting her training."

"Sweet.  So who is teaching you to shoot? I can show you a thing or two."

"That's okay, Erik; I have an expert doing my training."  Ara snickered.

"Who?"  Erik questioned.  He was clueless as to whom it could be.

"Oh, you’ll see," she responded with a smirk on her face.

Breakfast was served and, as the group was getting ready to leave, Ara told Janetta that they would be having guests for dinner this evening.

"Fuck, baby, who?"  Kane whined. He had wanted to come home and take her to his playroom to practice the rope work that they would be performing on Saturday.  With his injury, he was going to have to adjust his original plans. He had originally planned to suspend Ara after tying her up, but he could not do it with his injured arm.  So he would have to demonstrate more experienced rope knots that would bring a submissive pain, but great pleasure at the same time. His only concern was that Ara would have to be naked to make some of the knots correctly, and he did not want any other man seeing her.  Her body was his and his alone.

"Kane, we invited Katrina and Uriel over for dinner, remember?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot."  Kane said while leaning over to Ara's ear and whispering.  "But I wanted to practice for the party tonight in the playroom."

"Really?"  Ara felt the thrill of excitement at the mention of the playroom and the party.  "That’ll have to wait, but we have tomorrow and the next night," she reminded him.

"Well, then, I’m looking forward to it," he smirked.

Kane and Ara went out to the car and were on their way to Leone Estate.  Once there they noticed a stronger guard presence. They were quickly ushered into the house, where Nazario and Rosa met them.

"Kane, you look good."  Nazario said, giving his son a hug, being careful not to touch his injured arm.

"Thanks, it still hurts, but nothing I can't deal with."

"Are you taking your medicine, baby?"  Rosa asked with concern.

"Yes."  Kane grunted.

"Rosa, he doesn't like to take it, but I am making sure he does," Ara stated, while giving Rosa a knowing glance.

"He has always been that way.  Hell, as a small child, I had to hide his medicine in his favorite pudding."

"What, you tricked me?"  Kane gasped in shock over his mother’s revelation.

"Yes."  She responded unashamedly.

"Not fair."  Again with the whining.

"Get over it.  Now, Ara, dear, come; let's get started."  Rosa gushed, as she reached for Ara’s arm, linked it with hers, and began to lead her to the private shooting range in the basement of the house.  Kane began to follow, but Rosa turned and told him that she did not need him.

"But, Mom!"  He whined. Ara was seriously hoping that all this whining was a byproduct of the medication, otherwise, she may have to punish him for his behavior.

"Go hang out with your Dad, Kane.  We women will be fine."

"But…"  Kane interrupted.

"Kane, go with your father right the fuck now!"  Rosa yelled, using a tone that Kane knew all too well ended the discussion.

"Kane, Son, come on and let's watch some TV."  Nazario said, knowing that Kane was pushing his luck with Rosa.  Nazario might be one tough, mean motherfucker Don, but he knew when not to cross his lovely bride, especially when she was getting her guns out.

"Fine," Kane sulked.

While Kane and Nazario went into the media room, the girls got settled down in the gun range. Rosa had selected several guns to start Ara out with.  She would start with the lowest caliber and work her way up.

Putting on their protective eyewear, Rosa showed Ara how to properly remove and put on the safety.  She started out Ara’s lesson using a Smith and Wesson Model 41, 22 caliber pistol, which was great for first time shooters, as well as target shooting. She instructed Ara in how to use the magazine release to load and unload the gun, and then she demonstrated to her the proper stance, and how to aim the weapon at the target.  Lastly, she instructed her to inhale to steady her aim and to exhale to squeeze the trigger. This would make a huge difference in the accuracy of the shot. Placing the target on its holder and sending it out 15 feet, Rosa had Ara put on her ear protection and take her position. Handing her the 22 caliber pistol, which had less kick back when fired, Rosa was hoping to give Ara some confidence shooting before introducing her to guns with more power and kick.

Ara tried to remember everything that Rosa had said and took her first shot, which ended up far to the right of the target.  Shit. She took a moment, reviewed her stance, relaxed her shoulders, aimed at the target, and used her breathing to steady the gun and fired her next shot, which was dead on.

"I did it!"  Ara exclaimed, keeping

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