» Erotic » United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗

Book online «United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗». Author Cherie Benjamin

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and Ara what happened and how they got away."  Uriel said.

"Well, Rosa has kept up with her defensive training and I know that Ara only had one lesson in hand to hand. Maybe she remembered enough to get free."

"Well, whatever it was, they are very lucky.  Uriel keep looking, pull up the feed from the parking lot and the back door.  

Kane nodded, “I want you to try to get a tag, or car description, and get with the guards on the front door, and see if they know who the guy was that left after letting the other two in the back door.  Oh, and let us know as soon as you get something. We are going home to check on the girls."

"I won't rest until I do, Kane; I promise."  Uriel swore.

"Thank you. Dad, let's get out of here and get home to our girls."

As they walked out of the office, they were relieved the party was still going on and that their presence would not be missed.  Kane then remembered the demonstration that he and Ara were supposed to perform. Fuck. Turning back to Uriel. "Uriel, let everyone that Ara became ill and needed to go home and pass along my sincerest apologies.  We don't want to alert everyone to tonight’s activities."

"Sure thing.  Kane, could you watch over Katrina for me?"  Uriel pleaded. As much as he wanted to go with them to check on Katrina, he knew his place was here, hunting down the motherfuckers who did this.

"Will do; if you find the fuckers, call us immediately, and take them to the warehouse.  I want to question them, get my answers, and then provide them with a long painful death."

Uriel nodded in response.  The motherfuckers had no idea what kind of pain they were in for and he couldn’t wait to see their faces when they did.  Revenge was always sweet.

As Nazario and Kane climbed into the car, Nazario turned to his son and asked, “Kane, where is the guard that was posted on the back door for the night?”  Kane looked at his father in surprise, quickly dialing Uriel on the phone.

Meanwhile, Ara, although calmed slightly, remembered, she never got to kick her assailant in the groin.


Chapter 27


Kurtus ran out the back of the building holding his broken bloody nose.  That fucking bitch broke my fucking nose, he thought.  He and Pedro ran down the alley to the car that was waiting for them.  Fuck, that didn't go at all liked they had planned. Where the hell did that girl learned to fight that way?  Last time he had been able to grab her and have his way with her; she didn't put up a fight, and now she broke his fucking nose.

"That damn old broad kicked me in the nuts.  I am going to piss blood for a week." Pedro whined. "How the fuck did she learn that shit?"

"Pedro, seriously?  That was Nazario Leone's wife and I’m pretty damn fucking sure he had her trained in some type of self-defense moves.  Hell, I’ve heard she is a crack shot with a handgun, so we’re damn fucking lucky she wasn't fucking carrying. Shit, I figured being at the club, she probably wouldn't be.  Donnie, did you take care of the guard on the back door?"

"Oh yeah, put one in the back of his head.  He went down without a sound. I had to move his large ass body to the back by the dumpster."  Donnie smirked.

"Great, now get us to my apartment so I can get cleaned up.  Make sure you dispose of this car and your gun. You know the fucking drill."

"Sure thing, Boss."

"I'll be in touch if I need you do something else.  Pedro, pay the man."

Pedro pulled out the envelope and handed it to Donnie.  "Good job."

Kurtus and Pedro quickly jumped out of the car and headed into the apartment building as soon as the car stopped.  Neither of them noticed that Tony was stationed in the black SUV across the street taking pictures of their arrival.  Tony zoomed in with the camera and noticed that Kurtus's face was a bloody mess, and Pedro was walking funny. He wondered what the fuck they had been up to, and where they just came from. Picking up his phone, he called Zachary.

"Zachary, I have some interesting news.  Kurtus and Pedro just got back to Kurtus’ apartment, and let me tell you, they both looked fucked up.  Seems someone beat the shit out of both of them."

"Shit, I have a bad feeling about this.  Was there anyone else with them?

“No, Boss, just the driver.  Couldn’t see who it was, but he high tailed it out of there as soon as Kurtus and Pedro left the car.”

“Let me call Kane and Ara and see if they’ve heard anything.  I'll call you back."

Zachary dialed Kane's number and a very frustrated sounding Kane answered.

"Zachary, now is not a good time."  Kane groaned.

"Kane, is everything okay?"


Chills ran down Zachary body, something bad had definitely happened and he just knew with every cell in his body that Kurtus had something to do with it.  "Kane please tell me that my granddaughter is safe and healthy."

"Yes, she’s safe now, but some asshole motherfucker attacked both her and my Mom at the party here at Diamond Knotts a little while ago.  They’re both in a car on the way to the estate as we speak."

"Kane, please let me come to the estate.  I need to see her. Please." Zachary pleaded.

"Fuck, Zachary, yeah, okay.  Grandpa is there and I am sure he would love to see you.  We have found out all we can, the fuckers got away so we’re getting ready to head to the house now."

"Kane, I think I may have some information about the attack.  I will be bringing Claudia, because she would have my balls if I didn't take her.  And, if it is okay, I’d like Tony to meet us there. He has the information that may be useful to us."

"Fine, whatever.  I'll see you in awhile."  Kane said, hanging up with Zachary.  What did he mean he might have information?  Shit, this had Kurtus has written all over it.  That asshole was going to die.

"Nazario, Zachary is coming to the estate; he said he may have information."

"Shit, I had a feeling."  Nazario said then yelled up at the driver.  "Steven, floor it!"

Steven pushed the pedal to the floor and sped through town to the estate, with the guard in the second vehicle hot on their tails.  They made quick time, and, as they went through the gate, they both noticed that the guards around the home had tripled. As soon as the vehicle stopped, Kane and Nazario were out the door and rushing toward the house.  They wanted, no, needed, to have their women in their arms. As they rushed through the door, they were met by Erik.

"Boss, they are in the den.  Dr. Mallos is here and checking them over."

"Fuck.  Okay, Zachary Morotti is in route, and his Capo Tony won’t be far behind him.  Notify the guards to grant them access and bring them in and soon as he gets here.  But no one, and I mean no one else better step one toe on this fucking property. You read me, Erik?"

"Sure thing, Boss.  Did you find out anything?"

"FUCK NO!" Kane yelled, mad as hell over the fact he didn't know who had touched his mother and beloved Ara.

Nazario and Kane made their way into the den, where they saw the doctor checking Ara over.  Kane rushed to her side, and fell to his knees just to be near her. His total reason for living had been attacked and hurt.  This was totally unacceptable, and never should have happened. Silently, he promised himself, that not only would the person who hurt her suffer with his life, but, if he found that any of his men had played some part in what happened tonight, they would be wishing for death before he was through with them.  Family doesn't betray or hurt family.

"How are you, my love?"  Kane whispered, fighting back his tears at the sight of the bruise on her face.

"I’m fine, love."

"But, baby, your face.  It looks so painful."

Ara took her hand, and rubbed his scruffy cheek lovingly.  "There is no real damage and it will go away. I am here safe and sound."

"Doctor, how is she?"  Kane asked, needing to not only hear it from her, but also to get confirmation from the Doctor.

"She has a bruise on her left cheek and some blackening of the eye, but nothing is broken.  She also has a bruise on the heel of her palm and a bruise on her rib cage, where the she was grabbed, but the bruising and swelling should subside in a day or two, and she will be fine in a few days."

"Thank God.  Are you in pain?  You have to be in pain.  Doc, give her the pain meds you gave me.  Baby, they will make all the pain go away."

Ara smiled sweetly, knowing there was no need for her to take the powerful pain meds that Kane had been given after he was shot. Besides, she really needed to keep her head, because she wanted to give all the information she had about the possible abductor.  "Kane, I don't need those meds; I will take some Tylenol as needed, and I will be fine."

"But you’re in pain, sweetheart."

"Shhh.  It is fine."

Nazario was also worried about Rosa.  Over the years, this had been his one true fear, the fear that his life would cause pain, or, God forbid death, for his wife or child.  Visually checking her over, he saw no signs of bruises except one on her upper arm. It looked like that’s where the motherfucking assholes had grabbed her.  After all their years together, though, it only took him looking into her beautiful eyes to see that she was fine. "Rosa, Ara, we need you both to tell us what happened."

Just as they began their story, Zachary, Claudia, and Tony walk into the room.  Zachary's eyes quickly found his granddaughter and saw the damage to her beautiful face.  "Ara, dear." Zachary cried. "Are you okay? Voglio vedere chi hai ferito nelle loro tombe. (I will see those who harmed you in their graves.)"  

"I am fine Zachary, grandfather."

"Oh, my sweet Ara."  Claudia said as she walked over to where Ara was sitting.  Kane stood and allowed Claudia and Zachary to get closer, as Claudia gently stroked Ara’s unharmed cheek.

"It is not as bad as it looks, Caro." (Beloved one) Claudia assured Ara.

As Zachary and Claudia were assuring themselves that their granddaughter was, indeed, okay, Kane Sr. made his way into the den. "Zachary, you old motherfucker, I thought you were dead,” Kane greeted his old nemesis with his outstretched hand.

"Kane, you old asshole, I thought you were dead as well; good to see you."  Zachary returned as he shook Kane Sr.’s hand.

"Same here; Claudia, may I say you are as lovely as always, but I seriously doubt your taste and sanity staying married to this fucker.”  Kane Sr. reach out and

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