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the waters” and having it “come back to you on every wave”, this is one of the pre-eminent elements of wisdom, that witchery in its truest form espouses as our lifestyle. Simply because we CAN “make shit happen”, doesn’t mean that we SHOULD, at every whim of fancy that presents itself to us. We ARE responsible for what works we do, even if the people that we effected, have no idea of what we have instigated upon them.



Remote Viewing/ Scrying

Remote Viewing…

The topic of “remote viewing” is not such a new thing as many today would have you believe. Indeed, MUCH of what is currently studied as modern science, was known in a much broader scope and spectrum in ancient times in the craft. Had the ancient libraries, where the learned magi, witches, wizards, sages and such, published their studies, remained unburned by those who found it easier to rule the ignorant; what we commonly know today as the offshoots of those eldritch technologies, would be MUCH further along than they are!

Pharmacology, might still be called “sorcery”, and not with the ignorance that sorcery is perceived of today. Forensic science, surgery, and anatomical studies, would still be necromancy. After all, you are still learning a great deal, spending all that time with the dead. Homeo - and osteopathic medicine would still be the primary, healthy choice of medicine, rather than the side effect ridden, over inflated, prohibitively expensive, pharmaceutically based, M.D. (Doctor of Medicine - Sorcerer) type of healthcare, that everyone is driven to today, as opposed to “alternate medicine”. Computer and technical wizards, are still no less those mutterers of arcane terms and obscure words, that so many common folk find as unintelligible, as wizards ever were. But the nature of “wizards”, as opposed to the more “shamanic”, and priestly natures of witches, has always, and ever been the deeper studies of whatever field, that they feel compelled to study.

You probably know quite a few, very real wizards of your own. “Whiz kids”, pinball wizards, wizards of gaming, technical wizards, computer wizards: It’s a connection with the human side of our common ancestry, that has never really changed. But that it serves a certain class of “authorities”, to have you believe that your ancestors were all brutish and ignorant, and nowhere near as intelligent, and as sophisticated as they are today, and that it’s well worth the added expense of coming to them, for your solutions to every problem in life.

As I’ve been pointing out, over and over in this book: There’s more about science than mumbo-jumbo, in ALL the aspects of the craft. You were kept in ignorance, and in fear of it all, to better rule you with a craft and subtlety, that you no longer even recognize as such. You see witches like myself, as coming to you with this very different, and somehow, yet very relevant perspective on the world around us. But I’m trying to show you, that it is all because I had different teachers, with a very different agenda, to raise up a proper witch (wise one).

Much as the warlock clergy have poisoned your minds, for so many centuries about witches making pacts with the devil, and kissing his backside in unrestrained ritualistic orgies; I notice that a great many people are still troubled in their hearts and minds, at the mere mention that I am a witch. It is NOT the craft that you fear. It is your perception of what it is, that is hurting you and keeping you from understanding it for what it really is, and meant to be. My personal goal here, is NOT to make you all witches, but to make you all, a little bit wiser, in hopes of all of our combined efforts, making our common world, a better place for ALL of us, and NOT just a privileged, elite few.

I’d like to address firstly, the subject of remote viewing as it is often taught today, and then move backwards to the older versions of this same craft. Like MUCH in our present paradigm’s educational system, this did not “evolve” into something better, but “de-volved” into something lesser. My experience with “remote viewing” came via my involvement in MK Ultra studies, as far back as 1968-69, in Rochester, New York. If you search the Internet, you can read a bit about a more famous proponent of remote viewing, named Ingo Swann. His work with this program, began around 1970, and a few things about this program started to change ever since. I don’t blame Ingo so much for this, but the nature of the use of remote viewing in a clandestine, C.I.A., black budget, “spying program”. I will elaborate on this.

In the earlier years of these studies, this was identified with a “Sybil Program”, and the images on the logos used, were that of a blindfolded sibyl, or ancient oracles of the Greeks. The idea of blocking out one’s physical sight, to train them to rely more heavily upon the inner vision, or second sight, was an ancient developmental tool of its time. What the modern “wizards” of this craft proposed to their human guinea pigs (me included among these), was something that you now call a “sensory deprivation tank”. It was a hideous and scary thing back in those days. Especially so if you were a bit claustrophobic, or afraid of the dark. I and others, were kept in the dark for very long periods of time, until we couldn’t even discern the time we spent there anymore. The premise of this technique was still based upon the ancient precepts of denying sensory input, via the normal five senses, to build up and accentuate the other means that our minds have of gathering information.

The tank was an ugly thing, that closed and sealed us inside. It was filled with saline (salt water), at precisely 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, or normal body temperature. The salty aspects of the water inside, made our bodies float easily within, as if there was no gravity pulling us down, in effect of making us feel weightless. No light. No other smells, and it was soundproofed as well. A small intercom was in the ceiling of the tank, so that the doctors could talk to us to instruct us a bit towards what they hoped to accomplish. By taking people of certain genetic stocks, with the greater potential for certain obscure talents, much as I’ve described in earlier chapters here, and by shutting down our normal sensory input: Forced us to reach out for information and input, beyond the “normal” means.

At some point prior, or during these exercises, I would be told about a certain person, or a certain place that I had never seen or met before. Once I had gotten calmed down in the tank, I was told to find them, and then describe what I saw. They’d ask me questions about the details, and I’d search further and deeper. To my own perceptions: I had gone out of myself, like the ghost of a living boy. I would fly to these destinations, often at speeds so great, that during the initial parts of my trips, it appeared that I was moving through a blurry tunnel of some sort. I would come out of the tunnel, high above my targets, and describe the lay of the land, or neighborhood I was entering. If my target person, was in a house or building of some sort, I could float in through the roof, or the walls, and begin describing the inside of the place. Sometimes, I could get closer to the person that was my target, and even close enough, to tell what they were thinking about, and even how they were feeling about it. In later years, many would tell me that this was NOT technically “remote viewing“, but another aspect of “astral projection”. I will get more into detail on that subject in my next chapter. I include this here, only to show you what we were doing in the beginning, as opposed to what you find on this topic today via YouTube. There is a progression that I want you to notice in all of this. A pattern.

Along the same times that these experiments were going on, there was much testing and experimenting, in other techniques of remote viewing, that I enjoyed a lot more than being locked into a metal box. Most of the doctors involved in the MK Ultra programs, were the most prominent psychiatrists and psychologists of the 20th Century. Doctors like Dr. Sydney Gottlieb, Dr. Ewen Cameron, Dr. George Estabrook, Dr. Louis Jolian West, among many others. In the field of hypnosis, it was a common practice to draw the eyes of their subjects, with lights, or something shiny that reflected light. Upon getting them into a “hypnologic state”, the hypnotist would invoke more of a “right brained” response from their subjects, and be able to pull up dreams and forgotten memories to the surface, that their test subjects never even knew was there. A number of such things were tried, to get me into the proper state to remote view, and I’d describe or draw what I was seeing, with about a 90% degree of accuracy. Usually, the parts that were not 100% correct, were actually “correct” in a more symbolic or a metaphor or such. They truly described something present in the target site, but not quite in the manner that they were looking for at the time. But I had “other” teachers in the craft, that they were not truly aware of at that time, as our clan structure and witchery was closed to outsiders.


Among our own wyrding folk, we learned and practiced an ancient art of “news gathering”, called “scrying”. These would be accomplished by the practitioner relaxing before a candle, a crystal, a mirror, or small basin of water. In fact, these can be done while looking into a glint of light, coming off a broken piece of glass in the sunlight. A stream or a pond. In the luster of a well polished car fender, a fireplace or a campfire, or even the moon light glimmering off a mud puddle. Some people will do better with one sort of item or another, as the case may be. But I’ll elaborate on that a bit later on here. We relax our minds and bodies, and even the focus of our eyes, into the surface of the gleam we are looking into. We are searching for something in particular. It may be as vague as some general sort of information about nearly anything. At some point in our focus, our sight moves beyond the merely physical surfaces or barriers of the objects of our focus, and new imagery erupts into our minds, of that which we are searching for. This is the essence of the ancient practice or craft of scrying.

Now, you may be wondering what form of scrying may work best for you. I’m sure that most of you have heard of people who claim to be “fire signs”, “water signs”, or some such things. This works on the premise that people born

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