» Erotic » United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗

Book online «United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗». Author Cherie Benjamin

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payment to the mechanic, and he knows he will get the rest when the work is done and that the evidence points to the Leones.  We were lucky to get the fingerprints that we need to plant on it."

"So, I could be taking over by the first week of August? That is great.  You know what to do once I'm in office?"

"Yes, take out the mechanic."  Pero said, knowing that anyone who knew the plan wouldn’t be left alive.  He hoped that he would survive this change of command, since he was also a part of the plan.


Chapter 25


Early the next morning, Kane and Ara were lying in their bed, relaxing, and enjoying the closeness of each other.  He never knew that this simple act could be so special and fulfilling.

Just over a week ago, he was kicking ass and chasing pussy; if anyone had asked, he would have said he was happy.  However, after meeting Ara, his entire world turned on its axis 180 degrees. Looking back, he realized he was not at all happy, but just going through the motions.  He couldn't wait to be bound to this woman in every form possible.

He needed to contact Peter and begin planning the collaring ceremony.  This would astound those close to him, as well as the members of the club.  He had never shown any inclination to collaring any of his previous subs, but that was because he had never felt the connection he had with his Ara.  She had occupied every corner of his heart and mind. The collaring ceremony was of significant importance in the BDSM community, and was a union that the Dominant and submissive did not enter into lightly.

As Ara lightly caressed his chest, rubbing her delicate fingers across his sternum over to his peck, drawing a heart shape over the area where his heart was located; his thoughts once again took him again to the Munch party, and what he was going to get Ara to wear.  After his conversation with Uriel, he realized that there was no way he could permit Ara be on full display the way his previous submissives had been at such events. So he had to determine not only the which outfit she was to wear to the party itself, but also which outfit she going to wear during the demonstration.  The more he thought about his usual choice in outfits for his submissives, the more disgruntled he became about the idea of displaying her in just pasties and a thong. He knew he could cancel their demonstration, but this event had come to mean so much to Ara. This was Ara’s opportunity to announce to the community that she was Kane Leone’s submissive.  Her desires of finally belonging to a Dominant were a dream that was finally being realized, and he wanted to ensure that it was special. Fuck, why was this so hard?

"Baby, what is wrong?"  Ara asked as she lovingly cupped the side of his face.

Kane instinctively moved his face closer to her hand, and the overwhelming feeling of love and devotion.  "Just having a difficult time deciding what you should wear to the Munch."

"Why?  You know I trust you implicitly to choose something that will be appropriate."

"I know, and I appreciate your trust.  It's just that I am having second thoughts about the demonstration."

Ara looked at him, slightly bewildered.  Thoughts of inadequacy crept in, and she wondered if she had performed badly during their practice, causing him to want to cancel the demonstration.  Was it because he didn't want to be embarrassed by her as his submissive? So many negative thoughts were swirling in her mind, causing her to swallow back the tears that were threatening to spill over.  She looked deep into his forest green eyes trying to decipher his reasoning. Feeling as though she was failing him, she immediately apologized,

"I am so sorry, I promise to do better during our demonstration."

Now Kane was very confused.  Why was she apologizing? And what did she mean ‘do better’? Her practice session was flawless.  Looking into Ara’s eyes, he questioned, "What are you talking about?"

"You don't want to do the demonstration because I was inadequate during the practice session.  I'm sorry Kane, I listened to every command, but I must have missed something and..." Ara could no longer hold back her tears.

Kane wrapped his arm around her, and pulled her close.  "Hey, hey, where is this coming from? Baby, you were perfect; it is me that is having problem, and it is not with your performance. I just can't get past the idea of other men looking at you."

"Really?"  Bela was starting to feel some relief at this confession.

"Oh, sweet girl, yes.  You are the most important person to me, Ara, and I must admit that I do not want to share you with others on such an intimate level."

Ara pulled back, and, once again, looked at Kane.  "You know that I trust you with everything that I am, and if you don't want to do the demonstration, I will understand, and be fine with your choice."

"Fuck, baby, it’s not that I don’t want to do it, but I’m not willing to have you exposed on that level."

"Okay.  I do understand what you are saying.  Maybe we can come up with a solution."

"Maybe."  Kane said as he kissed her pouty lips.  Just as he thought about making love to her, his phone rang. When he saw who was calling, he had to chuckle.

"Baby, I want you to remain quiet until I tell you to, okay?” he snickered.


Kane pushed to answer the call.  "Hello."

"Eddie, my boy, how the fuck are you?" came a gruff voice over the phone.

"I’m well, Grandfather, how are you?" he responded, while smiling at Ara.

"Well, I am pretty fucking pissed right now, my boy. I just found out that my grandson is getting married, and the little shit couldn’t even pick up the phone, and call his grandfather to give him a heads up."

"Grandfather, I am sorry.  A lot of shit has happened recently, but I was going to call."

"Sure you were.  Now, tell me about the girl.  She better fucking be Italian."

"Yes, Grandfather, she is full blooded Italian and the most beautiful, warm, caring person you’d ever want to meet, plus she knows how to hand me my ass when need be."

"Really?  Are you sure she is full blooded Italian?"

"Grandfather, her heritage is something we can't talk about on the phone."  Kane said, hoping that his Grandfather would understand. He was 99.99 % sure there was no bug on his phone, but he needed to careful.  "When are you and Grandmother coming back home?"

"Actually, we are already back.  We are in the car now traveling to the estate.  Why don't you gather your girl up and come meet us for breakfast.  I want to meet the girl that is marrying my grandson."

"Grandfather, let me see if it is okay with her.  Ara, sweetheart, do you want to have breakfast with my grumpy grandfather?"  Kane made sure that his grandfather could hear the dig.

"Fuck you, asshole; why didn't you tell me she was there?!" his grandfather shouted.

"Because you didn't ask," he snidely responded.

"Ara, is it?"  The grandfather asked.

"Yes, Sir."  Ara answered.

"Sorry if I offended you, but my grandson can be a prick sometimes.  Oh, fuck it, all the time, shit, I hope my cussing doesn't offend you.  Shit, you are marrying Eddie, so you must know how he is."

Ara giggled loudly.  "Yes, I do, and, no, you didn't offend me.  I look forward to meeting you, Sir."

"Great.  See you at the house then. And, Eddie, no fucking around; I'm hungry," his grandfather said and hung up not waiting for a response.

Kane chuckled.  Damn, his Grandfather would never change. Kane’s grandfather, and namesake, Kane Anthony Leone, Sr. had taught him many things; one of which was his foul mouth.   His grandmother, Clara, the love of his Grandfather's life, would always threaten to wash his mouth out with soap every time she heard a swear word, but the only thing he had to do was say he was sorry and kiss her on the cheek.  Their enduring love and admiration was a relationship he only hoped that he and Ara could emulate.

"So, are you ready to meet my grandparents?"

"Yes, and we better hurry, because your grandfather is hungry and I don't want to get on his bad side."  Ara said as she climbed out of the bed, grabbing her robe and heading to the bathroom. As she neared the door, she turned and looked over her shoulder.  "Aren't you coming?" She questioned seductively.

Kane eyes grew wide and he licked his pouty lips.  "Not yet, but I am sure I can rise to the occasion."

Ara laughed and ran into the bathroom with Kane quickly on her heels.

After a quick, but satisfying round of shower sex, the couple dressed and were out the door and in the car speeding toward the estate.  Rosa was at the door, anxiously awaiting the couple.


"Ara, dear, I have wonderful news."  Rosa exclaimed as she pulled her from Kane’s arms and into a strong hug, kissing her lovingly on the cheek.  "I got a call from a friend of mine in Italy. Her daughter is a wedding dress designer, and when she heard that my little Kane was getting married, she asked her daughter to design your dress."

"Really, what is the designer's name?" Ara asked, not really knowing a lot about designers, but she had been looking.

"Atelier Aimee."  Rosa sighed, clasping her hands together in glee.

Ara’s heart began to race, because she had seen some of the dresses that Atelier had designed; they were her favorite, and now Rosa was saying she was going to design her dress.  "Oh, Rosa, that is so great."

Kane watched has his two favorite women in the entire world hugged and chatted excitedly about a dress.  Really… a dress? Now, if it was a new gun he could understand, but not a dress. "Love you, too, Mom."

"Yeah, okay, Kane."  Rosa said, not evening looking at Kane, but continued talking to Ara.

After a few minutes, Kane was feeling really left out, so he hooked his arm around Ara and kissed the top of her head.  "Let's talk about this dress later; I want to introduce you to Grandfather."

"This dress?  This dress? Kane, this is the most important dress in a young woman's life; now stop acting like a spoiled two year old."  Rosa bashed.

"Okay, but Grandfather is hungry, and you know how he gets when he doesn't get fed."  Kane tried to explain.

"Alright, but, afterwards, Ara and I are going to be spending some time together."  Rosa said with a ‘don't fuck with me’ look in her eyes.

Kane nodded and led Ara into the den where Nazario and his grandparents were seated.

"Eddie, about damn time you got here."

"Grandfather, you woke us up, so cut us a fucking break, okay?"

"All right, asshole."

Kane looked down at Ara, who was smiling over the exchange.  She knew that Nazario had a filthy mouth, but she guessed they got it from the grandfather.

"Ara, this is my grandfather, Kane Sr. and my grandmother, Clara.  And this, Grandfather and Grandmother, is my

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