» Erotic » United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗

Book online «United with the Family, Cherie Benjamin [read after .TXT] 📗». Author Cherie Benjamin

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new life together. The ability and desire for one human being to love another is perhaps the most precious and fulfilling gift that has been entrusted to us.  It is an all-consuming task, a lifelong endeavor — the journey we’ve been preparing for all of our lives. Loving someone is a reason to stretch beyond our limits, to become more for the sake of the other. It is to look into the soul of your beloved and accept what you see.  Loving is the ultimate commitment which challenges humans to become all that we are meant to be. As they join in marriage today, Arabella Marie and Kane Anthony Ian are announcing to the world that they are welcoming that challenge. Arabella and Kane have written their own vows."

Kane cleared his throat and began.  "Arabella, Ara, our miracle lies in the path we have chosen together. I enter this marriage with you knowing that the true magic of love is not to avoid changes, but to navigate them successfully. Let us commit to the miracle of making each day work - together."  As he finished a tear flowed down his cheek.

Ara reached up and wiped away the tear before she began.  Reaching deep inside and pulling the most powerful emotions she could.  "Where there has been cold, you have brought warmth; where my life was dark, you have brought light. Kane, I pledge before this assembled company to be your wife from this day forward. Let us make of our two lives, one life, and let us always honor and respect each other."

"Please present your rings."  Father Ryan said. Kane turned to Uriel, who handed the rings to Kane.  Kane placed the rings in Father Ryan's hand. "May these rings be blessed as the symbol of this affectionate unity.  These two lives are now joined in one unbroken circle. Wherever they go, may they always return to one another in their togetherness.  May these two find in each other the love for which all men and women yearn. May they grow in understanding and in compassion. May the home, which they establish together, be such a place of sanctuary that many will find there a friend.  May these rings, on their fingers, symbolize the touch of the spirit of love in the heart."

Father Ryan handed the first ring to Kane and he took Ara’s dainty hand into his. “With this ring, I marry you: With my loving heart.  With my willing body. And with my eternal soul." As he finished, he slipped on the circle of diamonds onto her finger.

Father Ryan then handed Ara the other ring and she took his strong powerful hand into hers.  "With this ring, I marry you: With my loving heart. With my willing body.

And with my eternal soul."  As she finished, she slipped on the platinum band on his finger.

Staring deeply and lovingly into each other's eyes, wanting to hear the words that the Father was about to say.

Father Ryan smiled at the couple and then looked up at the guests.  He was aware that this day there were more sinners in the house than ever before, but also knew that the Leones were, overall, good people and, in this world, sometimes that was enough.  "Arabella and Kane, you have heard the words about love and marriage, have exchanged your vows and made your promises, and celebrated your union with the giving and receiving of rings. It is at this time that I now pronounce you husband and wife.  You may now kiss the bride!"

"About fucking time."  Kane exclaimed as he pulled Ara to him and dipped her backward, laying a long passionate kiss upon her lips.  The entire world stopped, it was just the two of them. Finally, he felt a tap on the shoulder and, pulling back, he was met with the bright brown eyes of his wife.  Fuck…he was married.

"May I present, Mr. and Mrs. Kane Anthony Ian Leone!"  Father Ryan announced.

Kane held out his arm, Ara wrapped hers around his, and they proceeded down the steps and down the aisle, while the guests clapped for them.  When they exited the door, Kane leaned in for another kiss, one was not enough. They poured all their love into the kiss, and, when they were out of breath, they finally pulled apart, finding the entire wedding party standing around them, laughing at the couple.  Elizabeth and Becky were making bets that they wouldn't make it through the reception without sneaking off for a little alone time.

"Hey, I want in on that."  Erik roared.

"Funny, guys, let's get these photographs over with so we can get to the reception.  Because, once it is over, I want to spend some much needed alone time with my wife." Kane said.

Zachary and Claudia were so moved by the wedding that both had tears in their eyes.  Sebastian looked over and wondered what the fuck was going on. Leaning over, he whispered.  "When the fuck did you get so tight with the Leones? Is there something I need to fucking know?"

"Sebastian, watch your mouth, we are in the house of God."  Zachary seethed. "I don't have to answer to you."

Sebastian leaned back and tried to calm down.  Why the fuck was this old man still alive and where the fuck was Kurtus?  He was told that the car was supposed to fail yesterday, but something must have happened, and today he was getting all weepy over the Leone fucker’s wedding.  And, again, he couldn't place why that White chick looked so familiar.

Finally, the Morottis were out the door and in the cars, heading to the reception.  Zachary and Claudia had been delayed coming out, so Sebastian, Portia, and Simon took their car and left.  Sitting in the car, Portia was going on and on about how beautiful the wedding was and how beautiful Arabella was.  "Sebastian, she looked so much like your grandmother Arabella."

Sebastian turned quickly to look at his wife, and things began to click into place.  Fuck, could it be? No, there was no way, or was there? Fuck, he needed to talk to Kurtus and quick.  Pulling out his phone, he called Kurtus, but, like earlier today, it went straight to voicemail. The prick had his phone off; fucker must be balls deep in a girl.

As Sebastian and Portia were off to the reception, Zachary and Claudia were having their pictures taken with the Ara and Kane.  All of the bridesmaids and the groomsmen were gone except for Uriel, Katrina, Erik, and Brook. Kane had explained to Brook and Katrina what was going on.  Katrina was shocked, as was Brook, but when they saw how Zachary and Claudia were around Ara, they knew this was a good thing. After the photographs, they were all off to the reception.

The reception hall was decorated with large white hydrangeas, lilies, and white roses.  Tall floral arrangements were on each table, which was covered in a white and gold linen tablecloth, with gold chargers and fine china plates.  There were large swags of the flowers over the doorways and over the head table. The whole room was dimly lit, and the warm glow of the candles made for a very romantic setting.

In the center of the dance floor, was the large, seven-tiered white wedding cake.  Each tier was covered with either sugar flowers, elegant piping, or edible lace work.  The bottom two tiers were four round cakes that were positioned so it looked as if they were elegant steps.

After announcing the wedding party, dinner was served and the cake was cut.  The wait staff ensured the cake table was moved before the dancing was about to start.  Even though many of the guests were enemies, they were on their best behavior. Not only were their rival families invited, but also many top ranking businessmen who had done business with the Leones over the years.  David Grant was also in attendance. When he got the invitation, he went into a rage, tearing up his office. He had wanted, no he still wanted, Ara White for his own. However, she was now married, but, he thought that maybe there was something he could about it.

As everyone was enjoying their desserts, Kane, Ara, Nazario, and Zachary slipped out of the room and into the room where they were going to do the exchange of powers.  Kane and Ara slipped into the adjoining room and began to change into their Don and Donna attire.

"Baby, you looked so beautiful today in this dress."  Kane cooed, kissing her shoulder.

"Thank you; can you please help me with the hairpin, it's your mother’s.  I don't want anything to happen to it."

Kane reached up and removed the pin from her beautiful hair.  Taking the veil and laying it over the chair, he walked back and unzipped her gown.  Seeing her in all white undergarments made his dick extremely hard. He wanted nothing more than to rip off those white lace panties and ram into his home, but that would be later tonight.

Ara saw the lust in her husband's eyes and she, too, felt the same way, but they needed to take care of business first.  Kane helped her into her gown, which was black with swirls of gold and, as she took down her hair, she fixed it to flow over one shoulder.

Kane removed his wedding tuxedo and dressed in an all black suit.

After dressing, they walked out of the room and into the adjoining room where Nazario and Zachary were standing by a table.  Kane took Ara’s hand and walked over to them.

"We are here tonight to pass down the Leone and Morotti families to you."  Nazario said, looking at the couple before him. "You have demonstrated your loyalty, support, and compassion for the members of your family.  It is these attributes that will assist you in presiding over each of the families, and uniting them as one."

"Do you swear with every drop of blood within your body to protect this newly combined family with your lives?"

"We do."  Kane and Ara said together.

"Do you swear to support and assist each member of the family?"

"We do."

"Sangue del mio sangue, il cuore del mio cuore, per sempre proteggere la famiglia.”

(Blood of my blood, heart of my heart, forever protect the family)

Nazario pulled off his ring and slipped it on Kane's pinky finger.  He then pulled out the Leone bracelet and slipped it on Ara's wrist.  Zachary had a new Donna ring made for Ara’s small hand and he pulled off his ring and handed it to Ara.  "Please keep this ring for when you pass the families to your son, if he is born first, if not, keep it as a reminder of me."  Zachary then put on the Morotti Donna ring onto Ara’s right pinky finger and turned to Kane. He had a Morotti crest pin that Kane could wear on his jacket.

Kissing Ara and Kane on the cheek, both Zachary and Nazario smiled.   "Now let's go party." Zachary said.

As the group walked out of the room, they were met with Erik, Uriel, Tony, and Roaland.  They walked back toward the reception hall and slipped into the curtain that Rosa had put up for this occasion.  Nazario and Zachary walked up to the podium.

Sebastian looked up and saw his father standing beside Nazario.  What the fuck was going on?  He thought.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, can we have your attention please.  Rosa and I want to thank everyone tonight. When our Kane brought Arabella over to meet us, we could see immediately that they were made for each other.   As you know, I am passing the family to Kane, as tradition dictates, for him to look after, but we have a surprise for many of you tonight. Zachary Morotti, I pass the floor to you."  Nazario said, stepping aside.

"Good Evening.  I bet you all are wondering why I am standing here beside Nazario Leone.  Well, as many of you know, I have decided to pass my family down to my oldest

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