» Erotic » United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗

Book online «United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗». Author Cherie Benjamin

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wearing for the demonstration.

The demonstrations took place in the private rooms throughout the club, many demonstrating the different types of scenes used in the BDSM community.  Ara hoped she and Kane would have time so see some of the other demonstrations scheduled, but it was up to Kane. Glancing over to her right side, she saw Nazario talking to a group of Dominants as Rosa stood in perfect form beside him, and this was what she hoped to accomplish.  The strong, confident wife of Nazario Leone, Don of the Leone family, but also a true and confident submissive to her Dominant. Was it possible to be a submissive and a Donna? This question had been on her mind as of late, but the more she thought it through, and got to know Rosa and her relationship with Nazario, Ara knew that it was possible to be both Donna of the family, and submissive to Kane.  Both positions required her to be strong, confident, and disciplined. It wasn't as though it was a novel idea, because, in this room alone, there were at least twenty couples who were members of the family, who also happened to be in the community. Nevertheless, there would always be those with a lack of understanding who would never grasp the true meaning of being a member of the community. It didn't matter how much you tried to explain that the community served a need within each member; they would never understand.

Kane led her to one of the demonstration rooms; which was currently exhibiting the use of floggers for both pleasure and for punishment.  Kane sat in one of the chairs and had Ara sit on his lap.

"Feel free to look around, but be mindful of not looking into a Dominant’s eyes, my pet."  Kane instructed into her ear.

"Thank you, Sir.  This girl remembers."

As the Dominant, Kevin, and his submissive came onto the stage, Erik and Brook came over and sat beside Kane and Ara.  Erik had been very impressed with Brook the entire evening and couldn’t wait until their relationship progressed to using his playroom.  Kane had been kind enough to have a room already set up in the apartment that he had furnished Erik when he assumed his duties as Ara's bodyguard.  He, of course, had been adding items that he preferred, and had stocked the cabinet with all new toys so that, when Brook was ready, they would be prepared to begin play.

As the evening progressed, Ara enjoyed herself and was becoming more and more confident about performing their demonstration. While watching another demonstration, she needed to go to the restroom.  As they had practiced, Ara placed her hand on Kane's back and rubbed it gently, never drawing too much attention to what she was doing.

Kane was talking with Nazario and Ben, and when he felt Ara's hand on his back; he knew that she was requesting permission to leave to use the bathroom.  "Nazario, would it be okay for Rosa to accompany Ara to the restroom?"

"Surely."  Nazario said, turning to Rosa, who was then standing in perfect position as always.  "My love, please take Ara to the restroom, but mindful of the rules."

"Yes, Sir."  Rosa said.

Kane unhooked the tether, placed his finger under her chin, and raised her beautiful face to look into her eyes.  "Remember the rules, my pet?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Hurry back."  Kane said, kissing her pouty lips.

Rosa locked arms with Ara and off to the restroom they went.  Unfortunately, there was a line outside the ladies room and the wait would be a long one.

"Shit, I hate this, come; let's go to the restroom in the back hall."  Rosa said as she walked from the line and toward the back of the room.

The hall was dark and no one seemed to be around, but something didn't feel right.  Ara looked around, but could see nothing out of the ordinary. As they neared the bathroom, the light that was illuminating the hall shut off and now they were in total darkness.  Rosa and Ara turned to leave the hall and go back to the main area, when, suddenly, they were both grabbed and a cloth was placed over their mouths. Whoever had them was dragging them down the hall to the back door. Ara knew that if they were taken outside, there was a great possibility that they would be raped or killed; there was no way she could allow this to happen.  Trying to remember what Uriel had taught her, she waited for the best time to make her move, hoping that Rosa would also make hers. She remembered that Uriel told her to SING. Jab to the Solar plexus, stomp on the Instep, jam the heel of the palm to the Nose, and a swift kick to the Groin. When they reached the door and the man loosened his hold on her to grab the door knob, she knew this was her only chance. Ara threw her elbow with as much force as she could muster, into the Solar plexus of her attacker, causing him to groan loudly and loosen his hold on her.  "You fucking bitch," he gasped.

She then stomped on the top of his instep of his foot with the spike portion of her high heels, driving it as deeply as possible into his foot.  As she did so, she could hear that Rosa had also begun to fight off her attacker. The man who still had a hold of Ara's arm swung her around and landed a hard punch to her cheek, causing her eyes fill with tears.  Damn, that hurt, but she wouldn't let that stop her from fighting this asshole. Pulling back and putting everything ounce of power she had, she shoved the heel of her palm fiercely against his nose, pushing it upwards, causing it to crack.  At that moment, she turned toward Rosa and screamed, "ROSA...LETS GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" Ara grabbed her hand, taking off down the hall as fast as they could. As soon as they entered the main room, one of the guards saw the blood on their dresses and quickly ran to them.  He was already using his communicator to call for backup.

"What happened?"  He questioned, looking around for both Nazario and Kane.

"We were attacked."  Rosa gasped. "They are down the hall, by the back door."

"Are you okay here?"  He questioned, not wanting to leave them alone until his backup arrived, but needed to find the motherfuckers who dared to attack Mrs. Rosa and Miss Ara before they could escape.  Fuck, they were dead men walking.

"Go get the motherfuckers!"  Rosa yelled and the guard took off down the hall, pulling his gun out of the holster.

Rosa and Ara ran over to where they had left Nazario and Kane.  As they neared them, Kane looked up, and was shocked to see that their dresses were torn and there was blood on Ara's white dress.  As he quickly rose from his seat, he noticed the red mark that was blooming on her cheek. What the fuck had happened?

"Ara, baby, what happened?" He asked, moving his hands over her, checking for any other injuries.

"We were attacked!"  Ara cried, feeling all the adrenaline leaving her from the fight; she fell into Kane’s waiting arms.  Nazario also jumped up, grabbing Rosa and checking her for injuries.

Kane gathered Ara up in his arms and looked over to see that his father had done the same with Rosa.  Scanning the room, he caught Erik’s eye. Erik grabbed Brook’s hand and immediately rushed over to them, drawing his weapon upon seeing Ara and Rosa.

"What the hell happened?"  Erik gasped.

"They were just attacked in the hallway leading to the back door.  We have to get the girls out of here now. Call Uriel, tell him what has happened.  I want this club locked down immediately. Is that clear?"

“Sure thing Boss."  Erik said, taking out his phone and calling Uriel.

Kane and Nazario carried their girls out of the club and into the waiting limo.  Fuck, what a messed up night. As they got the girls in the car, Erik, Brook, Uriel, and Katrina came running out the door.  Brook and Katrina climbed into the car and began to hug Ara and Rosa.

"Erik take three men with you and take the girls to the estate."  Kane said.

"Kane, no, I need you!"  Ara cried.

Kane crawled into the car and took her in his arms.  As badly as he wanted to go with her, he needed to find the motherfucker who did this and make him pay.  "Baby, I will be behind you in a little bit. Erik will take you to the estate, and, as soon as I clean this mess up, I will come directly to you. Do you understand?"

"No, please don't leave me!" She sobbed.

"Baby, I need to find the motherfuckers.  But I promise I will be back to you as soon as I can."

Ara knew that he needed to do this, but she also knew she needed him here.  "Please, please hurry back."

"I will, my love.  I will have Dr. Mallos come and check you and mom out, okay?"

"I'm okay." She knew he was worrying, but, with the exception of her cheek, she just felt frightened.

"Don't fight me on this."  Kane said, and then he kissed her lightly on the lips and gently stroked her cheek, which was darkening and swelling.  He knew that, by morning, it would be bruised badly, and she would, most likely, be sporting a black eye, causing his rage to boil over.  With one last look of concern, he turned and climbed out of the car.

Ara nodded, knowing she wasn't going to win this argument.  Looking over she saw Nazario kiss Rosa and then followed his son out of the car.

The driver of the limo took off down the road and toward the estate, leaving Nazario and Kane to handle whoever did this to their Ara and Rosa.

Uriel was waiting for them at the front door of Diamond Knotts, and, together, the three of them took off through the building to the hallway where the girls had been attacked. Matthew, one of the guards on duty was there to meet them.

"No one is down there, Boss.  I’ve checked all the rooms; there is nothing.  There is some blood on the floor, but no other evidence of the attack.”  Matthew informed them.

"SHIT!" Kane yelled.  Who the fuck had gotten in the club and how the hell did they get that close to Ara?  Looking around, he spotted the security camera. "Uriel, we need to pull up the surveillance tape and see what is on there.  I want video of the back of the club and the inside as well." Kane demanded.

Rushing into the office, Uriel pulled up the footage from the surveillance monitors onto the screen, narrowing the footage to approximately an hour before the attack.  Watching intently, they finally saw a man in leather pants, white shirt, and a black mask walk down the hall and open the back door. Two men, all dressed in black with black masks, walked into the club.  The first man returned back into the club and exited out the front door, but the two men he gave access to the club positioned themselves on the back wall and began watching something or someone in the club.  One of the men pointws at something, then the camera showed them walking back down the hall and going into the supply closet toward the end. Moments later, they saw Rosa and Ara walking down the hall, then everything went black.

"Shit, what happened!"  Kane yelled, as Uriel frantically punches the keyboard, trying to bring back up the video.

"They turned off the lights," Uriel points out.

"Fuck, that is nothing to go on!"  Nazario yelled, mad as hell with the situation.

"Whose blood is that on the floor?"  Kane asked.

"Don't know; we need to find out from Rosa

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