» Erotic » United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗

Book online «United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗». Author Cherie Benjamin

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Chapter 30


The day had arrived.  Ara lay in one of the the guest bedrooms at the Leone estate staring up at the ceiling.  Today she was going to become Mrs. Kane Leone and the Donna of the Leone-Morotti crime family.  To say she was nervous would be an understatement. Yesterday had been very difficult for her, and she had woken several times during the night, with the images of Kurtus's lifeless body on the floor and blood on her hands.  She had woken up screaming during one nightmare and Rosa and Clara had come in and calmed her down. They climbed into bed with her, pulling her close, letting her know that she was loved and wanted. Only then did Ara finally go back to sleep and actually dreamt of a little boy with copper brown hair walking behind two men.  One man looked like Nazario and the other like Kane, each holding their hands behind their back.

When she woke, she remembered the dream and it made her smile. Had that been a vision of their son? God, she hoped so.  A soft rap on the door brought Ara from her thoughts.

"Come in."

The door opened and Rosa and Clara came in, carrying a tray full of delicious breakfast items.  "Breakfast for the bride." Rosa beamed.

Ara pulled herself up in the bed and Rosa placed the white tray on her lap.  It had a beautiful china plate with eggs, bacon, and cut up fruit. The matching teacup had a tea bag already in it, waiting for the hot water, and, beside it, was a Tiffany blue box.  "What is this?" Ara asked, picking up the box.

"Kane sent this over this morning.  It's your wedding gift." Rosa said.

"Oh, come on, Rosa, you and I both know that is only the beginning of the gift parade."  Clara chuckled.

"Yeah, he is his father's son."

"What do you mean, Rosa?"  Ara questioned as she untied the white bow on the little blue box.

"On my wedding day, I remember Nazario going a bit overboard with the gifts."  Rosa eyes glazed over in memory of her special day.

"Overboard? Really? His dad had to tell him to wait to give the others after the wedding."  Clara giggled.

"Okay, so let's see what he started with?"

Ara pulled out the box, and, nestled inside, was a stunning pair of diamond solitaire earrings.  "Oh my, they are beautiful." Ara cried.

"Oh, Valdo did well."  Clara sighed.

"They are too much."  Ara said with tears in her eyes.

Rosa carefully climbed onto the bed beside Ara, and placed her arm around her.  "Ara, dear, you are giving something to Kane worth more than any bobbles he may bestow upon you today."

Ara looked up at Rosa and wondered what she had given Kane that would be worth a pair of extremely large diamond earrings.  Seeing the look of confusion on Ara’s face, Rosa informed her, "You are giving him yourself and your love for him. You are giving him a future, and causing his dreams to become a reality."

"But, Rosa...That."

However, before Ara could finish the sentence, Rosa interrupted her.  "Ara, before you came into his life, he was just going the motions. Yes, he loved and cared about his family, but there was no spark in his eyes, no purpose to his life but his work.  The second he saw you, his whole world changed for the better. You have strengthened his resolve, tuned his focus, and, together, you will both be the partners you each need in running this new venture that is being formed with the merging of the Leone and Morotti families.  Ara, when all the dust settles after this joining, both sides are going to see that this is the best direction for everyone. I can't wait to witness it."

Ara threw her arms around Rosa, and hugged her tightly.  "Thank you." Ara cried.

Rosa rubbed her hand up and down Ara's back lovingly.  She was so happy that her son had found such a caring loving woman.  "Now, no tears today, you are getting married. Eat up and then I want you to take a book and enjoy the rest of the morning on the deck."

"But, aren’t there things to be done?"  Ara questioned.

"Everything has been taken care of.  You, my dear, are to relax and enjoy the day."

"Okay."  Ara knew, with all the excitement of the day, she would need this time to rest and relax.

Ara ate her delicious breakfast and listened to Rosa and Clara talking about Kane when he was growing up and all the silly things he did.  Thinking about Kane as a small child made her daydream about the day that she and Kane's child would be doing things similar to his father.  She could picture a cute green eyed, bronzed hair little boy running around causing problems, and stealing little girls hearts.

Dressing in comfortable white yoga pants and pale blue shirt, Ara picked up a book and headed out to the deck to enjoy the morning.  Settling on one of Rosa’s comfortable deck loungers, she looked out at the bay and basked in the moment. A warm summer breeze blew off the water, bringing a fine mist up to the deck and lightly danced on her cheeks.  Licking her lips, she could taste the salty mist. What would it be like to live here all of the time?

She had spent a many of an hour at the estate over the last month and, with each moment, it felt more and more like home.  She loved her and Kane’s apartment, but, deep in her heart, she dreamed of a home, where they could start their family. Picking up her book, she began to read.  She had just finished the second chapter when she heard the door open. Turning, she saw that Nazario, dressed in a pair of jeans and a simple, untucked white button down shirt walking out with a coffee cup in his hand.  His crystal blue eyes shone brightly in the late morning sun.

"Good morning, Nazario."

"Good morning, sweetie.  Do you mind if I join you awhile?"

"No, please, have a seat."  Ara said, sitting up more in the chair and laying her book down.

"Beautiful morning."  Nazario said, taking a sip of his coffee.  He wanted to come out and see how Ara was doing after last night.  He knew that Rosa had gotten up several times to check on her after the nightmares, which was normal for someone to experience after their first kill.  Last night, he had been so proud of how she handled herself. Hell, even a seasoned killer would have been impressed. "Ara, how are you doing this morning?"

Ara took in a deep breath, and tried to organize her thoughts before speaking.  "Nazario, to tell you the truth, I don't know. I killed my half-brother without blinking an eye.  It did upset me, but, the more I reasoned, the more I realized that it had to be done. Kurtus was an evil man, and, if I hadn't killed him, he would have killed my grandparents, taken over the family, and who knows the violence and devastation that his reign as Don would have caused."

"That is all true.  Your logic and your compassion are why you are going to make a great Donna."

"Are you sure?"  Ara questioned, unsure if she was truly worthy of the position.

"Yes.  You are intelligent, level headed, loyal, and, most importantly, you love the family, even the members you haven't met yet.  Your goal is to rule fairly, and in the best interest of everyone, yet you are not afraid to take the necessary actions to insure the best possible outcome.  Those are the signs of a great leader."

"Thank you.  Your confidence in me is what I needed to hear.  What happened last night after we left?"

"Tony got Pedro while he was waiting in the car for Kurtus, and took him to their warehouse.  From what I understand, Pedro cried like a baby after only a few minutes of torture and told Zachary and Tony everything that Kurtus had planned.  However, Zachary believed he was holding something back, but, after several hours of torture, he would not give it up. Zachary was the one to end his life, saying ‘one last asshole gone’ and hopefully, it would be the last one he would have to dispose of as Don.  But it is unsettling that Pedro wouldn't tell them what or who they were working with, so we must be mindful at all times."

"Was there anything else that Kurtus was planning?"

"Yes, Pedro said that Kurtus was going to kill Kane and take you as his own."

"Fuck."  That thought was enough to bring Ara’s breakfast back for a repeat appearance.

"Yes.  Now we have to plan the best course of action with Sebastian."

"I was wondering Nazario, what about Portia and Simon?  What do you know about them?"

"Not much really, that would be a question for Zachary, but I have never heard anything negative about either of them.  I’m under the impression they have little to do with the family business."

"I was wondering.  I will have to ask Kane and Zachary about any concerns with them."

"Another sign of a great Donna."  Nazario smirked.

Blushing brightly, Ara lowered her head and looked at her lap.

"None of that."  Nazario said. "Head up and stare them in the eye, daughter.  Never let them see fear; make them fear you."

Ara lifted her head, straightened her back and shoulders, and looked Nazario in the eye and gave him her best "don't fuck with me” stare.

"Wow! That is good.  What did you use to change your mood and appearance like that?"

"I pulled from the reserves of anger I have felt throughout my life for the feelings of inadequacy and neglect at the hands of Mave and Luna.  Becoming a member of this family has given me a feeling of worth, and shown me that I have and do deserve better than that."

"You do, and we, the Leone family, promise to always love and cherish you."  Nazario said, getting up and wrapping his arms around her and giving a true fatherly hug.

Ara’s eyes began to tear up; this was what family was supposed to feel like.  A warm and comforting hug to make all the pain and sadness go away. This was her family.

Rosa walked out onto the deck to find Nazario and Ara sharing a sweet father/daughter moment.  Wiping away a stray tear, she cleared her throat to get their attention. "My son had someone deliver another gift for the bride."

Nazario pulled back, took his fingers, and wiped the tears from Ara's cheeks.  "Let's see what he got you, shall we? I taught him well, you know." Nazario snickered.

Ara nodded and turned to Rosa, who was holding a larger box than the one she received this morning.  Rosa handed her the box and removed the ribbon, Ara opened the lid to find a stunning Rolex watch. Diamonds surrounded the edge of the watch, while the face had diamonds and beautiful sapphires.

"Well, what did my son get you?"  Nazario chuckled.

Ara held out the box so Rosa and Nazario could see the watch.  "Oh, how lovely." Rosa cooed.

"It is."  Ara said as she remembered the wise words that Rosa had told her earlier.

Rosa looked at Ara and smiled, she was learning.  "Ara, all the girls have arrived."

"Oh, thank you, Rosa," Ara gushed as she hugged Rosa around the shoulders.

"You are most welcome.  Go meet up and I will make sure the luncheon is on schedule."

Ara got up, but, before she left the deck, she reached up on her

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